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I want a pot-bellied pig!

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Today I saw a baby at the feed store. I held the cell phone to him so dh could hear his little tiny snorts.

What an adorable animal! It was about 6 inches a the shoulder.

I am not getting one but I have been thinking about it all morning!


Oh, they are so cute aren't they?!


My younger son loves pigs and he's always wanted one, too.

For years I told him that I'm sure we can't have a pig in the city limits, but we recently found out that a family just a couple of blocks from us has one. He's just bigger than a bull-dog, but much heavier. The owners are so kind, and they let Hunter visit him.


What interesting animals pigs are!

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Warning, warning, they do not stay small and cute!:lol:

I have worked on many pot-bellied pigs. They are supposed to be 75-100# as an adult but because of their dominant personalities and pushover owner they often become 300# and develop all kinds of nasty problems.

OTOH, I do remember one client that took very good care of her pig and it was a proper weight. Do thorough research and talk to people who have them before getting one. They are not housepets as so many like to promote them as. They are pigs. Even if you put lipstick on them they are still a pig...:lol:...sorry just couldn't resist. They are smarter than dogs in many ways, but they are not dogs.

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Warning, warning, they do not stay small and cute!:lol:

I have worked on many pot-bellied pigs. They are supposed to be 75-100# as an adult but because of their dominant personalities and pushover owner they often become 300# and develop all kinds of nasty problems.

OTOH, I do remember one client that took very good care of her pig and it was a proper weight. Do thorough research and talk to people who have them before getting one. They are not housepets as so many like to promote them as. They are pigs. Even if you put lipstick on them they are still a pig...:lol:...sorry just couldn't resist. They are smarter than dogs in many ways, but they are not dogs.



Exactly what I was about to say. Minus the funny lipstick joke. :D

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Warning, warning, they do not stay small and cute!:lol:

I have worked on many pot-bellied pigs. They are supposed to be 75-100# as an adult but because of their dominant personalities and pushover owner they often become 300# and develop all kinds of nasty problems.

OTOH, I do remember one client that took very good care of her pig and it was a proper weight. Do thorough research and talk to people who have them before getting one. They are not housepets as so many like to promote them as. They are pigs. Even if you put lipstick on them they are still a pig...:lol:...sorry just couldn't resist. They are smarter than dogs in many ways, but they are not dogs.



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My sister wanted one for yrs. She has a pig fetish. Finally after a divorce, she got one, he was cute. Than, he grew and grew.


She had him for a while and lived a good life and died. Now how to get rid of said pig.


She had to get a friend w/ a bulldozer to remove him, because he was so big.


Sorry to be morbid.

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Her boyfriend bought it for her as a gift. She didn't have Bacon very long because he was apparently born with some kind of kidney problem and died a few months after she got him. He was adorable though, black and cuddly. I was teaching kindergarten at the time and brought Bacon in for the dc to see. They loved him.

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my neighbor just got one, it's supposed to stay small. We all went over to see it, my kids were very excited. She (the neighbor) was sitting in the playhouse/now converted pig-pen with it, trying to get the dog to stop barking at it...

It smelled..bad. The pig made squealing noises every time she tried to pick it up.


As I was leaving, my neighbor asked me if I wanted a pig..



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Many years ago, pg with my 3rd I spent the day at a friend's house, along with another friend and our kids, and her small petting zoo. Including a large, obnoxious, smelly pot-bellied pig that snarfled pig snot up and down my pants leg while the owner kept saying how cute and friendly her pig was. I spent the day on the verge of throwing up, unable to leave because friend 2 picked me up. All I can say is yuck, yuck and more yuck. It was NOT cute.

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Many years ago we had neighbors/friends that had one. It was so adorable when it was little, but then it became this huge, mean, nasty thing. It tried to bite people (and was successful many times) and scratched itself on their furniture and Christmas tree which completely knocked everything down. And the squeals! UUGGGHHH! Don't do it!

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