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2017-2018 9th grade planning - if you've started, please post!

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OK, I'm another one planning 9th grade for the first time.... So far we have been doing AO with Canadian changes, but not totally sure....


Would be at year 7 of AO.


Social - History - World history from AO year 7 or? Time period about middle ages. If we do AO we are good for a couple of years then I have to figure out Canadian for last couple. If not... Then the last 3 years of rotation for high school and a year of something? Son is interested in Roman Battle formations..... Maybe some type of War tactics???


Science - probably AO year 7, or classical astronomy. Or possibly Apologia Biology....


Math - MEP 7b and hopefully all of 8.


English - choosing some AO for literature. Need to add in some writing and grammar. Looking at Writing & Rhetoric, along with ?


PE/Health. - He is actually doing it now... Homemade stuff with various topics but included an Emergency First Aid and a babysitting course.






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UPDATED 6-19-17


Hmmm, I think that I've been avoiding this thread for two main reasons: 1) still very unsure of what we will be doing in the fall and 2) my younger daughter cannot possibly be old enough to have moved to the high school board :(


Here is what we might be doing:


Math-complete Algebra I from Jacob's and start Geometry

English-Lost Tools of Writing + grammar, commonplace book and dictation

French 2-continue with Breaking the Barrier, L'Art d'ecrire  and adding in more components (dictation, audio, reading, etc.)

Latin-working on this

German I-working on this

History-working through series by Dorothy Mills with my guides

Science-Conceptual Physics (Hewitt) + extras

Literature-still working on this

Art-working on this

Nature Study-working on this


She is a serious piano student and her teacher brings in a great deal of music study into her lessons. We'll add composer studies and opera studies.


Dance....dance....dance.... :) LOL! Ballet and Modern

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We like it well enough, but sometimes I feel like there could be more explicit instruction for some of the exercises. I say this coming from Nallenart's L'Art de Lire, which we've completed and have started the next level up, L'Art d'Ecrire. But, I do think that extra practice pages and the additional work in dictation, reading, etc. will help with this.  


I also wish that more audio was included, but I didn't speak French myself when we started it, so this may be a factor in that. The BTB audio includes a vocabulary section, conversational section and every other chapter includes an ongoing story dialogue section. But, we may have been spoiled a bit with Nallenart, whose audio component included verb conjugations and more.


For now we will continue with it and add components. I'd like to get back into watching movies in French and having her read more in French too.I am also considering an online class for her though, since my weakness is obviously the conversational side of this. I'm going to try and find alternative routes for supplementing this side by looking at other resources, but the online class would be a back-up option.


BTB does continue through three levels, which is nice for those who may want to go further with it.  :)

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Thanks for the feedback. I took two years of French in high school, so I'm rusty and certainly not fluent, but my pronunciation is not bad. I'm planning on re-learning along with my kids and hopefully being able to have conversations with them.  Our library has Mango languages, so we'll add that in as well.  I'll keep an eye out for other extra practice and reading opportunities.   

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 I am waiting for online providers to post schedules but my plan so far is:


Math- Algebra 2 WTMA (AOPS class)

English- Expository Writing III WTMA

History- Ancient History WTMA

Science- Biology (still deciding provider, WTMA, Homeschool Connections or FundaFunda)

Foreign Language- Spanish 2 at co-op (unless a conflict with WTMA, then will be looking for something else)

Elective- Logic (Memoria Press online or Homeschool Connections)


This is my third ds to go through high school at home.  I have learned from the first two that we need to outsource as much as possible and that I need to keep it simple.  So I resist lots of electives or supplementing and just try to cover the basics really well.  


Already changed my mind from what I posted a couple weeks ago!


Math- Algebra 2 WTMA (AOPS class)

English- Expository Writing III WTMA

History- College Prep American History (Memoria Press Academy)

Science- Physics (still deciding on provider for this)

Elective- Logic 1/2 (Memoria Press Academy)

Elective- Health (WTMA - this is a required class for our state and I hate trying to squeeze it in and my ds loves the teacher)


He will take the Counting and Probability summer class at WTMA for the .5 credit.


Probably not attending our homeschool co-op at all so we'll punt the foreign language until later in high school and do it de.


My older kids took more credits but this seems like a heavy load for 9th grade and I realized at the end of high school that my other guys didn't need so many credits.  

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I'm not certain but, here's what we're Praying about



systematic math

PAC Integrated Physics and Chemistry (adding the 101 series dvds)

Henle Latin (m)

The Art of Argument (m)


He really wants to learn Russian but, I have no clue how to go about that.

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Well, here we go....taking the plunge with HS!  DD is a rising 9th grader, and while I'm nervous about it, I'm also excited.


Here is what we have planned.  Please, anyone, let me know if you see any holes.


  • Bible: Old Testament integrated w/history, but I'm dedicating it as it's own class because we like depth. Other resources will include lectures, and videos by Dr. Michael Heiser.  Books will include:
  • English: Combo of composition using IEW's Elegant Essay and Literature corresponding to history.  We will be using RR's Old Western Culture: The Greeks for some of the books; not for others.  Here is our book list so far:
  • Geometry: Math is a struggle with DD, not because she can't do it, but because she HATES it.  I've purchased two different Geometry programs in the hopes that one of them, or a combination thereof, will work for her.
    • Thinkwell videos from HSBC w/corresponding Holt Geometry Text (SE & TE)
    • HSCB Jacobs Geometry package when it was on sale
  • Ancient History:  This is the jewel in the crown!  DD LOVES Ancient History.  For this class I found the exact text I was looking for after endless hours of researching all the standard Ancient History texts out there in homeschool land.  None of the others could convey what we were looking for -- actual biblical & cultural context from the point of view of the ANE peoples (not from our POV or a 21st Century POV).  Geography will be meshed into this class.  Resources to be used:
    • Main Text: Historical & Chronological Context of the Bible, by Bruce W. Gore (This text, despite the title, is more about ancient history from the beginnings of civilization through the Roman Empire with biblical events revealed as they occurred within that timeframe according to current dating consensus. 
    • Bruce Gore's website which contains free, downloadable Teachers Resources/Aids (slides, chapter questions/answers; quizzes/answers)
    • Bruce Gore's free 36-lecture series on YouTube that correspond to the text
    • Selected Great Courses Plus lectures - some essay questions will come from the guides
    • Selections from A History of the Ancient Near East by Marc Van De Mieroop
    • Sumerians: A History from Beginning to End
    • RR Old Western Culture: Greek History DVDs (Herodotus, Thucydides, & Xenophon) w/downloaded workbook
    • RR Old Western Culture: Roman Historians DVDs (Livy, Sallust, Caesar, Tacitus, Plutarch, & Cicero) w/downloaded workbook
    • Various YouTube documentaries
    • Writing, Workbook, & Map assignments
  • Science: GCP The Joy of Science, Pt. 2.  We will continue with this GCP class which we began in 8th grade (DD is enjoying this class immensely).  Upon the successful completion of this course in 9th grade, DD will receive one credit for Conceptual Integrated Science.
  • Spanish I: We tried doing this for 8th this year, but with all the other stuff -- including Algebra I (mostly) -- DD just wasn't ready for it, so we'll begin again for 9th with a clean slate.  We'll keep the same books.
  • Art/Consumer Science: Electives.  DD will take Ceramics  Fundamentals of Art 1st semester and Quilting Ceramics 2nd semester at the local PS. Her semester of art will also include learning about Ancient art at home through the GCP: 30 Masterpieces of the Ancient World.  She will learn about one masterpiece per week.

We will have a block schedule with five classes of 80 minutes each day, alternating classes.  We do this now, but not all classes are 80 minutes.  Likewise, all the electives (except art because of travel time) will be only an hour long. Therefore, I'm estimating 6 to 61/2 hours per day.  


In addition to the above, DD does To-Shin Do once a week, year round.  If she continues with this for all 4 HS years (she's been doing it since she was 8) she will have accrued enough hours to count as 1 PE credit. However, we also do other physical activities throughout the year according to seasons.  


DD also is a member of our black-light puppet ministry at church, which puts on several productions throughout the year. This summer, in addition to attending our church's summer camp for high school, she will also be a camp helper/counselor for the younger camps throughout the season.


Hopefully, this will be a good start to our high school experience.  If there is anything missing, please, please, please, let me know!

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    • Main Text: Historical & Chronological Context of the Bible, by Bruce W. Gore (This text, despite the title, is more about ancient history from the beginnings of civilization through the Roman Empire with biblical events revealed as they occurred within that timeframe according to current dating consensus. 
    • Bruce Gore's website which contains free, downloadable Teachers Resources/Aids (slides, chapter questions/answers; quizzes/answers)
    • Bruce Gore's free 36-lecture series on YouTube that correspond to the text


WOW!! What a find!! Thank you so much. We're doing TOG Y1 with for 9th this coming fall. This will be a wonderful resource to help prepare ME. :-). 


Thanks for sharing. 

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English - outsource either locally or online (if online, maybe TTC's online book discussion and a few Brave Writer classes)


Math - DO Algebra


Science - Biology, probably Apologia


History - undecided - probably something we'll plan together


Spanish - outsource locally or ?


Electives - local high school homeschool center


piano, swim 

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This is what I am thinking of for 9th next year for dd:


Math: either Saxon Calculus or finishing Advanced Math and then starting Calculus (if we push we can get through Advanced this year but I have been thinking of slowing it down so she can do the AP test in 10th)


History: Combination BJU Geography and World History (with some add ins), this is a two year course I am making up.


Science: Apologia Biology (that is a definite)


French: continuing with Breaking the Barrier


English: Some Easy Grammar and Editor in Chief for grammar review, IEW Research Paper, not sure on which literature we will do.


College and Careers:  not sure what I am using but will probably make use of our high school's college and career center for the majority of it. (this would only be 1/2 credit class)


Bible: not sure it depends on if they do a study with her youth group


Logic: probably using the Argument Builder

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If you have the money for an outsourced class, you have several options.


He really wants to learn Russian but, I have no clue how to go about that.


Julia Demme, By The Onion Sea is her website, is reportedly a great teacher. I don't know prices.

Wilson Hill Academy is teaching Russian 1 this year for the first time. It is $650 for the year.

Classical Learning Resource Center has Russian as well. They haven't released their schedule or prices yet.


For an at-home option, you might try PMing 8FilltheHeart. I think her daughter started doing Russian at home & then eventually switched to Julia Demme. She might have some ideas to get you started.

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Dd is in the lottery for the early college high school STEM program. If she doesn't get drawn this is the plan:


At Home

Inter. Algebra (AOPS class) (1.0)

Inter. C&P (AOPS class) (0.5)


At the High School

French I (1.0)

Beginning Dance (0.5)

Theater I (0.5)

Geography (0.5)

English I H (1.0)

Biology H (1.0)


At the Tech College

Welding (0.5)


Off Campus

LDS Seminary (religious studies) (1.0)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Massively.  I spent 5 hours this morning planning.   :svengo:


I'm probably at about 5 hours too.  Going through all of our resources for ancient history trying to combine Roman Roads with HoAW plus various episodes from a few of the Great Courses.  Head exploding!!


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I missed this post somehow!  My dd will be 9th grade next year.  Her plans as of today:


English:  BJU Lit 10, So Verbose Essay 1 & 2

Math: Algebra 2 with myhomeschoolmathclass.com

History:  Biblioplan Modern.  So 1/2 World and 1/2 US history.  Will also read with this program. 

Science:  Apologia Biology.  with some fun stuff added in.  

FL:  ASL 3.  Using Lifeprint, skyping with friend learning ASL weekly, and attending community deaf social time weekly to see how well she's doing. 

Fine Art:  piano, art instruction videos of her choosing

Health and PE:  will do health over summer and count exercise all year toward PE credit. 


She may pick up some new hobbies/interests and will make elective credits if she does it enough. 


Edits: updated some decisions

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I'm following this thread, shaking in my shoes. We're still in the process of overcoming some issues (anxiety, reading speed, etc.) for an otherwise extremely bright kid, so I feel likeI can finally see my way mostly clear to thinking about 9th grade. She's my first, so I've not done this before. I did manage to lay out general requirements for the next four years based on the college she'd like to attend (our local state uni), so at least I have that done.


I'll be back to read this thread in more detail later. There are so many decisions to be made, every time i make a start at this, I get so overwhelmed that I have to leave the boards for awhile!

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I just added some changes to my earlier post.  I'm going to teach this child to write well if it kills me!  



I'm right there with you. The worst part here is that she's a fantastic writer so far! Great sentences, strong vocabulary, a natural style--and yet she refuses to believe that her work is any good, so getting it down on paper is, as Targhee so eloquently put it, like pulling toenails, with all the associated tears  :banghead:

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I love these threads and want to participate, however my 14yo dd doesn't fit in anywhere (late bloomer, blah, blah, blah).  I've decided to crash your party. ;)


This is my wish list.  It depends on how much we can accomplish before the end of May this year.  We might need to finish Alg. 1 and Homer over the summer.

  • LDS early morning seminary (each school day at church 6:45-7:35 a.m.) - I'm not an early morning person, but she enjoys attending.  
  • Algebra II - Prentice Hall Classics from Memoria Press
  • Latin - finish the second half of Lively Latin Big Book 2
  • Greek - total newbies
  • Grammar - being brutally honest - I'm SO tired of teaching grammar but it has helped with Latin immensely.   I plan to spread R&S 8 over a couple of years.  We'll also be working through Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) 7 & 8.
  • History - Middle Ages using World History Detective, K-12's The Human Odyssey, and possibly a Great Courses lecture.
  • Classical Studies - The Book of the Ancient Romans (Dorothy Mills) and hopefully The Aeneid (Memoria Press materials).


Composition and science are yet to be determined.


She has asked to participate in martial arts. We'll see since I'm pretty tired in the evenings.




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Mine has great creative ideas, but getting them down on paper in complete sentences is another story.  And her spelling...yikes


I'm right there with you. The worst part here is that she's a fantastic writer so far! Great sentences, strong vocabulary, a natural style--and yet she refuses to believe that her work is any good, so getting it down on paper is, as Targhee so eloquently put it, like pulling toenails, with all the associated tears  :banghead:


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Oh yes, mine can produce all sorts of cute, interesting stories.  But the sentence and paragraph structure, not to mention the spelling, need a LOT of work.  And when it comes to writing something academic, rather than just a cute story about her dog, it really becomes a battle.



My oldest is my writing wrestle every day! She can produce reams of her own fiction, but an essay in any form is worse than pulling teeth! It's like pulling toenails, with as many tears


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My oldest is my writing wrestle every day! She can produce reams of her own fiction, but an essay in any form is worse than pulling teeth! It's like pulling toenails, with as many tears


Right there with you. My DD writes fiction all day long..out of school...for pleasure.  But ask for an essay?  She has a fit and struggles mightily mostly because she just doesn't like it and doesn't want to do it. Her sentence structure and spelling is fine, so we don't need to work on those. This is why we'll be doing Elegant Essay for 9th. I'm hoping this will get her on track. 

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First time planning 9th grade for me!  Ds will be 14 in May.



Social Studies - Sonlight Core F: Eastern Hemisphere


English - Thinking about outsourcing a composition class, but not sure!


Math - Math U See Algebra 1


Science with Lab - Apologia Physical Science


Foreign Language - Spanish, but not sure what resources yet.


Art - Khan Academy has an eastern art history class. I'm considering that to go with the Core F Eastern Hemisphere studies. (Half credit)


Health - No idea (Half credit, opposite Art)


Music - Piano


PE - No idea

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How are you planning to integrate all of these resources into one course?


I am planning on my Ds taking Spanish next year, but have no idea about resources. It's tempting to just go with Rosetta Stone. 

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My current 8th grader is both blessed and cursed to have an older sister by 13 months, lol.  I have put so very little thought into next year for her, but I completely slammed her sister with way too much at the beginning of this year.


It's looking like:


Saxon Alg I

HO American History (with 10th grader)

Bio (probably CK12, with 10th grader)

English, TBD

Breaking the Barrier French

Forensic Science with co-op (1/2 credit)

Musical Theater with co-op

Probably Health, Safety, and Nutrition with co-op (1/2 credit)


and she's strongly considering Firefighting Essentials.


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Right there with you. My DD writes fiction all day long..out of school...for pleasure.  But ask for an essay?  She has a fit and struggles mightily mostly because she just doesn't like it and doesn't want to do it. Her sentence structure and spelling is fine, so we don't need to work on those. This is why we'll be doing Elegant Essay for 9th. I'm hoping this will get her on track. 


We did Elegant Essay in 8th and it is a great resource. Have you done the other IEW programs along the way? If so, it's very different and the teacher guide may leave you fit to be tied.... We struggled through it, but I remember on many days wanting to chuck it to the 4 winds. IEW also has other essay resources if that one doesn't suit.

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Things are shaping up!


For Sure:


1) Saxon Advanced Math with WTMA with the intent to take either the SAT II &/or CLEP for College Algebra at the end of the year


2) Spanish II (local co-op)


3) U.S. Government & Politics

U.S. Government with the intent to CLEP or AP. DD is taking the AP this May, so her experience will help us decide which ds should do....


4) Chemistry I (local co-op this year. Will take AP Chem next year and AP Physics jr year)




5) English

I have no idea which direction we will go for English. For 8th, he'll have finished IEWs Teaching the Classics and Windows to the World. So, maybe Elegant Essay plus continued grammar review... dunno.


6/7) Electives

6 & 6.5) Up in the air again.


7) unknown. Most likely a continued Computer Science/Programming class to continue the ones he's already completed so it will show up on his transcript at least once. Might just do AP Comp Sci.

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We did Elegant Essay in 8th and it is a great resource. Have you done the other IEW programs along the way? If so, it's very different and the teacher guide may leave you fit to be tied.... We struggled through it, but I remember on many days wanting to chuck it to the 4 winds. IEW also has other essay resources if that one doesn't suit.


I can't agree with the "great resource" part, but I can heartily get behind "struggling through it" and "many days wanting to chuck it to the four winds." Despite our valiant struggle, nothing carried over into her writing and I won't waste the time with it again. It also made me reconsider using Windows to the World by the same author. I have the books downstairs, but probably won't try to use them. It was just too difficult to make EE work with how poorly the teacher resource was written and how little the hard work we put into it paid off in the long term. (I'm bad at teaching writing & DD#1 has never been fond of writing, so after this experience, I decided to outsource her writing.)

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I can't agree with the "great resource" part, but I can heartily get behind "struggling through it" and "many days wanting to chuck it to the four winds." Despite our valiant struggle, nothing carried over into her writing and I won't waste the time with it again. It also made me reconsider using Windows to the World by the same author. I have the books downstairs, but probably won't try to use them. It was just too difficult to make EE work with how poorly the teacher resource was written and how little the hard work we put into it paid off in the long term. (I'm bad at teaching writing & DD#1 has never been fond of writing, so after this experience, I decided to outsource her writing.)


My oldest went through the EE and I chose not to do this with my next two oldest. Instead we just focused a couple of days on what the EE said and used it as a reference.  I would not purchase this as a reference.


Have you looked at Excellence in Literature?  We have enjoyed using this and it is flexible.


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Have you looked at Excellence in Literature?  We have enjoyed using this and it is flexible.


She used some of EiL for her first year of American Lit last year. It was flexible, but it isn't really a writing resource when you are still learning how to write good compositions. The upcoming 9th grader might use it more during high school.

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For my 9th grade STEM nut, DS14...


English: WTMA Preparation for Rhetoric Writing; homemade world literature study to accompany Human Geography

Math: Continue with AoPS

Science: Clover Creek Physics, finish AP Environmental Science

Social Science: AP Human Geography

Foreign Language: Spanish I (Avancemos with online support and Skype tutoring)

Elective: AP Computer Science Principles

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I can't agree with the "great resource" part, but I can heartily get behind "struggling through it" and "many days wanting to chuck it to the four winds." Despite our valiant struggle, nothing carried over into her writing and I won't waste the time with it again. It also made me reconsider using Windows to the World by the same author. I have the books downstairs, but probably won't try to use them. It was just too difficult to make EE work with how poorly the teacher resource was written and how little the hard work we put into it paid off in the long term. (I'm bad at teaching writing & DD#1 has never been fond of writing, so after this experience, I decided to outsource her writing.)


Great resource meaning I recall it teaching well the thesis statement and more about the essay than just the basics taught about 5-paragraph essays & topics/clinchers. Teaching about transitional or bridge sentences, between paragraphs, etc. And the SEE - or whatever they called it. Subject or Thesis/Example/Example. I found those helpful and still in use with his writing today. But yes, it was nothing like their SICC series, which we adore. I also chucked Windows to the World early on this year - even with Jill Pikes' syllabus, it just wasn't working. I may try with another child.


But that leaves me thinking, should I try again EE for my rising 8th grader? Or try some other essay type program? (We combined that year with Speech Boot Camp so EE was only a semester). What are you guys switching to?


Anyone ever done SICC-C with older kids?

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How are you planning to integrate all of these resources into one course?


I am planning on my Ds taking Spanish next year, but have no idea about resources. It's tempting to just go with Rosetta Stone. 


I don't like Rosetta Stone because it's mostly just a conversational Spanish without the grammar and writing component; unless they've changed it since I looked at it.


We will be going through Madrigal this summer as prep for the fall.


I will basically follow the TOC & Lessons in the book, Easy Spanish Step-By-Step.  We will do one lesson per week. The first day of the week will involve reading the lesson. DD will then watch the portion of the GCP Spanish lecture that corresponds to that lesson without watching the complete lecture (this works out to be about 10 mins.) followed by doing one to two of the exercises in the book. This will not take the whole 80 minutes of class, so whatever time is left, we will work on Vocab by putting sentences together and read a selection from the Easy Spanish Reader together, or watch a Destinos lesson (rotate what we do). During the next class, we will review vocabulary and go over the previous book lessons. Then DD will work on the remaining exercises in the book. The next day's lesson will be spent reviewing vocabulary, going over what was missed in the book lessons, and following up with work in Duolingo. The next week's class will begin with a short quiz of the previous lesson (I will either retain one lesson from the book for this, or use the appropriate section from the GCP worksheet from the portion of the lecture we watched earlier in the week that goes over the same material.


Any time DD has left over during class will be devoted to either reading from her Spanish reader, watching Destinos, or doing Duolingo.

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We did Elegant Essay in 8th and it is a great resource. Have you done the other IEW programs along the way? If so, it's very different and the teacher guide may leave you fit to be tied.... We struggled through it, but I remember on many days wanting to chuck it to the 4 winds. IEW also has other essay resources if that one doesn't suit.


We've been using Fix-It Grammar.  I tailor it to fit our needs, so we don't use it exactly according to how it's designed.  I'm sure I'll probably be tweaking EE as well.  It's my curse...I tweak EVERYTHING  :svengo:

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For my 9th grade STEM nut, DS14...


English: WTMA Preparation for Rhetoric Writing; homemade world literature study to accompany Human Geography


Math: Continue with AoPS


Science: Clover Creek Physics; AP Environmental Science


Social Science: AP Human Geography


Foreign Language: Spanish I (Avancemos with online support and Skype tutoring)


Elective: AP Computer Science Principles

May I ask what made you decide on Avencemos? We are currently using Breaking the Barrier but I don't love it.

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May I ask what made you decide on Avencemos? We are currently using Breaking the Barrier but I don't love it.

I am not familiar with BtB, but this boy likes textbooks, and I wanted something I could use for four years. This one has a nice online component (he enjoys online add-ons). Plus, I found an online skype provider that uses this text to do its lessons, which made the whole thing feel more cohesive.


Have you choaen books for the Lit you're going to use with geography? Dd will be doing world geography and we have no room to fit in a lit class separately, so I love this plan.

I am working on this right now! Sooooo many open Amazon tabs! LOL I can let you know when I've whittled things down. I might start another thread on it.

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May I ask what made you decide on Avencemos? We are currently using Breaking the Barrier but I don't love it.


We are in BtB, too. I think the challenge for me is that it is designed for a classroom teacher who already knows Spanish well. I wish there were more resources like quizzes, practice games, etc. I need more. I cut the binding off my book and am not writing in it just so I can easily copy exercises to do again as review.


We have a Spanish teacher (friend) who is meeting with us monthly for review games and practice. That teacher has told us the vocabulary level of BtB 1 is more like Spanish 2. So we decided to slow it down and take our time. We won't finish the book this year, but we'll just keep going. I'll call Spanish 2 done when I feel we've done two whole school year's worth of work regardless of where we are in book 2.



I'm struggling to have the time I really need to learn it well. That, of course, has nothing to do with the curriculum. 

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I am working on this right now! Sooooo many open Amazon tabs! LOL I can let you know when I've whittled things down. I might start another thread on it.


I would love to see it, too. I'm working on world geography and would love to add a little lit. Ds will have a lit class at co-op, but it's an anthology from Memoria Press with poetry and short stories. I need to add some books. 

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We are in BtB, too. I think the challenge for me is that it is designed for a classroom teacher who already knows Spanish well. I wish there were more resources like quizzes, practice games, etc. I need more. I cut the binding off my book and am not writing in it just so I can easily copy exercises to do again as review.


We have a Spanish teacher (friend) who is meeting with us monthly for review games and practice. That teacher has told us the vocabulary level of BtB 1 is more like Spanish 2. So we decided to slow it down and take our time. We won't finish the book this year, but we'll just keep going. I'll call Spanish 2 done when I feel we've done two whole school year's worth of work regardless of where we are in book 2.



I'm struggling to have the time I really need to learn it well. That, of course, has nothing to do with the curriculum. 

I actually was a high school Spanish teacher before I had kids, but I don't really like how the book is laid out. I think it doesn't have enough practice among other things. I can (and do) add more, but I'd rather not have to do so much supplementing.

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I actually was a high school Spanish teacher before I had kids, but I don't really like how the book is laid out. I think it doesn't have enough practice among other things. I can (and do) add more, but I'd rather not have to do so much supplementing.

If you create things like documents you could share, I would gladly pay you if you would share them with me. We are in chapter 4.

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May I ask what made you decide on Avencemos? We are currently using Breaking the Barrier but I don't love it.

After using BtB (not cheap) and subsequently enrolling DD in online Spanish classes, I do prefer high school textbooks. Avancemos Spanish (cheap when purchased used) has free resources at classzone.com. Landry and WHA (according to Spanish 4 teacher during oral placement test) use this textbook. I don't find BtB superior in any way, except font size.

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