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When your midwife states the obvious


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And yet you hadn't thought of it till she says it :)


I talked with her again about my mood issues, and fatigue. After discussing it for a while she asked if I'd tried taking a nap or at least just laying down for an hour a day, to see if some extra sleep would help with the exhaustion, if not the mood issues. 


Um..no?  I had in my head that the way to get more energy was to be more energetic, so I've been getting 10-12 K steps a day, staying busy, etc. She was like, um..you are 40 years old and building a baby. Try resting and see if that helps with your energy. 




So, I'll try that today. (Although when I told my kids about this and asked if they could please be quiet and let me nap for an hour a day my 6 yr old said, " I don't know, we get awful hungry." 

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I got the same response from my doctor when I was growing #4: "You're supporting two metabolic systems and running after three children. Plus you're older and pregnancy is hard on the body. Of course you're tired."


My last trimester, I ran school on the couch or in bed.

Edited by ErinE
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And yet you hadn't thought of it till she says it :)


I talked with her again about my mood issues, and fatigue. After discussing it for a while she asked if I'd tried taking a nap or at least just laying down for an hour a day, to see if some extra sleep would help with the exhaustion, if not the mood issues. 


Um..no?  I had in my head that the way to get more energy was to be more energetic, so I've been getting 10-12 K steps a day, staying busy, etc. She was like, um..you are 40 years old and building a baby. Try resting and see if that helps with your energy. 




So, I'll try that today. (Although when I told my kids about this and asked if they could please be quiet and let me nap for an hour a day my 6 yr old said, " I don't know, we get awful hungry." 




(Perhaps this explains when and why I began the policy "I don't care what you eat, as long as you are getting it yourself."   :laugh: )

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(Perhaps this explains when and why I began the policy "I don't care what you eat, as long as you are getting it yourself."   :laugh: )


Yeah,I see us stocking up on some easy snacks, lol! I even said "what about right after lunch" and she said, "still......"

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When I am pregnant or have a newborn is about the only time I am able to nap--it really does wear me down.


My kids know that if mom is napping and they wake me for a non-emergency reason they will get a very grumpy response. I don't nap easily, so if I am exhausted enough to be sleeping in the middle of the day I really, really need that sleep.

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I got the same response from my doctor when I was growing #4: "You're supporting two metabolic systems and running after three children. Plus you're older and pregnancy is hard on the body. Of course you're tired."


My last semester, I ran school on the couch or in bed.


Not to mention is is a lot more difficult to get good sleep when you are shaped like a whale.

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Well, I needed a 2-hour nap every day of each pregnancy--even when I was young. If I didn't lay down I would pass out as soon as I sat down. I don't normally nap--only when I'm very sick or pregnant. :laugh:


I hope you get the rest you need!  :grouphug:

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And yet you hadn't thought of it till she says it :)


I talked with her again about my mood issues, and fatigue. After discussing it for a while she asked if I'd tried taking a nap or at least just laying down for an hour a day, to see if some extra sleep would help with the exhaustion, if not the mood issues. 


Um..no?  I had in my head that the way to get more energy was to be more energetic, so I've been getting 10-12 K steps a day, staying busy, etc. She was like, um..you are 40 years old and building a baby. Try resting and see if that helps with your energy. 




So, I'll try that today. (Although when I told my kids about this and asked if they could please be quiet and let me nap for an hour a day my 6 yr old said, " I don't know, we get awful hungry." 



Oh my word.  This made me laugh so hard. 


Happy napping!

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Not to mention is is a lot more difficult to get good sleep when you are shaped like a whale.

I'm a stomach sleeper, which made things hard until I discovered the solution a couple of pregnancies ago: I now sleep on a foam mattress on the floor with a nice belly shaped cut-out in the middle. Bliss!


This is the kind I use, I just cut a bowl shaped hole in the middle piece. The cut out foam can be re-inserted later with a bit of glue.





Best investment ever.

Edited by maize
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Oh yeah, a 6 year old can even make a peanut butter sandwich!  I remember the first time my ds made his own.....I said, 'well, ds I guess you don't need me any more.'  He said, ' well, I still need you to take care of the bad guys.'


And the thing is, she DOES know how to make that stuff! And cereal and milk, etc. She just wants permission I guess? 


So we will have a nice long talk about how yes, help yourself but don't wake mom!

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I napped all the time when I was pregnant with my last several babies. Three smallboys plus lousy sleep at night made for a tired mama!


My kids know the rule is no waking Mom unless there is blood, fire, or someone at the door. Or Daddy's ring tone, but I usually kept my phone with me. Everything else could wait.

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Oh yeah, a 6 year old can even make a peanut butter sandwich!  I remember the first time my ds made his own.....I said, 'well, ds I guess you don't need me any more.'  He said, ' well, I still need you to take care of the bad guys.'

yep, they are! When I was preggo with ds, dd was 5. The last three weeks I was put on bedrest. when I told dd

about it, stating that I really shouldn't even be making her lunch, she said (at 5yo), "That's okay, Mommy, I can make my own lunch." And I stood there stunned as she proceeded to pull out the bread, the peanut butter, and the table knife and made her own sandwich! It really hadn't occurred to me that she could, as I had never purposely shown her how to do that!


So, mama, grab that cute fabric tote/basket a previous poster mentioned, fill it with whatever snacks you're comfortable letting your kids eat, and tell them,"If you're hungry, you know where the food is. Mom's taking a nap. And I am not to be awakened for any reason other than someone's bleeding or the house is on fire. Understand?"


Enjoy your nap!  -_-

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