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AAR/AAS question


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I have a very young Ker (turned 5 in November). We have been doing AAR, RS, HWOT and Sonlight P4/5 as gentle K year. We do read alouds in the morning and reading, handwriting and math while his sister naps. (It takes 30-45 min for those 3 subjects).


It's going GREAT. we started AAR 1 in July and finished in Dec and have started AAR 2. I read that AAR 2 is when most people start AAS1.


Do I need to do that? Am I holding him back by not?


He's a very bright kids and he does well with everything (though handwriting isn't a strength), but I don't know that o want to do anything more. I feel like at his age that's enough time.


Should I start in the fall? Then he'd be 5, turning 6, or could I wait even longer until the following fall? Thoughts?


I am not looking for a super long day for such a little kid...

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My daughter is 5 too. We are on track to finish our phonics curriculum (Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading) in a few months. I plan to start AAS1 next month or so. She's reading fairly well and by the end of OPG she'll be decoding at a 4th grade level.


I don't think there's any rush since he's only in K. Maybe start it in the fall for 1st?

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We dabbled with spelling in K. We did all of AAS 1- easy, but poor retention after. We dropped spelling out of context (doing copywork only), waited a few months, and introduced spelling through dictation.  It was what he was ready for as a 6-6.5yo. 


I don't think you're missing anything if you wait.  The only thing that can happen is better retention.

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I'd wait too. He's already ahead of the game with some things he's learning--he's doing great! You can start any time after he finishes AAR 1, but for a young student who might not be ready for much writing yet, you can definitely wait until first grade or so. Here's a post on when to start AAS, and another one on planning language arts that you might find helpful. Have fun!

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My kids read early and we didn't do reading instruction. We start AAS in grade 2. I tried it once with one of them at just-turned-6 and it was a lot of work for a lot of pushback and no retention. So I put it back on the shelf and pulled it out at almost-8. It just goes so much better...


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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