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Got the results of ds's vision test

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For the most part he scored in the 90th percentile on the tests. He did poor like the 12 percentile on automaticity. He also did very poorly on the encoding and decoding. We are working on some stuff for the automaticity. We are holding off on the encoding and decoding as he has begun to make a few strides and we are given it six months to see what happens. So what thinks the hive? Should I panic? Do you have things that have worked for you that you could include in your school day. We will have work books for the automaticity. I do know that the encoding/decoding fell in the testing for dyslexia so I need to read what that really means.

I guess I am glad that at least it has names now.


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Was the vision testing done by a developmental optometrist?


I'm wondering what kind of automaticity you are talking about. Is it visual pattern recognition? Or blending automaticity when reading words (not having to sound out every sound in every word)? What do the workbooks for automaticity look like???


Decoding has to do with reading skills. Encoding means spelling.

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I will get the workbooks tomorrow. Yes it was a developmental optometrist. The automaticity was was mainly with numbers and phoeneme. I had noticed he always seem to think a bit when we are doing flash cards. I guess we are going to work on the workbooks and see if it helps with the other. He also mentioned that ds would occasionally look like he was tracing in the air the letter before sounding it out. I had never noticed but he fidgets so much I am probably oblivious. I will watch him tomorrow. Should I stop him if he is or is that a coping thing for him?


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