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What part of the human teenager is responsible for remotely sensing pizza?


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I suppose I missed this part of human anatomy.  DS18 can detect pizza being prepared in the kitchen from his upstairs hideout even though he seems incapable of sensing anything else during his daily hibernation up there.  :confused1:


- At first I thought it might be that he hears the sounds of pizza cooking going on, but then I realized that he is incapable of hearing even the loudest calls of his name up the stairs.


- It's not his tongue, since he can detect the pizza from far away and he has never sung for Kiss in his lifetime.


- Touch?  Again, not likely until the pizza hits the roof of the mouth.


- I'm pretty sure he cannot see the pizza from his lair.


- I suppose smell is the most likely pizza sensor, but I'm not sure.


Can anyone else corroborate this uncanny pizza sense?  Or some other special teenager sense?

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This reminds me of my great aunt.  She lived with us during her last years.  (I think she was in her mid-80s.)  The woman claimed to be nearly deaf, but she could hear the words "ice cream" from anywhere in the house.  She ate her ice cream out of a mixing bowl because cereal bowls weren't big enough.  :)


Maybe she was a teenager in disguise...

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This reminds me of my great aunt.  She lived with us during her last years.  (I think she was in her mid-80s.)  The woman claimed to be nearly deaf, but she could hear the words "ice cream" from anywhere in the house.  She ate her ice cream out of a mixing bowl because cereal bowls weren't big enough.   :)


Maybe she was a teenager in disguise...


I think I would've loved your great aunt. I'm totally doing that when I'm in my mid-80s! 

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No teenagers here yet, but we call my 8 year old DD the bloodhound. If I try to eat something quietly on a long car trip then I'll hear, from the 4th row of the van, "mmmmm, I smell something yummy. It smells like... chocolate!" or "mmm, I smell chips!". Another time from the opposite end of an aisle in Costco she said "eww, I smell lobster". A minute later we're at the end of the aisle and, sure enough, there are lobsters! 

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In the teen the part of the brain that can smell their own body odor, past-due socks and underwear and overly-ripe bedclothes is replaced with a pizza super sensor.  


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In the teen the part of the brain that can smell their own body odor, past-due socks and underwear and overly-ripe bedclothes is replaced with a pizza super sensor.

That explains A LOT. :)

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No teenagers here yet, but we call my 8 year old DD the bloodhound. If I try to eat something quietly on a long car trip then I'll hear, from the 4th row of the van, "mmmmm, I smell something yummy. It smells like... chocolate!" or "mmm, I smell chips!". Another time from the opposite end of an aisle in Costco she said "eww, I smell lobster". A minute later we're at the end of the aisle and, sure enough, there are lobsters! 


Adrien Monk would say, "It's a blessing...and a curse."


That explains A LOT. :)


Maybe a bit TOO much! :ack2:

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In the teen the part of the brain that can smell their own body odor, past-due socks and underwear and overly-ripe bedclothes is replaced with a pizza super sensor.  


Yeah, probably the same part of the brain that can't recognize if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty, but can identify cheesy foods a mile away.

Edited by Charlie
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