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Congressional Award Discussion (questions, updates, etc)

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This is a new thread to continue the recent conversation found here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/482072-congressional-award-do-you-know-kids-whove-been-involved/

(That thread was started in 2013 and the date might keep some people from reading through the old posts to find the new ones.)


I'll start.  :) 


I'm hoping someone might be able to answer this question:


For those that went straight for one of the medals, did your teen submit several goals and signed papers for each category? For example, in the physical fitness category was there a signed sheet with one goal for the bronze certificate, a signed sheet for silver certificate, etc.? Or for each category did your teen just submit one paper with one significant goal with all the hours up to the medal? 


I'm asking because my daughter has been accumulating hours in all categories, but needs to get caught up with expedition/explorations. She could technically skip a couple levels at this point. If she is able to do the expedition/explorations relatively close together, it seems it would make the most sense just to send in for the highest level she qualifies for at the time. (Her goals build, so she could submit the smaller goals on various pages, or just list the overall goal and the smaller goals together on one sheet.)


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




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This is a new thread to continue the recent conversation found here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/482072-congressional-award-do-you-know-kids-whove-been-involved/

(That thread was started in 2013 and the date might keep some people from reading through the old posts to find the new ones.)


I'll start.  :) 


I'm hoping someone might be able to answer this question:


For those that went straight for one of the medals, did your teen submit several goals and signed papers for each category? For example, in the physical fitness category was there a signed sheet with one goal for the bronze certificate, a signed sheet for silver certificate, etc.? Or for each category did your teen just submit one paper with one significant goal with all the hours up to the medal? 


I'm asking because my daughter has been accumulating hours in all categories, but needs to get caught up with expedition/explorations. She could technically skip a couple levels at this point. If she is able to do the expedition/explorations relatively close together, it seems it would make the most sense just to send in for the highest level she qualifies for at the time. (Her goals build, so she could submit the smaller goals on various pages, or just list the overall goal and the smaller goals together on one sheet.)


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




No BTDT experience with your specific situation, but I don't think that either method would be a problem. You could email your coordinator or call the office. I have found them to be quite helpful.


For example, DS accumulated 76 hours of personal development this summer, and that is on one form. I think he will submit for each level. So what happens to the remainder of the unused personal development hours? I called the office, and was told that they will be held for the next level.


BTW, one reason for submitting at each level is the ability to change goals. That doesn't sound like an issue for you, but it might be for someone else reading.

Edited by Penguin
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I had a similar question and was given the response below by our program manager. Sounds like you can just submit for the highest level she qualifies.


"Once she has accumulated enough hours/months for an award level, she can submit her Record Book for review of that level. Those hours/months will count towards higher award requirements so she could continue submitting new hours/months once she has enough for higher awards. That being said, she can also submit a Record Book for a higher level, and if it is approved, she would receive that award as well as the lower awards. For example, if she submitted a Silver Medal Record Book and it was approved, she would receive the Silver Medal as well as the Bronze Medal and all three certificate levels."

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Great exchange of information! Thanks to everyone for sharing.


Our DD is scheduled to meet with her advisor on the 22nd of this month, and she's very excited to get this process started.   I'll be sure to post our progress once she really sits down and focuses on each program area.  She wants to get buy-in from her advisor before she finalizes any goals.


With her volunteer position not starting until the summer, we feel like our hands are tied for the volunteer part of the program.  We briefly talked about finding something else during the interim period, but so far no concrete ideas.  


We found a sign language club affiliated with our county library system, so she's signed up for the meeting later this month.  This could become part of her personal development goal.  Our DD also researched deaf schools and found 3 in our state - one is only 90 minutes away.  She plans to contact the school to see if she could get a tour, volunteer or help in any way.  We even discussed holding a fundraiser or getting involved with a fundraiser for the school.


Her advisor is very excited about the physical fitness goal, so we're anxious to see what she has in mind for our girl.  


DD feels she should start out planning a local adventure for her first exploration goal.  So, she's working on a list of historic homes and museums in our county.  Not exactly groundbreaking, but hopefully, a small success will give her confidence to tackle more for the next goal.



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:hurray: We're in! We officially signed up today!! YAY! My ds is 14 1/2 - and we're aiming for Gold by end of Junior year. I waited until we got the 100% go-ahead from his advisor today.


Our local HS principal whom we met with today agreed to be his advisor. Very wonderful, as we live in a homeschool rather-unfriendly school district - so to have him in monthly contact with my son can only be a positive. How involved are your advisors? For us, my ds & I come up with the goals... how did it work for you?


We plan on starting at Bronze Medal - that's what I've seen someone else mention. That yes, you can do each certificate but it's really a lot of paperwork. We'll start at Bronze, so we can get the gratification of each medal more short-term rather than going for the gold right out of the gate!




My questions - how are you guys keeping track of hours?

We have an Excel timesheet we set up. Do you print out something to have someone sign (like a librarian for library service) each time? B/c it seems the validator is only required to sign something at the very end when they do the record book. I know in PS they have like a community service record sheet where each act of service however short, is signed off by someone.... I was thinking of doing this. Thoughts? Experiences?


Edited by mirabillis
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We registered on Monday so we're new as well.  From what I've read, it appears as if we need to complete the "record book" which is found on the CA website.  It has a line for the "validator"...advisor...to sign for each program area/goal.  I'm sure someone with hands on experience can jump in to clarify for us.

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E/E - If we can jump right to Bronze medal level, then he'll do the 1 overnight this summer - most likely camping


Am I correct in understanding that your impression is that the single day E/Es are NOT required if you go for a medal first? It's quite possible I've been confused in thinking that the single day E/Es still needed to be done. If I've misunderstood, then it actually requires more than just extra paperwork to do every level individually.


My daughter will most likely get in contact with someone at the CA to confirm, but can anyone here shed light on this?

Edited by Woodland Mist Academy
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Am I correct in understanding that your impression is that the single day E/Es are NOT required if you go for a medal first? It's quite possible I've been confused in thinking that the single day E/Es still needed to be done. If I've misunderstood, then it actually requires more than just extra paperwork to do every level individually.


If it's the case that the early levels of E/E don't need to done if a higher level is attempted first, then someone that does each level would end up doing 8 days and 3 nights more than someone who goes straight for the Gold. Not to mention the hours and hours (days and days) of planning and prep for each E/E that would be above and beyond what would have been required had the Gold been the first goal.


It would be hard to believe the award is set up like that -- with a built in shortcut/loophole. (Although maybe I shouldn't be surprised. :glare: )  It certainly would take away some of the incentive for doing each level individually. Hmm.... Not sure what to think.

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Here are the relative sections from the website's FAQ :

(I'm not sure that it's clear either way.  Do all the E/Es leading up to the Gold need to be done or just the E/E at the Gold level if one goes straight for the Gold? I don't see anything that says you must do the E/E for the level you are applying for PLUS all previous levels of E/Es. )

Can I skip levels?
You may begin with any level that you choose. We consider every participant to be on the road to the Gold Medal, and weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll give you everything you earn along the way. Simply submit a Congressional Award Record Book for the level that youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d like to pursue once you fulfill those requirements. Once youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re approved, weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be sure to also send you any lower levels that you qualify for. For instance, if you choose to start with the Silver Medal level, weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll send you the Bronze Medal and all three Certificates as well. However, we strongly recommend that participants start at one of the lower levels. As the work is cumulative, the only cost will be the short time taken to fill out a Record Book and the money for postage. Plus, if you submit at a lower level, you can be sure that you understand the Congressional AwardĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s program requirements.
Are the days and nights for the Expeditions cumulative? Do they have to be consecutive?

At the Certificate levels, the Expedition activities are cumulative and carry over from one level to the next. However, for the Medal levels, please note that the required overnights must be consecutive. Therefore, you can not add your overnights together from previous levels.

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:hurray: We're in! We officially signed up today!! YAY! My ds is 14 1/2 - and we're aiming for Gold by end of Junior year. I waited until we got the 100% go-ahead from his advisor today.


Our local HS principal whom we met with today agreed to be his advisor. Very wonderful, as we live in a homeschool rather-unfriendly school district - so to have him in monthly contact with my son can only be a positive. How involved are your advisors? For us, my ds & I come up with the goals... how did it work for you?


We plan on starting at Bronze Medal - that's what I've seen someone else mention. That yes, you can do each certificate but it's really a lot of paperwork. We'll start at Bronze, so we can get the gratification of each medal more short-term rather than going for the gold right out of the gate!


Here's what we are doing:

Service - he will be starting with library work. He's also signed up for a short stint to help at a non-profit golf tournament in Feb.

Pers Dev- golf - continuing his game of golf to next level

Phys Fitness - baseball to begin with (for 6 months) - then we'll do something different. Maybe walking/jogging 12k marathon.

E/E - If we can jump right to Bronze medal level, then he'll do the 1 overnight this summer - most likely camping




My questions - how are you guys keeping track of hours?

We have an Excel timesheet we set up. Do you print out something to have someone sign (like a librarian for library service) each time? B/c it seems the validator is only required to sign something at the very end when they do the record book. I know in PS they have like a community service record sheet where each act of service however short, is signed off by someone.... I was thinking of doing this. Thoughts? Experiences?

When my son was volunteering weekly at a nonprofit, he kept a small notebook that he got initialed each time. It just noted the date and the number of hours.


This made it easy to fill in the official form when it was time for that. Also, maybe the person signing off on the validation form is not the same person your kid sees each time. We thought the informal log would make it easy for someone to feel comfortable signing off that the kid was there for X hours over a (possibly long) stretch of time.

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When my son was volunteering weekly at a nonprofit, he kept a small notebook that he got initialed each time. It just noted the date and the number of hours.


This made it easy to fill in the official form when it was time for that. Also, maybe the person signing off on the validation form is not the same person your kid sees each time. We thought the informal log would make it easy for someone to feel comfortable signing off that the kid was there for X hours over a (possibly long) stretch of time.


Great advice. That's what I was thinking. I found this form online and I think it will serve its purpose for all areas. Glad to know this worked for someone else. 


Woodland Mist - I think it means you need to do 3 separate E/Es, one for each medal. 


1 Overnight   (2 Days/1 Night)  - Bronze medal

2 Overnights (3 Days/2 Nights) - silver medal

4 Overnights (5 Days/4 Nights) - gold medal

1 Day - Bronze cert

2 Days - silver cert

3 Days - gold cert


So if you start at Bronze medal (which is our plan) then perhaps that suffices and fulfills the bronze/silver cert for sure - but not sure about gold certificate (but maybe 2 days/1 night might be sufficient to satisfy 3 days at gold cert?) Hmm.. not sure on this. Maybe someone who contacts their local office can clue us in or someone with previous experience. But I can see why a single Gold medal E/E would fulfill all previous levels (5 days/4 nights satisfies all earlier req'mts). But I sure like the idea of going for each medal separately, so I guess it means a few more E/E experiences for us here...

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My daughter double-checked with someone at the Congressional Award office.  All the E/Es are NOT required if you skip levels. I was truly surprised. This new information will most likely change my daughter's approach. I had presumed the only difference in applying for each level as opposed to going straight to a higher level was the extra paperwork. Apparently that's not the case, there are more E/Es too.   Apologies to anyone I've confused! I've deleted a couple of my old posts related to the EEs  in a different thread.  Sorry for any confusion!


If anyone has been told something different by the Congressional Award office, please let us know! 

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My daughter double-checked with someone at the Congressional Award office.  All the E/Es are NOT required if you skip levels. I was truly surprised. This new information will most likely change my daughter's approach. I had presumed the only difference in applying for each level as opposed to going straight to a higher level was the extra paperwork. Apparently that's not the case, there are more E/Es too.   Apologies to anyone I've confused! I've deleted a couple of my old posts related to the EEs  in a different thread.  Sorry for any confusion!


If anyone has been told something different by the Congressional Award office, please let us know! 


Thank you Woodland!! So what is your gameplan? Are you only going to submit at gold? I think with this new info in mind - we will still pursue Bronze first (7 months out) - that gives my ds a tangible, shorter goal to attain and also allows a chance at that 7 months out mark to wipe the slate clean, as it were, to have new goals set if need be. That requires 1 overnight. My ds would enjoy a more straightforward E/E like camping probably for a single overnighter over the summer. (He's got some lofty goals for the Gold one but would be nice to start simple) But then he'd get the experience of a 'medal ceremony'  maybe with his local Congressman at least once.


Then we may skip silver and just go for the Gold which would be then 18 months out from there. I don't know as we would need to fulfill Silver separately to keep him going.


What is everyone else's plan?

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P.S. And any of us participating - can you share what grade your student currently is in? It might be neat to be on the same path with HSers here at the same grade level - we may see each other at the Wash DC medal ceremony in a few years' time!


I'll start - my ds is 9th. Goal is to finish by end of Junior year/summer.

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Our DD will be 14 in April and is currently in 8th grade but taking all 9th grade classes. We anticipate her graduating in 2021, so June 2019 might be an aggressive deadline for us, but we haven't really put together a formal plan yet.  We were thinking June 2020. 

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My daughter double-checked with someone at the Congressional Award office. All the E/Es are NOT required if you skip levels. I was truly surprised. This new information will most likely change my daughter's approach. I had presumed the only difference in applying for each level as opposed to going straight to a higher level was the extra paperwork. Apparently that's not the case, there are more E/Es too. Apologies to anyone I've confused! I've deleted a couple of my old posts related to the EEs in a different thread. Sorry for any confusion!


If anyone has been told something different by the Congressional Award office, please let us know!


DS just shifted coordinators (we moved to a different region), and will be sending his new coordinator an email soon. I will report back.


That does change my thought process.

He is pretty close to the Bronze Medal right now, and an overnight vs. two dailies + overnight moves the finish line quite a bit.

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Our local HS principal whom we met with today agreed to be his advisor. Very wonderful, as we live in a homeschool rather-unfriendly school district - so to have him in monthly contact with my son can only be a positive. How involved are your advisors? For us, my ds & I come up with the goals... how did it work for you?



My questions - how are you guys keeping track of hours?

We have an Excel timesheet we set up. Do you print out something to have someone sign (like a librarian for library service) each time? B/c it seems the validator is only required to sign something at the very end when they do the record book. I know in PS they have like a community service record sheet where each act of service however short, is signed off by someone.... I was thinking of doing this. Thoughts? Experiences?


My daughter discusses her thoughts and plans with me before meeting with her advisor. (I want to make sure she is respectful of his time and has a framework for the discussion.) Her advisor helps her brainstorm goals in some areas and just offers feedback in the areas he's less familiar with. Sometimes even in those areas he has come up with some great suggestions. He offers good insights and ideas she probably wouldn't have thought of otherwise. He definitely pushes her to step outside her comfort zone.




She has spreadsheets for all the hourly categories. She just has the validators sign when she is ready to turn in a record book and needs the documentation. She has steady, long term connections to all the validators and some of the organizations she works with have their own record keeping. Asking them to sign each time would be over-the-top in our situation, partly because the hours are already tracked within the organization. 


Woodland Mist, I was with you a hundred percent. I'm very surprised to hear of this short cut.  We may also revamp our plan to submit for each level.


I still don't know if I believe it. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my surprise! Thanks!


Thank you Woodland!! So what is your gameplan? Are you only going to submit at gold? 


Her plan for now, unless we find out there's been further confusion, is to go from the Bronze Certificate (which she already has) to the Silver Medal. She needs just a few more hours in one category and the E/E.  She will need to discuss her new plan with her advisor, but this will most likely be what she does.



DS just shifted coordinators (we moved to a different region), and will be sending his new coordinator an email soon. I will report back.


That does change my thought process.

He is pretty close to the Bronze Medal right now, and an overnight vs. two dailies + overnight moves the finish line quite a bit.


Thanks, Penguin. I was really hoping someone else might contact their coordinator to confirm. There's always the possibility there was a miscommunication when my daughter asked. 


I agree. It moves the finish line quite a bit. I have mixed feelings...

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Thanks, Penguin. I was really hoping someone else might contact their coordinator to confirm. There's always the possibility there was a miscommunication when my daughter asked. 


I agree. It moves the finish line quite a bit. I have mixed feelings...


I'll email my coordinator today.

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P.S. And any of us participating - can you share what grade your student currently is in? It might be neat to be on the same path with HSers here at the same grade level - we may see each other at the Wash DC medal ceremony in a few years' time!


I'll start - my ds is 9th. Goal is to finish by end of Junior year/summer.

Well, I am feeling like quite the slacker for posting that my son is in 10th grade and is not-quite-eligible for the Bronze Medal. And he started in May of 8th grade. But them's the facts.



Here is a good reference point for deadlines:



Looks like record books should be submitted should be submitted by Feb 1 for a June gold medal ceremony.

Edited by Penguin
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I said those were our goals! We'll see where life takes us. We'll give it a good ol' college try. Our plan is to finish to give enough time (6-8 weeks they recommend) for submission of Record Books before being awarded the Gold. So I'm thinking by August b/w Jr & Sr year - so as to have that for his college applications. That's my grand plan. Then the June ceremony in DC we would wait obviously until end of Sr year for the official ceremony.


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My daughter is in 10th. She just started last summer and is working towards gold by graduation 2019. She will do her E/E in April. A week in Guatemala at language immersion school living with a host family followed by a week helping in rural medical clinics. She has had a hard time with her personal development hours. The lady she was working with was gone for 6 weeks and then the holidays. She needs to get started back so she can get more hours. Her volunteer hours have been sporadic. We live in a small town where there are not a lot of opportunities. She has a possible chance at getting to work at a local conservation center. We are waiting to hear if they will allow her to volunteer at her age.

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My daughter is in 10th. She just started last summer and is working towards gold by graduation 2019. She will do her E/E in April. A week in Guatemala at language immersion school living with a host family followed by a week helping in rural medical clinics. She has had a hard time with her personal development hours. The lady she was working with was gone for 6 weeks and then the holidays. She needs to get started back so she can get more hours. Her volunteer hours have been sporadic. We live in a small town where there are not a lot of opportunities. She has a possible chance at getting to work at a local conservation center. We are waiting to hear if they will allow her to volunteer at her age.

I think my son will have to do a summer week somewhere if he wants to get all the volunteer hours done. 

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I think my son will have to do a summer week somewhere if he wants to get all the volunteer hours done. 


You may already know this... Doing a big CHUNK during summer would work but be careful about having ALL the hours during a "summer week". There are minimum months of activity required.




Months of Activity

Along with the hour requirement, the higher levels of the Award require that your activities be spread out over a minimum amount of months.

Please note the following:

  1. The minimum month requirements apply to Voluntary Public Service, Personal Development, and Physical Fitness. You must accumulate the necessary hours over a certain amount of months. For example, the Bronze Medal requires a minimum of seven months of activity in Voluntary Public Service, seven months of activity in Personal Development, and seven months of activity in Physical Fitness.
  2. Months do not need to be consecutive. For instance, if you register with the Award in January and work on Personal Development in January, February and March and then do not work on any Personal Development until October, November and December that would count as six months of activity.
  3. Months are cumulative. For example, the seven months of activity you complete at the Bronze Medal level will be carried over to the next level, leaving a minimum of five more months of activity needed in order to qualify for the Silver Medal.
  4. Months may only be counted once in the same activity area. For instance, if you play soccer and softball during the same six month period for your Physical Fitness activity, you will only get credit for six months of activity, not 12 months of activity. If different goals overlap in the same month, the month may only be counted once for the respective program area.
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DS received a response from his coordinator indicating that to submit for the Bronze Medal while in possession of a Bronze Certificate requires a two-day, one-night trip. BUT it was explained that this would bring him to completing  3 days plus one overnight. Which kind of makes sense. It isn't really skipping anything. He will have completed three days and one overnight.


Still leaves the question that if you submit FIRST at the Bronze medal, what do you have to do. Because one overnight really equals two days plus one overnight. Clear as mud? If this applies to you, please ask your coordinator for advice. Or call the main office. 



Meanwhile, he has heard back from two out of the three places he has a volunteer interest in. Whew. By February, he should be able to get Voluntary Service hours again. I am relieved :)

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I've never heard of this program.  I was a Bonner Scholar in college which was a service based scholarship.  I think if any one of your children were awarded this they would be a great applicant for a Bonner Scholarship come college applications.  Something else to consider.  

Edited by arliemaria
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an update from our end of things.  We mailed in our DDs registration on 1.9 and today we received the official "congrats you're enrolled" packet.  Nothing new in the packet - it's just a hard copy of info online.


Our daughter had a productive meeting with her advisor last month - it was a solid exchange of information. I thought I'd share a little from each program area. 


Volunteer.  Due to her age, 13/12, this has been the most challenging area. So far, she's scheduled for a 5 hour slot at our county's reading festival - volunteering at the public library booth. Not much, but it's a start.  Still no word from our local hospital. 


Personal Development.  Starting Monday, she is scheduled to work on her skills as a dance instructor by helping with new level one dancers at her studio.  She'll put in 90 minutes every week with dancers ranging in age from 5 to 8.  In addition, she will be exploring musical theater this spring by assisting a stage manager for a June performance. This will involve hours preparing for the performance, as well as during the performance.  She's hoping to learn about the backstage workings of musical theater.  We are also looking into the cost of scuba certification.  She is very interested in becoming certified and then going on an exploration adventure to the Florida Keys.  We are working on a budget now as our entire family would like to be certified.  


Physical Fitness.  She's working on a backflip, which she would like to include in her dance solo this June.  This coming from a girl who can finally do a cartwheel and has yet to master a pushup.  


Exploration/Expedition.  Our girl will be taking us on our first day trip on Saturday.  She's planned a 4 hour walk through a local historic town to observe and record historic homes. From my look the other night, I think it may take us much longer!  Guess we'll see!    She's included a tour of one local house along the way, as well as planned where we would eat lunch and possibly dinner. (Food is an important part of her day!)    


That's it from our end. 

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Fantastic! We signed up officially online on Jan 11 - but we didn't yet receive the materials by snail mail. Although I've seen it all online, I'm anxious to have the hard copies of it - as it's too much to print.


We met with our advisor the next week and all is going great. We've talked with validators for his first Personal Development goal (golf) as well as for his first Volunteer Service goal (library). We have been logging hours for his Physical Fitness goal (baseball) and will be having his coach validate - but official practices haven't started yet. No expedition/exploration plans yet - but hope to conquer the Bronze Medal hurdle for that this summer - we'll see where that takes us. We're hoping to finish up with the Bronze Medal goals by Aug/Sep - it must be at least 7 months, so maybe by 8-9 months, we'll have all the hours.


Love to see this thread hopping around. The networking he is doing, the activities he's getting involved in that he wouldn't have without this program, are just as great as I thought it'd ever be. We're thrilled!

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We picked an advisor based on our daughter's comfort zone.  She's rather shy.  Not an introvert, but not exactly outgoing either.  Our daughter has danced with her advisor for 8 years, so we know her well. Plus, we (both daughters and I) worked out with this woman three days a week for almost a year.  She was in our home, exercised, laughed and just hung out for hours each week.  We all admire her - hardworking, smart, family oriented, structured, committed to her beliefs, very selective in her choice of partners, etc etc etc.    Also, she's local, so our daughter can meet with her any time for support. 

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Mirabillis, we're thrilled too.  I can't believe our girl is planning a trip for Saturday!  I saw her on the computer looking at google maps, talking to herself about distances and getting all excited about her adventure.  Plus, I love seeing her reach out to others for help. I know we'll have struggles along the way, but we're off to a great start.  Even if she only reaches certificate levels, I'll be so proud of her for trying something new. 

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I forgot to mention that the ASL instructor agreed to have our daughter to give a presentation at the next club meeting!  Our girl is working on a 6 minute story presentation, and she invited her advisor to come and watch.  Should be fun!  And more personal development hours!  If only we could find some volunteer activities.....

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We asked 3 people in our community if they would be willing to be an advisor. OK, 4. Our backup was a homeschooling mom friend of mine. But I felt that was too easy, and really wanted to get my son to network, to go outside his comfort zone. We asked a friend of the family who is in charge of independent study program nearby (this was my son's pick), the local high school principal who we've been in contact with this past year on a handful of things as we wrangle back & forth with an unfriendly to homeschoolers school district and he's always been an ardent helper, and a local high school guidance counselor who was super friendly when we signed up for APs.... all said yes. So while my son had his choice, I chose the principal. Good networking and great to know for future issues that arise in the district and when my son said he would be uncomfortable meeting with him as he barely knows him and wanted choice #1, I was all the more for it. Turns out when we met my son felt fine, less uncomfortable than he'd thought. We plan to meet again in a couple week - we'll meet 1x/month to go over what he's been doing.

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I forgot to mention that the ASL instructor agreed to have our daughter to give a presentation at the next club meeting!  Our girl is working on a 6 minute story presentation, and she invited her advisor to come and watch.  Should be fun!  And more personal development hours!  If only we could find some volunteer activities.....


My ds just got signed up at the library. He went for 'training' tonight. She said he could come everyday if he wanted to - there's a sign-in sheet and he can come as often as he'd like. So exciting! I'm hoping to get 3-4 hours a week - it's tough, his schedule is tight as it is. But 400 HOURS is A LOT!


Can you try the library?

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At this point, DD is planning to meet every other month with her advisor.  She does email her weekly with an update, and her advisor loves the updates.  Advisor has been very supportive and definitely a positive influence for our daughter. 

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I'll mention the library to our DD in the morning.   The volunteer hours are so daunting.  And like you, Mirabillis, our daughter's days are already packed.  She went to bed tonight at 11 after dance and told me to wake her early so she could study for a physics tests.  I'm worried about adding more to her days. 

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I forgot to mention that the ASL instructor agreed to have our daughter to give a presentation at the next club meeting!  Our girl is working on a 6 minute story presentation, and she invited her advisor to come and watch.  Should be fun!  And more personal development hours!  If only we could find some volunteer activities.....


In our community, we found that many of the usual volunteer activities had a minimum age requirement that excluded my DS . . . until we checked with a local retirement home and "created" an opportunity for him. The retirement home doesn't have an official volunteer program, but they have an enrichment program for the residents that offers offering bingo, bean-bag baseball, etc. on a regular weekly basis with set days/times. My son asked if he could help the enrichment coordinator with that and it has worked out great! They are thrilled to have him. He's grown rather fond of several residents too, which is nice because we do not live near any of his own biological grandparents, so these residents have started filling kind of a surrogate-grandparent role for him. He always feels great about helping out and getting to know them. And, another bonus, the enrichment coordinator now trusts my son enough to let him lead the activities . . . AND tomorrow he is kicking off a brand new program for them with science demonstrations to hopefully help engage more residents (the ones aren't especially into bingo and the other games). So, leadership opportunities combined with community service . . . and big confidence booster for DS. Anyway, that's another idea for a type of volunteer activity you might want to check into.


And if that isn't your daughter's thing, another idea is becoming a "book buddy" at a daycare, preschool, or elementary school. That was also on my DS's radar. Here, book buddies just spend regular weekly time reading aloud to/with the younger kids either individually or in groups. No minimum age requirement around here for that one either, just a willingness to help.


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Our girl took us on her first exploration/expedition today for the bronze certificate. We explored downtown Brooksville, FL. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s only twenty minutes from our house and also seat for the county courthouse.  WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve never even driven through downtown so it was totally unchartered territory.  From the minute we pulled out of our driveway, at exactly the time she requested, she was in charge of directions.  In no time, she took us to public parking which was directly across the street from an incredible bistro where we had breakfast.  The bistro owner was a delight and shared tons of great historical facts about the building, courthouse and entire downtown.  


From there, we explored one of the largest historic homes (which is reportedly haunted), went on a walking/driving tour of historic homes (I bet we took pics of about 30 homes), and toured the countyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s one room school house.  Our youngest rang the school bell and the girls put on little bonnets and had a blast with tons of hands on stuff in the school house.  We also chatted with several shop owners. My favorite was the local winemaker!  She actually showed us her winemaker room and explained the process to us.    It was so fun!  And IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m enjoying a sweet peach wine now!   Each owner had something unique to add to our day of local history and folklore. 


The courthouse wasnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t open, but we explored the grounds, plaques and statues.  We also enjoyed a late lunch at the same bistro.  We had no choice, because all of the other eateries closed at 3pm!   Luckily, the bistro owner remembered us and served us while they were hosting a private party!  This was one lesson our 13 Ă‚Â½ year old learnedĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.find out when places close.  She knew when everything opened but didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t check to see when places closed.  Good lesson. 


She also did not request enough money in her budget.  She underestimated the cost for food (including tips) and little souvenirs; she wanted a book on county history and an agate stone from this great little Indian shop!  IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m glad she decided to start out at the certificate level.  She definitely needs to improve her organizational skills, but this was an incredible start and took her out of her comfort zone. 


She packed a cooler with waters/snacks, plus added sun screen and bug sprayĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.walked around with a map and took tons of pics.  SheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s going to write up a report on the day for her advisor and include some historical facts, as well as details about the local architecture.   IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just hopeful that this is enough to qualify and serves as a solid start to her exploration/expedition adventures.  


Overall, we all had an absolute blast and canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t wait for her next trip!   It was such a great family day as well.  IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m really proud of her.

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