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Anyone Celebrate *real* Halloween?

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So - what IS your point?

If someone tells me they don't want something I am offering - I take it back!



MY point is that tolerance is a two-way street: you want them to respect the fact that you don't want it, but you don't want to respect the fact that they feel led to hand out a piece of paper.


My POINT --as has already been explained by Joanne-- is that tolerance itself isn't an ideal. My questions are aimed at those who DO feel like they are being 'tolerant'-- just how are you being tolerant to the people who believe differently? How are you allowing them to express beliefs that are in conflict with your owns? How are you indulging their beliefs?


Now if you don't give a flying fig about tolerance, then those questions don't apply, eh? :)

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MY point is that tolerance is a two-way street: you want them to respect the fact that you don't want it, but you don't want to respect the fact that they feel led to hand out a piece of paper.


My POINT --as has already been explained by Joanne-- is that tolerance itself isn't an ideal. My questions are aimed at those who DO feel like they are being 'tolerant'-- just how are you being tolerant to the people who believe differently? How are you allowing them to express beliefs that are in conflict with your owns? How are you indulging their beliefs?


Now if you don't give a flying fig about tolerance, then those questions don't apply, eh? :)


So if I feel led to educate your kids to my personal beliefs and you ask me not to - then you are not tolerant?

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Not "stuff"- CANDY - or a FUN trinket of some kind. I don't take my daughter trick or treating so she can knock on stranger's doors and ask for STUFF.


I am having flashbacks to a scene in an Adam Sandler movie where he takes a little boy trick or treating. The man who answers the door doesn't have candy, so Adam Sandler makes him give the kid CD's, his watch, etc.




It's with the people who turn off their lights because they don't want to participate. It's with the kids who don't make fun of the other kids who aren't allowed to dress up. It's with the members of churches, synagogues, and mosques who share in fellowship with each other but don't try to cram their personal version of their personal religion down other people's throats.


Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If it said Planned Parenthood offered free sex ed classes?


even if it said that :D


again --i welcome the opportunity to show mutilated humans to my kids as what PP does to humans as a 'right' and 'choice' to failed birth control.


I welcome the opportunity to explain and define just what the 'choice' is in pro-choice.


So if I feel led to educate your kids to my personal beliefs and you ask me not to - then you are not tolerant?



right --I never claimed to be tolerant :D


again -- my POINT and question was to those who claim to BE tolerant.

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Peek A Boo, I will watch out for the...is that a Golgatha pumpkin, or what? I hate it when I read four more pages of a thread and can't page back up far enough in the thread review when I'm posting.


Sola Michelle, I don't know what I'm thinking. Your kid's whole *head* is a pumpkin right now. :lol: I will work hard to remember that spotlit crosses, cute ghostie candles, and pumpkins can coexist peacefully. And I will double check that the crosses are not headstones, which could be misleading.

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How about passing out condoms on Halloween instead of candy?


ETA: Orange, glow-in-the-dark ones!


as long they aren't used [public health hazard and illegal, i'd presume]--we'd probably turn them into those weird water-filled balloon things kids play with that creep me out ;)



i'd probably be the nice person standing at the street warning people :D

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Peek A Boo, I will watch out for the...is that a Golgatha pumpkin, or what? I hate it when I read four more pages of a thread and can't page back up far enough in the thread review when I'm posting.


Sola Michelle, I don't know what I'm thinking. Your kid's whole *head* is a pumpkin right now. :lol: I will work hard to remember that spotlit crosses, cute ghostie candles, and pumpkins can coexist peacefully. And I will double check that the crosses are not headstones, which could be misleading.


I think most Christians would call it a Calvary punkin ;)


good luck this halloween --thanks to jedi and karen, i think i'm almost ready for anything people wanna hand out this year :lol:

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again --i welcome the opportunity to show mutilated humans to my kids as what PP does to humans as a 'right' and 'choice' to failed birth control.




You'd show that to your kids at what age, Peek?


I live near a large church and recently there were protesters out front on a Sunday morning. They were holding *large* signs with images of aborted fetuses and various political messages. The pictures were incredibly traumatic for my boys and I was furious.


Of course we have discussed abortion and our feelings about it, but those pictures are *awful* for children to see.

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You'd show that to your kids at what age, Peek?


I live near a large church and recently there were protesters out front on a Sunday morning. They were holding *large* signs with images of aborted fetuses and various political messages. The pictures were incredibly traumatic for my boys and I was furious.


Of course we have discussed abortion and our feelings about it, but those pictures are *awful* for children to see.



i agree they are awful --but they aren't any more awful realistically speaking than my 2yo and 4yo discovering a mutilated animal in our creek. I tend to approach death as matter-of-factly as i can.


For us, it's not the dead/mutilation part that is traumatic, it's that people would willingly do that to another human as a right for convenience.

THAT makes me more furious than seeing pictures of death.

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i agree they are awful --but they aren't any more awful realistically speaking than my 2yo and 4yo discovering a mutilated animal in our creek. I tend to approach death as matter-of-factly as i can.


For us, it's not the dead/mutilation part that is traumatic, it's that people would willingly do that to another human as a right for convenience.

THAT makes me more furious than seeing pictures of death.


So...what age?

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So...what age?



as I mentioned in my post -- even a 2yo and 4yo aren't going to be any more traumatized by images of a mutilated animal or human. So I don't HAVE a minimum age limit. I explain things to my kids as it comes up in life --or before i think it will come up so they can be prepared. Death is one of those things.

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I see.

I must say that in my experience that is not an accurate statement.


Yup. She scares me.

Finding a dead animal in a creek can be discussed. No one threw it in your face on purpose. It is traumatic to children.


Seeing another human being mutilated is a little closer to home for these kids.

AND someone is out there throwin it in your face - you didn't accidentally stumble upon it.


And seriously? No minimum age at which she will expose her CHILDREN to bloodied bodies of infants....ewww!


Can anyone say Carrie?


I know that AS A TEENAGER I was deeply disturbed by those images. DEEPLY. Why on earth would anyone voluntarily show them to a CHILD?

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I see.

I must say that in my experience that is not an accurate statement.



well sure -- each person has a different threshold of what they can and can't handle. Do kids/people LIKE seeing mutilated corpses of any kind of animal/ human? not generally speaking. Since we live in an area where we commonly find mutilated animals for one reason or another, it has been an educational experience for all of us in what death is and how to handle it w/ kids of all ages [see sig].

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Yup. She scares me.

Finding a dead animal in a creek can be discussed. No one threw it in your face on purpose. It is traumatic to children.


Seeing another human being mutilated is a little closer to home for these kids.

AND someone is out there throwin it in your face - you didn't accidentally stumble upon it.


And seriously? No minimum age at which she will expose her CHILDREN to bloodied bodies of infants....ewww!


Can anyone say Carrie?


I know that AS A TEENAGER I was deeply disturbed by those images. DEEPLY. Why on earth would anyone voluntarily show them to a CHILD?



ya mean like, why on earth would anyone voluntarily DEFEND that mutilation of a HUMAN as a RIGHT for convenience?

and you wanna talk about Carrie??



no minimum age at which you would let your child bloody the body of an infant? as a Right?


this can get interesting real quick.....


eta: oh --and i just realized!!

you said it was a human being! didn't you get the memo from the pro-choicers that you CAN't call it a human BEING??

Edited by Peek a Boo
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HELP? Help do what? Do they buy them a housewarming gift?


Bigotry is bigotry, no matter how big of a cross one wants to hang around it to pretty it up.


You can put lipstick on a pig.........


Wait! I know this one! :D


Darn those bigoted lipsticked pigs. And how utterly obvious they become in a group.



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Let's try this: Scarecrows, pumpkins and ghosts on the lawn mean we get candy. Big white spotlit crosses mean we get tracts. Then we'll all know what the deal is.


Umm, in our adjacent neighborhood, at one house, pumpkins carved with crosses = no candy, only a tract and a church brochure. And these are acre yards. If I had had a tot, I would have been grateful to the dad who advised the little beggars not to bother with the Scrooge house. Strikes me as false advertising.


The next Halloween, the houses in that particular cul de sac got together to a cul de sac set up for kids. The adults dressed in costumes. Had apple bobbing and other quick party games for kids. All this was set up at cul de sac entrance so the little ones didn't have to trample so far. It was a huge hit.

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My POINT --as has already been explained by Joanne-- is that tolerance itself isn't an ideal. My questions are aimed at those who DO feel like they are being 'tolerant'-- just how are you being tolerant to the people who believe differently? How are you allowing them to express beliefs that are in conflict with your owns? How are you indulging their beliefs?


Now if you don't give a flying fig about tolerance, then those questions don't apply, eh? :)


I prefer to respect those of other beliefs rather than merely tolerate (ie suffer to exist or "indulge" or "allow") them. I have no expectation of freedom from any religion, but I do have a (perhaps deluded) expectation of mutual respect and civil, honorable behavior from *everyone* regardless of their religion until proven otherwise. It is indeed a two way street. At minimum I expect it to be along the lines of "don't do to other people what you don't want them to do to you (or to your children)".


I realize that I may have a rather outmoded idea of what it means to behave with honor. It certainly does not include targeting children covertly or deceptively to achieve my own goals regardless of my "purity" of intent. Such behavior crosses the line into "otherwise" and no, I do not feel compelled to accept it or to be silent about the fact that it is inappropriate in the name of "tolerating" that person, any more than I feel compelled to be silent about other inappropriate behavior. I can respect one's beliefs and one's right to hold them while at the same time holding them accountable for civil, appropriate behavior in the public arena. The end *does not* justify the use of any and all means.


These sorts of actions on the parts of people who are loudly claiming to be acting as a representative of their deity leave me feeling like Fluellen in Henry V (Act 4, scene vii):


Kill the poys and the luggage! 'Tis expressly against the law

of arms. 'Tis as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as

can be offert, in your conscience now, is it not?

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I would call that child abuse, IMO.




I agree. I think it's very disturbing to let your babies see that kind of stuff.


I don't let my dd watch Saw movies and I don't appreciate people throwing pictures of bloody body parts in my dd's face. There are certain images I will sheild from her because I am a parent and that is my job!

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go ahead: i welcome the opportunity to show my kids how wrong some people are ;)


i happen to know for a fact that if one doesn't have sex, then an abortion isn't needed.


and we see that even with sex education, there are still abortions.



Hmmmmmm. And how many pregnancies do we see with the "just say no" approach? (Palin anyone?)


I know parents who educate and DO NOT LOOK DOWN ON THEIR KIDS if they DO decide to become sexually active. My friend's dd came to her at 17 and said she was ready for birth control. I doubt we will have an unintended pregnancy there. And therefore, no abortion.


There is a difference in sex education as a way of explaining how we all got here and sex education as a way to prepare for our children's sexual desires that they WILL experience as they grow into mature adults.

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I'm a little shocked that Palin's daughter hasn't ended this entire discussion. Abstinence CLEARLY doens't work so why are they still even trying that argument??? It's illogical. But then again, I suppose that's why people are fleeing the Republican party.


Astrid, you're not having fun on this thread?? There's so much tolerance here. :glare:

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asta, I am so sorry.


Folks, this thread, which is about Samhain, has mentioned Samhain once, seriously, ONCE since page three. We're on page fourteen.


I apologize for participating in the derail.


Could this eleven page derail get moved to another thread? Or, if another thread gets started about Samhain, could it stay on topic?


I am mortified.

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I'm a little shocked that Palin's daughter hasn't ended this entire discussion. Abstinence CLEARLY doens't work so why are they still even trying that argument??? It's illogical. But then again, I suppose that's why people are fleeing the Republican party.


Astrid, you're not having fun on this thread?? There's so much tolerance here. :glare:


Abstinence does work. Palin's daughter simply didn't practice it. Just as, regardless all the push for "safe sex", some of it fails, and many simply don't practice it. You can lead a horse to the watering hole, you can't make him drink.

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I agree. I think it's very disturbing to let your babies see that kind of stuff.


At age 5, my daughter went to a human body exhibit and saw fetuses in different stages of development. We have never censored media in this house. Dd7 has seen several rated R movies. We talk about sex frankly and openly here. Dd has seen graphic images from history, including the holocaust.


All that being said, I have seen some of the "images" used by those kinds of extremists, and if I encountered them, I would do everything I could to make sure my child didn't see them. It's not just the images, but the context in which they are used, which - even though dd is very mature for her age- are too much to process for a young child with little background on the topic IMO.

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My tolerance for my own thread is about shot.



I think I might have started this whole thing, not intentionally. Let me just say if you come to my house you will be presented with a big bowl of candy and are free to grab a handful. You will find cornstalks decorating the fences posts. Yesterday, my girls got all the pumpkins they could find and decorated them; one side a scary face, the other side a happy face. Then they found pieces of wood and made tombstones. One fell off a cliff, one got run over by a wagon, one got the cholera (we visited some old mining town cemeteries this summer if you couldn't tell).


I love the change of seasons, and this time of year is my absolute favorite. Bringing in our harvest and marveling at what nature has given us, watching the trees get ready to go to sleep, raking leaves and putting them on the garden, drinking gallons of apple cider and eating donuts, bonfires at night telling stories about family, my girls running through the orchard screeching at the top of their lungs to scare away the 'bad' spirits.


We will attend an All Saints Party where my girls dress up as saints and tell their story. But I wouldn't invite any of you to that unless you expressed an interest. Otherwise, you're all welcome to drop in and maybe we'll have a fresh donut for you and some hot cider - or, if you're like me, a Hornsby hard cider.


I'm a Christian who is very drawn to nature and the original celebrations, and I love hearing how others celebrate these different occasions. Every year I learn something that I can add to our family traditions. I would still be interested in listening if anyone wants to share.



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I prefer to respect those of other beliefs rather than merely tolerate (ie suffer to exist or "indulge" or "allow") them. I have no expectation of freedom from any religion, but I do have a (perhaps deluded) expectation of mutual respect and civil, honorable behavior from *everyone* regardless of their religion until proven otherwise. It is indeed a two way street. At minimum I expect it to be along the lines of "don't do to other people what you don't want them to do to you (or to your children)".


I realize that I may have a rather outmoded idea of what it means to behave with honor. It certainly does not include targeting children covertly or deceptively to achieve my own goals regardless of my "purity" of intent. Such behavior crosses the line into "otherwise" and no, I do not feel compelled to accept it or to be silent about the fact that it is inappropriate in the name of "tolerating" that person, any more than I feel compelled to be silent about other inappropriate behavior. I can respect one's beliefs and one's right to hold them while at the same time holding them accountable for civil, appropriate behavior in the public arena. The end *does not* justify the use of any and all means.



and Karen, i tend to AGREE with you -- the difference is in what actions we EACH --as individuals w/ different belief systems-- consider 'inappropriate.'


You last sentence kinda sums up my view of abortion.


But since it is common knowledge --and has been for YEARS-- that people give out these tracts on Halloween, there's nothing 'covert' or 'deceptive' unless you've been living w/ your head under a rock. Just as I'd have NO excuse to be shocked that my kids were learning fallible sex education practices for an activity they are too young to be legally engaging in anyway if I sent them off to school or some other group that i didn't check w/ about their policy on that.


what's inappropriate for one --seeing pictures of mutiliated babies/ teaching kids it's ok and a RIGHT to mutilate said humans-- is going to be APpropriate for another.


the whole point of tolerance is that we each have different lines where taht 'otherwise' kicks in.

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I agree. I think it's very disturbing to let your babies see that kind of stuff.


I don't let my dd watch Saw movies and I don't appreciate people throwing pictures of bloody body parts in my dd's face. There are certain images I will sheild from her because I am a parent and that is my job!



of course it's YOUR job!


and I think it's disturbing to teach your kids that it's a RIGHT to mutilate said babies for convenience. If you don't want people throwing pictures of bloody body parts then you might want to think about why those bloody body parts are out there to begin with. Talk about child abuse.

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At age 5, my daughter went to a human body exhibit and saw fetuses in different stages of development. We have never censored media in this house. Dd7 has seen several rated R movies. We talk about sex frankly and openly here. Dd has seen graphic images from history, including the holocaust.


All that being said, I have seen some of the "images" used by those kinds of extremists, and if I encountered them, I would do everything I could to make sure my child didn't see them. It's not just the images, but the context in which they are used, which - even though dd is very mature for her age- are too much to process for a young child with little background on the topic IMO.


so are you witholding the background on the topic?

like you, we are pretty frank about sex and our kids routinely watch all kinds of stuff too.

so what background do you think they need?


"One human mutilated and killed another human before it was born. Some people think that is not only OK, but should be available to anyone who wants to do that."


even my 4yo can understand that one. i might have to explain 'mutilated.' My 2yo would likely say "poor baby" the same way he picks up and pets his baby doll after it fell to the floor.


Now does this mean i have abortion education on the schedule every day? uh, no. But I am absolutely NOT going to shy away from a topic that is not only controversial and legal, but one I deem to be immoral, INAPPROPRIATE, and the worst form of child abuse.

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You know, it's like I tell my dd, you can act anyway you want. However, if you want to be accepted by a certain kind of society, there is a certain way you need to act.



Yup. I tell my dc that too.


I'm not interested in being 'accepted' by people who think it's ok to kill humans as a right.


what's appropriate for you is absolutely inappropriate for me.

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Abstinence does work. Palin's daughter simply didn't practice it.


that's kind of a DUH statement, but i guess one that needs pointing out.


I'm still wondering why it's ok to let teens be passionate about sex, but not follow their passionate desires for theft, murder, and disrespectful language.


"Oh-- you know those teens! they just can't help themselves!"


how utterly insulting to a teen's ability to control themselves.

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We're doing Samhain differently this year. I just looked at the calendar.


We're going to do the spiritual stuff the night before. Weather permitting, we'll have a bonfire and talk about the burning of the leaves and twigs from the garden and the trees and move a little deeper into our ancestors. I'll tell the kids a little about Celtic mythology and talk about why we ToT.


Worst case scenario, we'll do candles in a circle on the floor and all of the above. The kids are probably old enough now to see the rituals I used to do privately.


I'll do a cleaning of my altar next week so everything is shiny for Samhain. My favorite way to do that is to put the strong crystals in the tub and let the kids take a bath with them. Then we put them outside under the moonlight.



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