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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! Dd1's last day home, so she is hanging out and packing between practices today. Older boys are still sleeping, girls had breakfast after practice and are finishing up laundry. Ds3 is at practice now with dh. I am not really sure what is going to get done today, other than picking up and hanging out as much as possible with dd1.


To do:

general pickup

clean kitchen

hang out together

pm practice/aikido


Have a great day!

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Morning, all!


Some like-minded goals for today...


Dh is  home and we have a way of getting distracted from goals.


  • Purge dd's room and get bags to donation.  This will be a Herculean task, at best.  
  • Finish cleaning out the last two cabinets in the kitchen (I went into nesting mode on Christmas eve/day and tackled the kitchen)
  • Sort the bookshelf and divide into read/donate piles
  • Return overdue books to library



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