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Geography for Kindergarten


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I usually walk my children down the street to the street sign and say, "We live on ABC Street." Then we walk down the street to our house and I point out the numbers. We memorize our address & phone number. We look at maps when we are in the mall or at the zoo. I just start to familiarize them with the process. I ask them on the way home, "Should I turn left here or go straight to get back home?" I start teaching directions like left/right and north/south/east/west. We play with the globe and just hunt up whatever country we happen to be talking about. I make treasure maps for them to follow with snack at the end, etc. I keep it completely REAL life this year.

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We're Catholic and read a story about one of the saints each morning. Whenever a place is mentioned in the story, I pull out the atlas and show my DD where it's located.


Missionary stories could be used in the same fashion for Protestants.


We also incorporate map work into our study of history.

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I'm intending to use a variety of picture books and map jigsaw puzzles. Most of the books from the library, but there's a few I wanted that aren't in the library, so I've bought those. I'm also considering the geography songs cds that people on here have recommended. The inevitable atlas and globe too, of course.



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We liked Galloping the Globe very much too (we used it secularly, if it matters to you), and I'm sorry we never managed to finish it. I used GTG as a backbone and tied in stories from the Five in a Row books (we own all three) when I could (e.g., studying Japan for a week along with reading Grandfather's Journey and doing some of the unit work from FIAR). It was a lot of fun, and my DD6 retained a surprising amount from the work we did with it. It's not really anything you couldn't put together yourself, frankly, but I'm a "please lead me by the nose" kind of HSer (at least for now, though I hope to develop some creativity eventually :lol:), and this did a nice job.

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A fun thing to do with kids that age is make an outline of your house--including the rooms. Then have your child identify each room. Then go out from there...draw your street and have him pick out the neighbors houses. Kids love that. Helps them get a feel for their world on paper.

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We are using A Trip Around the World and Another Trip Around World. My kids love it and it's very easy. My three year old loves to join in as well. I like it because we can adapt it now to the early years and I think we can use it again when they are a little older. I also find the lesson plan pattern easy to add in other countries we may find interesting to do. We color a map/find it on a world map, make a flag, and make a food to eat. It's very simple, but I think we can use it again when they are a little older.

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