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More baby prayers needed


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Sending hugs.


There are always Studio C videos unless laughing makes you hurt too much.


Or you could start a controversial Hive thread and have fun watching Boardies "play."


Wishing the best for you as you continue through this day... hoping you also get some rest.  :grouphug:

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Yes Creekland is right. You could start a kerfuffle like "making cupcakes in the crockpot for students in a sugar free zone which will be wheeled into the school with a shopping cart that you have no intention of returning to the cart corral"!



We will happily distract you with such a controversial thread!

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Well f***!!! My blood pressure is through the roof and apparently my bloodwork came back bad. So now I'm getting transferred to high risk and being put on magnesium sulfate for an indeterminate amount of time. Reunited with the man for a short time only to have him not be allowed to room with me unless dh is in the room. But he has to take DD to the ER we think. My mom has been observing her and things haven't gotten worse but she cries when she is moved around and won't put weight on her leg.


I'm done with today

That sucks! They put me on mag sulfate and now I'm on a boatload of blood pressure medication after it al got worst postpartum. So weird!


I'm praying your DD just sprained something, that's added stress you don't need :(

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry for all the added stress and the mag. Mag is not fun at all so :grouphug:. Since my mag was before delivery I am really glad to know that they bring him to you to nurse. I always wondered......

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry for all the added stress and the mag. Mag is not fun at all so :grouphug:. Since my mag was before delivery I am really glad to know that they bring him to you to nurse. I always wondered......


Any friends that could come visit, to provide the "sober adult" you need to have him in the room, at least for a bit?

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Just checking in and doing my rounds to see how everything was with all the Hive babies. :) Hope today was better, you got some rest and were able to snuggle your little guy. Hope your little girl is okay too. So much to handle all at once.  :grouphug:

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I am so sorry! That's lousy! I will keep praying for you.


(The only good thing I found about the mag was that it made me sleepy so I dozed a lot, which made the time pass faster. I hope it does for you as well.)


Big, big hugs to you.

They keep telling me all the things mag does to people, makes them dizzy, nauseous, tired, etc. And it has done none of that. I didn't sleep at all on it!

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Today was much better than anticipated. My first nurse once I was on the mag only had me as a patient so she kept Cillian in with me and did all his changing so and handing him to me when he needed me. Only time he had to leave was when the nursery needed to do vitals on him and after shift change.

Dh brought my 2 year old in to visit after her x-rays because they were a block from the hospital. No breaks were seen and she's got full range of motion in her joints so her Dr said to take her to the children's hospital if it doesn't get better for an ultrasound of her hips. She cuddled me for an hour and met her brother.


Then later my sister came to stay with me so Cillian could stay as well. By the time she had to leave dh was back and my aunt is staying with the other kids tonight. They took me off the mag 12 hours early and started oral meds. I should be going home in the morning

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Glad things are better!! (Sorry you didn't sleep on the mag. It didn't make me feel nauseous either, although toward the end I was gagging and retching a bit because my stomach had been empty for so long that I had painful hunger pangs. Anyway.)


I hope tomorrow you are home with your family and sweet new baby boy!

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Hope you and Cillian got to go home today and are settling in all comfy.

Sadly, we did not! The nurses messed up what my dr's orders were regarding my blood pressure meds so they got started too late for him to accurately access if the dosage was correct. So he's been observing me all day today and fixed theessed up orders.


I had to send dh home to be with the other kids because they are really starting to need us and my son has an event tomorrow that dh needs to take him to. Cillian and I are just chilling in the hospital room for one more night hopefully. I'm so bored! At least it seems we are both healthy again.

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Sorry you had to stay another night, but so glad you're better!!! That's awesome. Hope you can go home early tomorrow!


Between all the preeclampsia and eclampsia moms, missing sisters and NICU waits I'm surprised we all don't have high blood pressure! I am so glad you are better and we can have a welcome home celebration for you and Cillian tomorrow hopefully. This place could use some good news! :) (((hugs)))

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I announced to my kids that Cillian & his momma are going home & got an enthusiastic YEAH!  :hurray:


These Hive babies are going to be followed throughout their youth by lots of aunts & uncles - if you keep us updated sometimes.  :coolgleamA:

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