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UPDATE post 118 Help me make hospital and NICU as good as possible


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My heart hurts for you and your family as you miss your sweet little boy. I am praying for the comfort and peace only God can give to surround you all. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and for the photo! Nathaniel was a beautiful baby!



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I am so very, very sorry for your incomprehensible loss. :crying:


I have been following your thread and doing a lot of praying and a lot of crying for precious little Nathaniel, and I wish there was something any of us could do to help you, but I know there isn't.


When Mercy posted the link to the stories and you said you had read them to Nathaniel, I felt like I was right there with you for a second, and your grief and your love for Nathaniel were so evident that I couldn't stop crying for you.


Praying here, and wishing there was more that I could do. Nathaniel could not have had a better mom and dad than you and your husband. :grouphug:

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful boy with us. It was an honor and a joy to pray for him. I am so sorry for your loss.


[On a purely practical note, because I can't not be a tax attorney, even at a time like this: Because Nathaniel was alive in both 2016 and 2017, you are entitled to take a full dependency deduction for him for *both* years. The hospital probably submitted an application for a social security number after his birth, but if he doesn't have a social security number you can attach a copies of his birth and death certificates to your tax returns. Thank you for letting me feel useful.]

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MercyA, I love you. One of those Little Engine books is the one we have. It and Pooh are two of his siblings' favorites, and I have read both of them many, many times. It had not occurred to me to look for them online. Thanks to your kindness, I was able to read both of them to Nathaniel. Thank you very much.


Oh, happypamama, it was such a privilege to be able to do something small for you. You are very welcome. I am almost never up so late, but last night I had terrible insomnia, for which I'm now very thankful. 


Thank you so much for sharing these precious moments with us. As another poster said, it has made more of an impact on me than you'll ever know. 


I am so very sorry for your loss, but praying you will comforted by the certainty of seeing Nathaniel again.


May Jesus bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  

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I am grieving for you loss.  May G-d comfort you along with all who mourn.


My older brother died as a baby (before I was born) and his brief life and unexpected death have shaped my life in powerful ways.  I am sure that your family's brief time with precious little Nathaniel will enrich your children's life in so many ways... I just wish you could have had longer...


Know that we will still be here for you as you journey through grief - next week, next month, next year... ten years from now.... please, don't hesitate to reach out and share and let us cry with you, send you virtual hugs, and sit with you in your grief. 



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