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The future is here: Amazon Go


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I'm picturing a long line of frustrated customers, a machine screaming at you to put the item in the bag when you already did that, and no person there to fix it.


It sounds like there is no self-checkout machine in the Amazon Go store.  It's linked to your Amazon account and automatically charges you based on what you pick out and leave with.  No checkout process at all (but a check-in scan).  They also mention humans working in the article (for example, making food).  It doesn't sound like it's just a store filled with goods, but no humans at all.

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Publix is now in Greensboro and I am sure the next store will be in Raleigh/Cary or Chapel Hill, maybe Charlotte, but the Triangle should have one very soon.


That may be what puts me over the edge for moving :)


I need me a Publix! I know they have them in Charlotte already, but I need one in the Durham area, as I anticipate that is where we will end up. 

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I thought of the lost jobs as well. An nobody to ask where to find things unless you ask other customers who may know the store better. Less people to people interaction. Couple of years from now, we won't be chatting with anyone at the grocery store anymore -walk in, walk out without a word.


Unless the ap has a search function where you type in what you're looking for and it tells you which side of which aisle it's on or has a map of the store and it shows exactly where the item is on the map.


I already make it through the grocery store without talking to anyone when I use the self check out.  Yay! I have plenty of other people in my life I chat with about meaningful things, I'm not interested in a surface level pleasantries mini chat about whether or I not I found everything I was looking for and how I'm doing today.


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This reminds me of my grandmother, who died at age 95 about 10 years ago and had literally never pumped her own gas.  She would drive out of her way to the one full service gas station left because she refused to pump her own gas!


Also related to the bonus card issue -- I use mine at Wegman's and one day got an automatic call telling me that the Sabra hummus I had bought had a recall and to bring it back for a refund.  I don't always check the news for recall information, so I was very grateful for that call and wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't use the Wegman's card!

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