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Who's going to tackle Friday

Jean in Newcastle

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I slept in this morning, too, Jean! I hope yours was restful sleep!


I don't have to go anywhere today. WooHoo!!!


To Do:






school: writing, science, Spanish, math, grammar, constitution study


clean house: put away all school stuff, deep clean ds' bathroom and bedroom, dust/ vacuum living room, deep clean kitchen; start cleaning out laundry room


Hopefully, we'll watch Designated Survivor tonight and relax for the evening. 

Edited by mom31257
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Good morning! I am having some coffee and waiting for everyone to start moving. Dd2 should be up, the dog is ready (!) for her breakfast. I have a couple of errands today and we have a meet this weekend, so cleaning a little needs to happen.

To do:

get dd2 off

boys up and started

pay some bills

clean kitchen

some chores

library/quick grocery trip

last chores

head to meet


Have a great weekend!

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I slept soundly until 7:20. The only reason I woke up then was because my 5 year old was wanting me to scratch his back.


School work - we need to hit every subject

Finish washing clothes for the fall season


Read the next couple of units in Kitchen Science Lab and make a supply list

Cook dinner with my 5 year old

Help my children read the odd names on their Pokemon cards


Hope everyone has a blessed day!

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Happy Veterans Day!


I finally sent out a report (well, the first most important part) that has been hanging over my head for a month.  Blah!  I still need to compile and send some supporting documents.  And I have at least one other big thing hanging over my head for today.


Got the kids out to school.  Really glad it's Friday.  They had two "big tests" yesterday & today, in subjects they don't tend to test well in.  I never seem to get the balance right between after-school chill time, exercise, school work, and bedtime.  At least my kids are relatively cooperative....


For the rest of the day, I could just finish some work stuff and do house stuff on breaks.  My kids aren't fond of Friday afternoon school work, but I will ask them to do some reading and maybe a little math, to prepare for tomorrow's classes.


I hope I'm not forgetting any deadlines ....

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