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Has anyone just taken a break mid school year?


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We have had a very stressful time the last few weeks. DD had a conference presentation, We lost a long-term family pet to cancer, DD interviewed at and was rejected by the dream school that she has been focused on for a year, and, well, the political picture isn't helping any.


I am seriously wondering if I need to say that we're going to stop for a few weeks-maybe until after Christmas, and pick up then, going into the summer. I pushed myself into adrenal failure and an immune system collapse in college, and I definitely can see that DD may do likewise.


I've always operated on the "if we're home, we do school" philosophy, so for me, this is a radical shift.


FWIW, she is classified as a 7th grader, but is mostly doing high school level work and is approved for high school credit (and early graduation, should she want it. On her current path, she could graduate as early as the end of 8th grade). But she doesn't HAVE to get high school credit this year, and could easily finish up these classes next semester or next fall.

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Yes, every time I've been pregnant.


I'm personally rather tired of the break and looking forward to getting school going again, just as soon as the incapacitating nausea eases up.


It has always worked out fine for us, I can't imagine that your dd won't keep busy with her own interests and pursuits.

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Here's the thing: kids who have their natural curiosity intact don't stop learning during a break, they just learn in a less structured way.


My kids have done some pretty cool stuff on their own. And as you pointed out, it's not as if you have to stay on a particular race track aiming for graduation in x years...

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I'd probably take a short break and then require some reading, maybe some online math practice, and do some fun field trips until you both are feeling better.


Or, what if your daughter started a new book [about an animal]?  The book could include real-life science and math stuff.  And relevant geography.  That would cover most of the subjects, right?  :)

Edited by SKL
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I am sorry about the school thing.  :grouphug:


Yes, take a break and you can both have some time to heal and process things! Rest is important! 

Enjoy the lovely fall weather and do some fun things you haven't had time for. 

Agreeing with other who said that learning will still go on in a less structured environment and with less routine.


To answer the question, yes we have taken a break. When Dh had brain surgery last year, when my step-father died and when my mom had major health issues afterwards. All necessary and helpful breaks.

Edited by ScoutTN
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For me personally, I would try to hold out until Thanksgiving week (that's just one more week of school) and then break until the new year. I've always liked that idea of taking off between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and one more week gives an opportunity to get things wrapped up to a good stopping point. That said, we are taking off tomorrow for a mental health day. We'll have a moment of silence at 11:00 and then do crafts, read, whatever. The kids are off from their public school classes for Veteran's Day.

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Agreeing with all the others.  Occasional taking a long break to decompress and "reset" is very healthy.  


In my experience, after a week or so, either the kids are learning and creating via interesting independent activities or they are bored out of their skulls and asking if we can start doing school again.



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We have taken them for medical and travel, it's one of the reasons we homeschool year round. A week or two off can be good for the soul and sanity, both, especially when burnout is imminent. For the sake of retention I wouldn't take off more than a month or I'd continue one or two subjects formalized, like math and reading, and ditch the rest for more interest based things and free time.

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We take a break around this time every year as my hubby usually have business trips that we could tag along. This year we were so burnt out from cabin fever in end September due to less outside classes that we made the trip to JHU and Niagara Falls instead of doing a Canada east coast trip when it is snowing.


:grouphug: we do R&R whenever burn out strike. We are concentrating on surviving my boys' middle school teen angst intense version.

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We essentially "unschooled" for most of spring semester in 2015 because I was totally preoccupied with my youngest's health issues. It was fine. Could she maybe find some interesting MOOC to do via Coursera, EdX, MIT OCW, etc. while putting her normal courseload on hold? Those are usually 6-8 weeks.

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I'd ask her to come up with an independent project she'd like to study, and have her spend 3 hours a day working on that, and maybe half an hour a day on khan academy to keep the math skills in her head.  And mom gets a break.  Do holiday activities.  Volunteer. Take a cardio kickboxing class at the Y every day. Bake gingerbread cookies and hang them all over a Christmas tree, they'll make your house smell divine. Whatever makes you happy. 

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