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I am having a low level anxiety attack tonight


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A refugee and a Muslim one at that was voted in.

Also a Somali woman voted on too.

(According to another WTM thread)


Hardly signs that we are going swiftly into hate and xenophobia in a hand basket.


I think all this sky is falling reaction is a bit much to take with a straight face.


Whoever becomes president, they are not our entire government and they are just one person.


But I tend to be a very pragmatic person by nature.

Edited by Murphy101
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My impression was that the rules were very subjectively applied and that pressure from certain members of the group may have hastened the removal.


I can't speak to that as I'm not the moderator and I wasn't present when it happened.  But all of the posts were very kind and there were several, so it didn't exactly happen that quickly.


In any event, the way Shred & TM are describing it is very misleading.

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I don't usually post on chat, but, I need to get something off my chest. This isn't a small minority voting for trump. This isn't just old people and nasty unliked people. This is a majority of your country voting for him.


Do you truly believe every single one of those people, the majority of your country, voted out of hatred and racism? If you do, then you have a very depressing 4 years ahead, surrounded by a majority of people who you believe are hateful racists.


Or, perhaps, there are other reasons and beliefs at play, and that some people voted for trump who don't agree with every racist or hateful thing he said. It's possible to vote for someone and still dislike half of what they said, it seems to me people aren't exactly fans of Hillary either. 


I just can't get over the number of people who are calling the MAJORITY OF THEIR COUNTRY (if he wins, obviously) racist and hateful and xenophobes. This isn't a small group of bad people we're talking about here. 


Yes, this is what I believe. And, yes, it will be a long four years for my family. The nation is fortunate to have men like my DH on the front lines. I'm hoping these voters will volunteer to relieve him b/c I plan to push for early retirement.

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Just clarifying the statement that "anyone is welcome" in the Political group. That is untrue. There is at least one exception.


I always respond in a professional manner with no name calling or labeling. Sometimes this is unwelcome.


Fine.  People who don't follow the rules are not welcome.  How's that?  Seems obvious to me, since it's how it works here anyway, but maybe people needed it spelled-out more.

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A refugee and a Muslim one at that was voted in.

Also a Somali woman voted on too.

(According to another WTM thread)


Hardly signs that we are going swiftly into hate and xenophobia in a hand basket.


I think all this sky is falling reaction is a bit much to take with a straight face.


Whoever becomes president, they are not our entire government and they are just one person.


But I tend to be a very pragmatic person by nature.

That was my entire point in reposting the crook and monster blog entry. Oh, and quoting Phil Vischer:



The world isn't ending, half of our friends and neighbors aren't actually monsters voting for Hitler, and the disappointing ugliness seems to be most on display in the words and actions of those claiming they hold the moral high ground.


Deep breaths, prayers for the next president to be wise and prudent, and remembering we aren't one another's enemies in this process are all good and prudent things. I maintain neither of these folks were good choices, but I'm not surprised at what spawned both of them either.

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That was my entire point in reposting the crook and monster blog entry. Oh, and quoting Phil Vischer:



The world isn't ending, half of our friends and neighbors aren't actually monsters voting for Hitler, and the disappointing ugliness seems to be most on display in the words and actions of those claiming they hold the moral high ground.


Deep breaths, prayers for the next president to be wise and prudent, and remembering we aren't one another's enemies in this process are all good and prudent things. I maintain neither of these folks were good choices, but I'm not surprised at what spawned both of them either.


Yes, they actually are. The other half were complicit by either not voting or voting third party. Not only that but they handed over single party rule to people who have pledged to roll back every major civil rights victory of the last half-century, from voting rights to marriage equality to Title IX and Title X. All of it is fair game. I believe them when they say these are their intentions. Also, the Canadian immigration Web site crashed. Many people believe them.

Edited by Sneezyone
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Don't let something as stupid as an election allow you to even think about it!

You stay and so are all of us who may disagree with others. That's just life. We can agree regarding some things and disagree about other issues.

If you get worried you can hide behind me for a little while... :)



Tomorrow we will all be warned constantly about the next harbinger of the end of the world.

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She QUOTED martin niemoller and laughed. There is no way to make that ok. It was a horrible thing to do. People are frightened and you don't kick people when they are curled up in a fetal position. Snicker privately if you must, but if you Point and laugh you should be ashamed.

The way I read it, she quoted the poster who thought niemoller applies to this situation. Which is not the same thing as laughing and pointing at people publicly curling up into a fetal position.

Edited by KathyBC
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LOL. My magical thinking fails.


I think it is a good thing. I look forward to seeing how white working class America fares under President Trump.

I prayed for President Obama and I'm praying for President Trump. I'd have prayed for President Clinton as well.

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Oh, you mean like the Dow free fall? Wait, that's underway ahead of schedule.

This is called *opportunity*. It's a great day to invest like mad.

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LOL. My magical thinking fails.


I think it is a good thing. I look forward to seeing how white working class America fares under President Trump.

Ha! There is that!  We, as wealthy intellectuals, will survive just fine, but will they?  I rather doubt it. My concern is for the marginalized. I no longer give a crap for the white working class. Let them reap what they sowed.

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If half the country is supporting something (in the loosest sense of the word...) perhaps it's time to sit up and listen and try to understand them, rather than shut your ears and declare the sky is falling.


I don't like trump. I hate men like him. I happen to think he is the lesser of two evils here, but that's not really important. What's important is that half the country's opinion has been dismissed in one quick sweep under the labels of racism and hate. If we call it racism and hate then we don't actually have to listen to, or take seriously, the real issues leading people to vote for trump. 

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Her follow-up post seems to make it clear she's laughing at the "end of the world", chicken little reaction, not at genocide. That this election result = genocide might be an opinion shared by posters in this thread, but her post does not reflect laughing at genocide to me.


I have to say I did understand it the same way as KathyBC did which is why I didn't get it.

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If half the country is supporting something (in the loosest sense of the word...) perhaps it's time to sit up and listen and try to understand them, rather than shut your ears and declare the sky is falling.


I don't like trump. I hate men like him. I happen to think he is the lesser of two evils here, but that's not really important. What's important is that half the country's opinion has been dismissed in one quick sweep under the labels of racism and hate. If we call it racism and hate then we don't actually have to listen to, or take seriously, the real issues leading people to vote for trump. 



Thanks for coming back Abba! Please stick around.


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If half the country is supporting something (in the loosest sense of the word...) perhaps it's time to sit up and listen and try to understand them, rather than shut your ears and declare the sky is falling.

I don't like trump. I hate men like him. I happen to think he is the lesser of two evils here, but that's not really important. What's important is that half the country's opinion has been dismissed in one quick sweep under the labels of racism and hate. If we call it racism and hate then we don't actually have to listen to, or take seriously, the real issues leading people to vote for trump.

This. Instead ordinary working Americans were mocked and ridiculed and dismissed. They spoke up today. This was an anti-establishment vote, nothing more.


It still isn't over, anyway.

Edited by TranquilMind
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Yes, they actually are. The other half were complicit by either not voting or voting third party. Not only that but they handed over single party rule to people who have pledged to roll back every major civil rights victory of the last half-century, from voting rights to marriage equality to Title IX and Title IX. All of it is fair game. I believe them when they say these are their intentions. Also, the Canadian immigration Web site crashed. Many people believe them.

You seriously think anyone who did anything other than vote for who you think they should have are hateful monsters and worse?


Well alrighty then. I disagree.


But even more... I think that attitude is exactly why it went the way it did. And I dislike that too.

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I am out of likes, Mercy.  We are in such great need as a nation right now for civility, grace, and understanding.




Sure, kind of like the civility, grace and understanding that's been shown to people on this thread, right?


Don't vote the way some want you to vote and get called a hateful racist.  Yeah, that's real gracious!

Edited by debinindy
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Fine. People who don't follow the rules are not welcome. How's that? Seems obvious to me, since it's how it works here anyway, but maybe people needed it spelled-out more.

The rules are everyone is welcome. I think you guys are breaking the rules when you force people out who you've hatefully labeled Hateful Racist Xenophobes. You (and others) are making it an unwelcoming place.


By the way I've been officially cleared of being one "of those" by Bibiche up thread so I'm not deserving of being shamed anymore.

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And just when I thought the night couldn't get any worse, I got a phone call from my husband that he hit a deer and our car is totalled. He was driving back from volunteering in Nevada, since our home state is not in play. Thankfully, he is ok. And that's the most important thing.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that so many people in our country voted for someone who publicly mocked a disabled person and never showed any remorse. It's simply unbelievable to me.

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And just when I thought the night couldn't get any worse, I got a phone call from my husband that he hit a deer and our car is totalled. He was driving back from volunteering in Nevada, since our home state is not in play. Thankfully, he is ok. And that's the most important thing.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that so many people in our country voted for someone who publicly mocked a disabled person and never showed any remorse. It's simply unbelievable to me.

I'm so sorry he was in an accident! That will ruin even the best of days. :grouphug:

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You seriously think anyone who did anything other than vote for who you think they should have are hateful monsters and worse?


Well alrighty then. I disagree.


But even more... I think that attitude is exactly why it went the way it did. And I dislike that too.


Yes, this is what I think. I care not about those now in charge. I will happily hand them the reigns. I just need to make sure my family is protected first. Right now, my priority is moving our money which, due to the trading halt, will not take effect until COB tomorrow.

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Sure, kind of like the civility, grace and understanding that's been shown to people on this thread, right?


Don't vote the way some want you to vote and get called a hateful racist. Yeah, that's real gracious!

The fact that people vote differently isn't the point. That second GWB election was heartbreaking, but at no point did I feel this utter loss of faith in this country. Voting for someone by definition means you admire him and are hiring him to speak for you and for everyone else. You choose to side for what he stands for. Donald trump is on record saying, "I don't respect anyone." How can more tha 50% of the electorate decide he speaks for them?

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The rules are everyone is welcome. I think you guys are breaking the rules when you force people out who you've hatefully labeled Hateful Racist Xenophobes. You (and others) are making it an unwelcoming place.


By the way I've been officially cleared of being one "of those" by Bibiche up thread so I'm not deserving of being shamed anymore.


Get over yourself.  If you think people have broken the rules then report it.  I didn't call you or anyone else a hateful racist xenophobe.  You left of your own volition and nobody shamed you.

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Sure, kind of like the civility, grace and understanding that's been shown to people on this thread, right?


Don't vote the way some want you to vote and get called a hateful racist.  Yeah, that's real gracious!


Debinindy, I liked what Mercy said. That's all.  She hoped we could all listen to each other and I hope we can all do it with civility, grace, and understanding. It would be a step up from where we are right now both on this thread (all sides) and as a country.



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The fact that people vote differently isn't the point. That second GWB election was heartbreaking, but at no point did I feel this utter loss of faith in this country. Voting for someone by definition means you admire him and are hiring him to speak for you and for everyone else. You choose to side for what he stands for. Donald trump is on record saying, "I don't respect anyone." How can more tha 50% of the electorate decide he speaks for them?

No more likes. Thank you for saying this.

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I'm out for the night, but, I think this sums up what a lot of people who I know voted trump are feeling. If you actually want to look beyond the labels of racism and hatred and see why half your country 'supports' this man, look into what these people think is so broken that they're willing to tolerate his racism and hatred for the glimmer of hope that he might be able to break and rebuild it.


My prayers go out to everyone tonight, on both sides of the vote, and especially to those with family serving in the military, because I acknowledge the uncertainty and fear this brings. 



Trump supporters know what they are getting. They know he’s offensive. They know he’s under-informed on policies. They know he pays as little in taxes as possible. They know he uses bankruptcy laws when needed. They know he ignores facts that are inconvenient to his message. They just don’t care. They want to push the monster into Washington D.C., close the door, and let him break everything that needs to be broken. Demolition is usually the first step of building something new. And Trump also knows how to build things when he isn’t in monster mode.


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We need to move 'critical thinking skills' up to the top of the curriculum; nobody can be anymore pro-working class issues than me, but the working class does itself no favors when it is incapable of making intelligent decisions.


Anyone who thinks the working class is going to be better off in the next four years is deluded.


You and I should be worried; withdrawing protection from Japan and S.Korea, as Trump wishes to do, will see a nuclear race in our region.

yeah not good news for Australia

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A Republican friend of mine recently posted on Facebook about the difficulty of explaining this outcome to her biracial adopted daughters. Her sister, also a Republican, chimed in to say, "There, there, it's not so bad." My friend proceeded to explain to her sister, in excruciating detail, all the ways that her family and her daughters are hurt by the normalization of bigotry and racism. She talked about having to hold her daughters as they bawled after being called niggers in their central Florida community. She talked about all the ways she's had to prop up their self-confidence when everything from their skin color to hair texture is seen as less desirable by their classmates. She talked of being warned by neighbors to arm themselves just in case. I salute those of you who can wake up the day after and see no real change in your lives. There are many of us, however, who cannot be so sanguine. America has just told us that bigots rule and we are not welcome. It's extraordinarily painful. I guess the one thing I'm pleased about is that I do not have to explain that to my own siblings.

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And just when I thought the night couldn't get any worse, I got a phone call from my husband that he hit a deer and our car is totalled. He was driving back from volunteering in Nevada, since our home state is not in play. Thankfully, he is ok. And that's the most important thing.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that so many people in our country voted for someone who publicly mocked a disabled person and never showed any remorse. It's simply unbelievable to me.


Frances, I am so sorry for your husband and about the car. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


There was a Republican analyst on the NPR coverage whose commentary has made me stop and try to sift through the various pieces.  I can't remember if it was this thread or another one where Arctic Mama said the reasons for voting for a particular candidate are more complex than we are giving them credit for.  The analyst for NPR said that it was evident by both the amount of liberal support for Bernie and the support for Trump over the more traditional Republican candidates showed the deep dissatisfaction many Americans feel with our politics/government.  Many votes were cast on both sides as protest votes.  However, the analyst said, for the first time we have someone is openly expressing sentiments that we as a society have said are not acceptable.  By saying them out in the open ( "Grab 'em by the p***y") or by mocking the disabled, we have legitimized those viewpoints and given them more weight, more acceptability. This in turn, drew out voters that are, well, in support of those viewpoints.


Maybe I have this all wrong, but I think we are looking at very different subsets of voters who voted for the same candidate for very different reasons.  That makes it difficult for me to paint one half of our country by hateful labels.  However, I do believe in owning your vote. If I vote for someone that I know is a war hawk, I can't really be surprised if my sons get shipped off to fight in another country.



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