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OK, level with me here: How much is this going to hurt?


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I survived! I will say that it was worse than I expected but better than I feared. I think I let the tech go tighter with the machine than maybe I should have because she kept saying that the tighter we could get, the clearer the films would be, and there would be less chance of my having to come back for a re-check. My right side feels like it's bruised deep through the center. I'm sure it will be fine by tomorrow, and hopefully the films will all be clear and easily readable. 


Thank you all for helping me know what to expect. It really ratcheted my anxiety level about the whole thing down quite a lot. You ladies are the best.

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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Most of the time, not at all.  But even if I have a year when for whatever reason it's slightly uncomfortable, it doesn't really hurt.  You know when they put that blood pressure thing on your arm and squeeze it?  It's not any more uncomfortable or painful than that.  (I've had many mammograms, since breast cancer runs in my family.)


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The responses were surprising to me. I didn't realize how minor the procedure is for the majority. I didn't want to post until after the OP's test, but it is pretty painful for me...perhaps because mine are small and very fibrocystic (so much so they always have to do an ultrasound because it all shows white on the X-ray anyway—I always wonder why they don't just do the ultrasound since they say the mammogram isn't helpful in my case).


Glad it went pretty well for you, OP, and hope you are feeling back to normal by now.

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