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Sharing my sad news

Night Elf

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My oldest dog passed away tonight. She has had rapid breathing for a couple of weeks. Our vet thought it was an enlarged heart and put her on heart meds. Those didn't do anything. She was seen again yesterday but she recommended we take her to a specialist. So we got an appointment this morning and he determined it was something to do with her lungs. He put her on two meds and wanted to see her back Friday. He had taken 3 x-rays and felt she was not in imminent danger. She did fine all afternoon. Her breathing was still rapid but she was breathing through her nose which is better than open mouth breathing. She still refused to eat but was drinking water. Then when we were sitting down to dinner, she collapsed and wouldn't move. We jumped up and took her straight back to the specialist. She died in my arms in the car on the way there. I'm happy she went while I was cuddling her but I'm so incredibly sad she won't be with us anymore. I'll miss her funny ways.

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My oldest dog passed away tonight. She has had rapid breathing for a couple of weeks. Our vet thought it was an enlarged heart and put her on heart meds. Those didn't do anything. She was seen again yesterday but she recommended we take her to a specialist. So we got an appointment this morning and he determined it was something to do with her lungs. He put her on two meds and wanted to see her back Friday. He had taken 3 x-rays and felt she was not in imminent danger. She did fine all afternoon. Her breathing was still rapid but she was breathing through her nose which is better than open mouth breathing. She still refused to eat but was drinking water. Then when we were sitting down to dinner, she collapsed and wouldn't move. We jumped up and took her straight back to the specialist. She died in my arms in the car on the way there. I'm happy she went while I was cuddling her but I'm so incredibly sad she won't be with us anymore. I'll miss her funny ways.

So so sorry.

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I am so sorry. I've held cats while they died and it hurts so bad. The last cat was my favorite cat. He died in my arms about 2 months ago. I still cry over him if I allow myself to think about him too much. My heart aches for him.


It can be so very painful to lose a beloved pet.


I comfort myself with knowing that while the pet was alive, he was loved and pampered. But it's still very painful when they go. I am so sorry for the pain you feel.

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