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ADHD and acupuncture


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No...but...I have trouble seeing how it could help. ADHD results from differences in brain function. Maybe if accupuncture somehow causes dopamine levels to rise?


My guess is that any improvement would be due to placebo effect, but sometimes that is good enough. I suspect it would be an expensive way to achieve that though.


Signed, lifetime ADHD'er :)

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Wow, that's so loaded, I have to slap myself a little.  


I'm sorry, you're new and I don't know you and you don't know me.  I'm just having a hyper-literal moment over the word remedy.  My grandma did acupuncture for her sciatica pain, and I'm cool with acupuncture.  I think you might want to nail down precisely what you're wanting to improve, since ADHD is a pretty complex set of brain differences.


For instance, you can do 10-15 minutes of mindfulness and get a 30% bump in Executive Function.  That's a pretty concrete thing to me, like something where it's obvious that something improved.  So what aspects of the ADHD are you wanting to improve?  I suppose it helps something.  Is it for yourself or your kid?  I'm just having a moment here trying to fathom how my extremely ADHD ds would ever sit for that, lol.  Acupressure, maybe.  Acupuncture, no.

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