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Research ASD and ADHD

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1, isn't it ironic that in a *neuroscience* magazine they aren't arguing for brain scans and actual SCIENCE to distinguish ASD and ADHD clinically? 


2, that's an astonishingly short ADHD survey they're using.  The ones I've always done have been multiple, multiple pages, like 60-90 items.  I've never done one with only 18 questions, mercy. That's laughably short.


I'll stop there, because once I start rambling about the DSM itself, I get really irate.  The whole thing is stupid, parsing things symptomatically with no concern for what they actually ARE in the person, biologically, neurologically, tossing labels, adding labels, trying to weedle apart things that clearly overlap, etc.  


But yeah, what are you going to get to?  It's really hard, in some ways, to look at my ds, and say ADHD.  He perseverates, gets fascinated, gets stuck on things, and leaves because he's dysregulated.  It's taking the easy way out just to call it ADHD.  He actually had underlying social thinking deficits creating a chunk of his "ADHD" behaviors, and there are other times when it's astonishing to think they call him that at all.  But it's handy to the schools, because then they get a crap reason to lower services for kids.  But that's me and my drum again.

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It seems to me they are saying they need a better way to screen for ASD and ADHD because some of the way the questions are worded you may say yes for but the reason for it is not inattention but not knowing the social cues. It is not saying that they cannot occur together just that some of the kids that get flagged in a screener that have ASD may actually have another reason for it. I think other things can actual look like ADHD that are something else too. You can certainly have both but I do not think trying to change the questions to reflect inattention is a bad thing.

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