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Bundy Brothers Acquitted. What comes next?


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It's not like the government has never done anything aggressive to a group of white people.




If they are trying to be less aggressive now, hopefully it's because they have received better training to avoid needless deaths. That said, they did kill one of the Oregon protestors. I personally wouldn't call that "kid gloves."


What does that mean?


The ATF had a *warrant,* they were raiding the compound and four AFT agents were killed.


There were reports that the leader had married girls as young as 12 and that they had automatic weapons (which they did)


Waco was indeed a tragedy because many died but the cult burned the compound down themselves.


It might have been why they were hesitant to raid the building at the federal park but the aggressors at Waco were the Branch Davidians. They KILLED federal agents.


LaVoy Finicum was armed, the FBI even released the video of the incident.

Edited by Slartibartfast
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Thank you for sharing this information. I haven't had time to look into the matter but was disturbed by the outcome. I suppose the prosecutor didn't want to go with lower charges, hoping that the jury would be forced to convict on the higher ones. Sounds like a case of failed gamesmanship. 


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