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School profile, homeschool description, etc. help!


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Dear Friends,

DS is a senior this year and we are very close to being done--but I am holding up the whole process!

DS already turned in his CA, recommenders turned in their letters, and all

the scores and transcripts are sent by outside institutions.


I am stumped about what should go in:

School Profile

Homeschool Environment, Description, etc.

and I don't know how much redundancy there would be.


Is the School Profile a general description of our school?  How would it be different

from the Homeschool Environment, Description, etc? Or is the School Profile more

a list of course descriptions?


I had two different admissions people tell me two different things, and one of them 

said, "Oh, just put the same thing in school profile as in homeschool description."

Then he changed his mind and said:  "You know what, just put the course descriptions

with esoteric titles that we would not understand."  So I am very confused!


I have been keeping records all along, so have all the information in Word documents.

I just need to know what to put where.


What are the ladies here doing as far as School Profile vs. Homeschool Env. & Description?


Would anyone be willing to share their document?  (You can take out all your personal

info--I just wish I knew what School Profile is supposed to look like.)


Thank you!!!



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Of my three kids admitted into non-selective colleges, only two required the "School Profile".  This is what I have sent to the schools, modified to fit each student.  Hope this helps to get you started!  ETA:  Course descriptions are an entirely different beast.




HISTORY – Our family initially decided to homeschool in 2000 in order to provide educational continuity that military children normally have difficulty achieving due to frequent relocations. As we experienced other unforeseen benefits of individualized education, we decided to continue homeschooling through high school.  *SON* and his siblings have been homeschooled their entire educational careers.


PARENT EDUCATION – Both parents are college educated.  Father has two graduate degrees (MBA, MHA), and mother has an undergraduate degree (BS).  Mother is a former member of American Mensa.


FAMILY DYNAMIC – We are an intact traditional family with six children. *SON* is an identical twin and has four younger brothers, one of whom has special-needs. 


PHILOSOPHY – We believe homeschooling is about more than just academics.  We strive to balance the whole being by developing and nurturing the body, mind, and spirit through healthful living, academic accomplishment, and spiritual development.  Academically, we are influenced by the classical model of education as outlined in The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise. We also believe that education is attained not only through academic instruction but also through the experiences of life.


STATE LAW – Our family homeschools in accordance with the legal requirements of the state of Texas.


METHOD – *SON* has been incrementally taught to take responsibility for his own education.  Each subsequent year has included more outside teachers and less direct parental instruction.  Self-education is encouraged as a valuable lifelong skill, so educational video instruction and computer software are often used to augment personal instruction.  We also utilize national or standardized testing in order to confirm academic achievement in select subject areas.  We are currently traveling around the continental United States to experience different places, people, and ideas as the capstone to our efforts of advancing *SON* toward being a well-rounded person.


EDUCATION PARTNERS – Many classes have been taught by outside teachers.  As members of a local homeschool support group, our family took advantage of an active weekly homeschool co-operative for three of the four high school years. Additionally, private tutors have occasionally been hired. *SON* also attempted a couple of online dual credit courses through our local community college.


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The school profile is optional. If you do the homeschool description, you do not have to fill in a school profile. On the other hand, if you fill in the school profile, that's where all your info goes. Your homeschool description should just say, "See school profile."

When I did the CA,the homeschool description was a text box, but the school profile was a pdf upload. I did the profile just so I could format my information neatly the way I wanted.



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Thank you to the two ladies who responded so far!

And thank you for sharing your school profile.

I would welcome additional input if anyone else has any!


I am wondering if I should include curriculum-type things.

Does anyone include their curriculum outline or description

in either the School Profile or the Homeschool description...


I don't mean the whole thing, just something like "We used

this online school, we used this university, we used these textbooks."


Do any of you include textbook titles in either of these documents...


I am still wondering how much detail it would be OK to include.


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I mentioned materials used (textbooks, book titles, lecture series) and any outside providers (online, universitites) in my course descriptions. Outside providers are noted on the transcript with superscript numerals next to the course title; the numeral legend is in one of the boxes to the side of the transcript.


I wrote a separate school profile, 2 pages long with sections entitled Community Information, Educational Philosophy, Curriculum and Grading, Grading Scale, Graduation Requirements (mine, nothing to do with the state btw), Explanation of Credits and Transcript, amd Educational Partners.


I wrote a lot from scratch in one box and c&p info from the school profile plus expanded a bit for another box.


For the box about outside classes, I included the course title (bolded) with university number (if applicable), in-person or online, length (semester, full-year, four week intensive session, how many hours per week the class met if live, how much interaction if asynchronous. I think that's it. I did not copy and paste from course descriptions nor did I write "see course descriptions" because I wanted to emphasize dd's unusual language study with a clear listing.

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Thank you to the two ladies who responded so far!

And thank you for sharing your school profile.

I would welcome additional input if anyone else has any!


I am wondering if I should include curriculum-type things.

Does anyone include their curriculum outline or description

in either the School Profile or the Homeschool description...


I don't mean the whole thing, just something like "We used

this online school, we used this university, we used these textbooks."


Do any of you include textbook titles in either of these documents...


I am still wondering how much detail it would be OK to include.


I had a category named "Educational Partners" in my school profile where I listed the outside providers that we used.  I had two separate files that fell into the Course Description category.  The first file was a master list of course descriptions.  The second file was simply a book list, which also summarized the textbooks that were used.  I uploaded both of these files under the "transcript" category on the Common App.


I did not add any additional info on the Common App section for homeschoolers - I simply wrote "See School Profile", "See Course Description", etc.


Good luck!

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I describe our homeschool philosophy, family background, main academic focus, type of materials used for each subject area, and briefly mention testing/outside classes in the profile. The document is 1 1/2 pages.

Course descriptions for all courses that list specific materials and topics covered are submitted separately (or uploaded as second transcript in the Common App); 8 pages.

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I had the following categories on our homeschool profile:  Educational Philosophy, Curriculum, Grading Calculations and Class Rankings, Graduation Requirements, and Educational Partners.


I followed the general outline of our local high school where my son took some classes, as well as incorporating ideas from board members who so generously shared their own documents with me.


I think there will be formatting issues if I share the entire documents, but I can give you samples of some of the sections.

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Educational Philosophy:
It can be difficult to convey heart-felt convictions regarding education without sounding cliché. Of course, our main educational goal is to provide Sailor Dude with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in his educational, professional, and personal life. We hope he has experienced learning as a lifestyle -- something that happens in the theater, at the art museum, during a lecture on freshwater ecology at the Audubon Society, while visiting our Spanish exchange student in his home country, or checking out geological formations in eastern (our state) -- not just something that happens only in a classroom. We want him to see learning as a potential source for joy.
We’ve worked to build a strong educational foundation by teaching to mastery and by requiring four years of study in the core disciplines of math, science, English, social sciences, and a foreign language. I switched from a liberal arts bachelor’s degree to a M.B.A. and I want Sailor Dude to have the kind of foundation that makes that possible. In a time where GPA reigns, we’ve encouraged ds to take academic risks and go for the stretch and possibly a “B†or a “C,†instead of the nap in class and the guaranteed “A.†Finally, we hope that with homeschooling, Sailor Dude has discovered that education can be meaningful and relevant to one’s life and interests.


ETA:  Everyone will have their own way of doing this. The tone I have adopted here is less formal than I might typically use for this type of documentation. However, it is consistent with our philosophy, our son's character reflected in his essay, and the types of schools where he was applying.

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All home study courses and those supplied by online educational partners were taught at the college preparatory level and many presented rigorous academic demands; however, it is difficult to differentiate honors level within a unique, home-designed course. The honors designation was limited to courses that were labeled honors or advanced by an outside provider. All Advanced Placement syllabi were submitted for a course audit and were certified by the College Board. The academic program is organized on a combined daily/block schedule, which is dependent on the mix of educational partners being used that semester. The school year is organized on a semester calendar, each semester lasting 18 weeks. A credit hour for the home study classes is equal to 130 hours.


This is a basic description of the type of courses our son took. Obviously, details were included in the uploaded document for course descriptions.  The comment I italicized was borrowed from a description that I believe Sebastion wrote in a post last year.  We often debate on this board how to weight classes that are honors level or advanced and this worked with my personal philosophy. I am overly sensitive to comments that as homeschool parents, we can make our student's transcripts as perfect as we wish. Ds's transcript is not perfect and I submitted both weighted and unweighted GPAs. 

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Grading Calculations and Class Ranking:


This is presented in an outlined box for a visual break on the page.  There are 3 "columns" of information.  On the left is the grading key with the grades A-F and the corresponding percentages. The middle column shows the grade points both unweighted and weighted.  The right column is the explanation that I've marked here in italics.


A:                 90-100%                   4.00              5.00
Grading Key – home study
Grade Points
Grade points were assigned on a 4.0 scale, with one additional point assigned for Advanced Placement courses. Grades of A, B, or C earn weighted credit of one additional grade point. Advanced Placement courses appear in bold on the transcript and are weighted.
A meaningful class ranking is not available.


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Graduation Requirements:
(Our state) homeschoolers in high school are required by (our state ordinance) 339.035 to register with the X Regional Education District and to monitor their progress through standardized testing administered by a certified teacher in tenth grade. (Our state) public high school students are required to earn a minimum of 24 credits (0.5 credits for each semester course successfully passed) in the following areas of study in order to receive a diploma:
English Language Arts (4) (4)
Math - Algebra 1 & higher (3) (4)
Science with Labs (3) (4)
Social Sciences (3) (4)
Physical Education (1) (1)
Health (1) (1)
Second Language/The Arts/Career & Technical Education (3) (4) + (1)
Electives (6) (1)
*Our homeschool graduation requirements are in bold.
As Sailor Dude is in compliance with the homeschooling law and has exceeded the requirements for a (our state) public high school diploma, we will have no hesitation in conferring his high school diploma on June 11, 2016.


Educational Partners

It'll take me too long to scrub this section, but it is basically a chart that lists individual teacher's credentials and the organizations that they work for. I did not give names or credentials for the public school teachers that my son took classes from. 

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Would anyone be willing to share their document?  (You can take out all your personal


info--I just wish I knew what School Profile is supposed to look like.)



I'd be happy to email you a copy of the school profile that I created for my daughter.  If you (or others) are interested, simply send me a personal message with your email address.




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Here is what I put in my school profile... gracious thanks to many here I copied from!

Haven't submitted yet, still final checking all my forms. I didn't put a section about curriculum, I have a rather detailed course description section with her transcript.  Also, DD is applying to state schools, nothing crazy competitive.



Contact Information




Community / Demographics


OUR Homeschool has been operating since 2009.  We began in OUR TOWN, a relatively rural area of OUR COUNTY with a population of 4335.  Two years ago we moved to NEW TOWN, with a population of 7153. 


Homeschool Philosophy


The goal of our school was to prepare DD to be a college-ready, independent learner and successful adult.  We have enjoyed the flexibility of a homeschool program, which has allowed us focus on depth rather than covering large amounts of material superficially.  This flexibility has also allowed DD to pursue the subjects she is most passionate about (math and science) in greater depth.  Teaching to mastery is a foundational principle of our homeschool.  We also used a transitional approach to independence, with the early high school years being mostly home-based, with more outsourced and independent study as high school progressed.  This culminated in a senior year of full time dual enrollment in college level courses.


Graduation Requirements and Testing


Our homeschool operates in accordance with STATE LAW NUMBER which regulates homeschooling in the OUR STATE.  We met or exceeded all requirements required by the state.  Our curriculum and class selection was based on H.E.A.R (Higher Education Admission Requirements), OUR STATE's recommended college preparatory requirements.  (Note, our state doesn't have uniform HS graduation requirements)


The following table compares the H.E.A.R. guidelines to DDs projected graduation credits.

Table didn't copy right, you get the idea. 



DD completed the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in 9th grade, the PSAT in the fall of 11th grade, and the SAT in the spring of 11th grade.



Credits / Grading / GPA


Credits are based on the Carnegie unit of 120 hours, and in general include the completion of a typical high school or college text and other materials.  Dual enrollment courses of four or more college credits are awarded one high school credit; courses with fewer credits are awarded half of a high school credit. 


Grading is based on an A, B, C and D scale.  Grade points are awarded as follows: A = 4.0, B= 3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0.  The weighted GPA reflects one additional grade point for college courses.  The transcript reflects both weighted and unweighted GPA.


Evaluation methods for traditional courses are based on chapter quizzes, daily assignments, and tests.  In other courses, the student is evaluated on demonstrated knowledge and understanding of concepts through discussion and practical application, as well as organization and effort. Grades for outsourced classes are determined by the instructor and institution.  See course descriptions for evaluation methods by course.


Educational Partners


Listed outside sources including community colleges and which classes were taken.





The travel time from our rural location requires us to select outside activities with discernment.  A CERTAIN ACTIVITY WHICH I THEN DESCRIBED became the primary focus of any extra time.  This program, which you can read more about in the counselor letter, sparked a passion in DD, encouraged her toward achievement, and provided an opportunity for teamwork and leadership.  As a consequence, however, participation in sports and other activities has been limited in scope.  


DD also had the opportunity to volunteer for HERE AND THERE.  At ONE PLACE she currently serves as a peer tutor and a teacher’s aide.

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Just adding, we don't have college degrees, so I didn't put anything about our education.  I listed textbooks in our course descriptions.  Each course had a "primary resources" section as well as an "evaluation" section.  My course description section was 9 pages.  It seems long, but I decided to leave it.

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I used the example from the college board for the School Profile. It includes:  


Contact information


Community and school information

Our Homeschool is located in rural area of Pennsylvania with a population of 5,800. We have three children who are homeschooled in 5th, 10th, and 12th grades. We have been homeschooling since 2010.


Curriculum and graduation requirements

Pennsylvania homeschooled students are required to meet the following Graduation Requirements: 4 years English, 3 years mathematics, 3 years science, 3 years social studies, and 2 years arts and humanities. They are also required to submit a portfolio for review by a certified teacher annually. Our students have met, and exceeded, these requirements.


Our Academy Graduation Requirements (Total Credits= 29):

4 years Mathematics (4 credits)

1 year Logic (1 credit)

4 years English (4 credits)

3 years Latin (3 credits)

4 years History/Social Sciences (5.5 credits)

3 years Spanish (3 credits)

3 years Science with Lab (3 credits)

4 years Fine Arts (2 credits)

1 year Science without lab (1 credit)

2 years Physical Education (1.5 credits)


Grading Scale


A 90 - 100% Excellent 4

B 80 -  89% Good 3

C 70 -  79% Satisfactory 2

D   0 -  69% Poor 1


Class Rank

Our children have been homeschooled for all 4 years of high school, so a meaningful class ranking is not available. Their standardized test scores should provide an objective indication of their abilities.



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For the Educational Philosophy question:

Please provide any information about the applicant's homeschool experience and environment that you believe would be helpful to the reader (e.g. educational philosophy, motivation for homeschooling, instruction setting, etc.).



The _____ Academy is a Homeschool designed to meet the academic needs of our children. We have three children who have all tested in the gifted range. We live in a rural area and found early on that the local schools were not able to meet the needs of our children. Thus, the Homeschool adventure began in 2010.  My husband and I both come from academic backgrounds. He has a Bachelors in Chemistry and a Doctorate in ______.  I have a Bachelors and Masters in ______.  It has always been our desire for our children to be constantly challenged academically and develop a true love of learning.  Homeschooling has allowed us the freedom to design courses that interest and motivate our children, and to move forward at their pace instead of the slower pace of a classroom.  It has also allowed us to teach them subjects such as Latin and Logic that would not have been available in the local school.  In addition, our schedule has allowed for in-depth musical and artistic pursuits that a typical school schedule would not have accommodated.  Our mission has been to provide the best foundation for a liberal arts education to our children.


Our educational philosophy is most closely aligned with classical education.  Our educational approach is literature based and writing intensive  Our goal is to work towards mastery in all subjects. As we school year round and work 1:1 we are able to structure courses to allow for mastery.

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