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So did I miss a memo or something?

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It seems like today has been named "Let's Slime Obama Day" as we revisit the abortion issue AGAIN. I've read through about four threads in ten minutes that ALL drifted into the abortion debate.


Come on people---- the old "Obama wants to kill babies!" line is getting old. We all know he's the pro-choice candidate, and McCain is the pro-life candidate. Nothing either side says is going to sway the other side, so WHY keep on re-hashing it? The half-truths, outright lies and ugly comments are not going to change minds either.



I think I"ll just go watch some mindless TV.



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It seems like today has been named "Let's Slime Obama Day" as we revisit the abortion issue AGAIN. I've read through about four threads in ten minutes that ALL drifted into the abortion debate.


Come on people---- the old "Obama wants to kill babies!" line is getting old. We all know he's the pro-choice candidate, and McCain is the pro-life candidate. Nothing either side says is going to sway the other side, so WHY keep on re-hashing it? The half-truths, outright lies and ugly comments are not going to change minds either.



I think I"ll just go watch some mindless TV.




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It seems like today has been named "Let's Slime Obama Day" as we revisit the abortion issue AGAIN. I've read through about four threads in ten minutes that ALL drifted into the abortion debate.


Come on people---- the old "Obama wants to kill babies!" line is getting old. We all know he's the pro-choice candidate, and McCain is the pro-life candidate. Nothing either side says is going to sway the other side, so WHY keep on re-hashing it? The half-truths, outright lies and ugly comments are not going to change minds either.



The foreign birth got knocked down.


The "socialist" thing started to get kinda "hypocritical" (you know, under the circumstances).


The "Muslim" thing isn't getting much traction.


The "terrorist" thing is scheduled for tomorrow.


So the Obama wants to kill babies is back :glare:



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What I find amusing are posters' claims that they are not launching these foreseeably controversial threads to start a debate but to share information out of concern for future of mankind or to request help to formulate their position on the issue.

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Okay, Elaine. By all means.....that makes it just fine.

As Bill said, today must be "Obama wants to kill babies" day on the calendar. So please......let's just carry on. I'm sure there must be a thread here about something---- maybe what kind of bathroom cleanser we use or something---- that we could bring 'round to the big A.

Again, neither side is EVER going to convince the other to change their minds. It's just not going to happen.



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REally? CAn you find something recently? Because I'd wager that the Obama smears of late far outweigh the Palin smears.

But maybe I have missed some threads.




Raising my glass of wine to toast both Palin and Obama. If they're the butt of jokes maybe the humor will rub off on me.


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Uh, yeah. That's why I said let's give it a rest!


A few people responded with jokey, light-hearted posts. Several others attacked.


Minds are not going to be changed. So why bother????


You can sling the mud all you want. I can take a shower.



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Maybe he deserves it.


That's certainly an opinion to which you're entitled. But regardless of your politics or moral stance, it's tough to say that Obama deserves the all-out attack that has been waged against him, and the death threats uttered at Palin and McCain rallies, left to fester without repudiation from the candidates. No one deserves that.


Like I said--- some responded with jokes and lightness. Some went on the offensive. Whatever. Life is too short to continue this.



Edited by astrid
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Maybe so. But he certainly doesn't deserve the all-out attack that has been waged against him, and the death threats uttered at Palin and McCain rallies. No one does.



What? Is this real? That's appalling and unforgivable. (Obviously I'm pro-McCain, but find this type of behavior unacceptable for anybody.) I hope the individual was taken into custody.

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Yes, it is true. And it's happened repeatedly, with NO repudiation from either McCain or Palin. There is footage of people in the crowd yelling "KILL HIM!" and "BOMB HIM!" and that's just so sad. It recalls all the civil rights bombings on African American families in the south during the fifties and sixties. And maybe that's their point.


One would have thought we'd be past this. I guess not.



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You know what, Astrid? Politics has always been a contact sport. Obama isn't being treated any worse than any other candidate. In fact, the media has gone really easy on him.


If he wins you need to prepare yourself for a whole lot more ugliness. Pause a moment and think about all the viscious, irrational, unbalanced attacks against Bush that have taken place over the past 8 years. I think I may just spend the next, hopefully, 4 years mocking, undermining at every opportunity and picking apart every word that passes his lips. Should be fun. Then again, I may try to be a bigger person, but it will be tempting.


Have you ever read the Whig's attacks on Abraham Lincoln? Now, those were some meanies. And, Brutus did help kill Ceasar.

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You know what, Astrid? Politics has always been a contact sport. Obama isn't being treated any worse than any other candidate. In fact, the media has gone really easy on him.


If he wins you need to prepare yourself for a whole lot more ugliness. Pause a moment and think about all the viscious, irrational, unbalanced attacks against Bush that have taken place over the past 8 years. I think I may just spend the next, hopefully, 4 years mocking, undermining at every opportunity and picking apart every word that passes his lips. Should be fun. Then again, I may try to be a bigger person, but it will be tempting.


Have you ever read the Whig's attacks on Abraham Lincoln? Now, those were some meanies. And, Brutus did help kill Ceasar.


Oh, Stacy! Surely you jest! :D If he wins, do you really think that the press is going to go after him? I say, nay. He's their guy.


Remember when Clinton was elected? Bush Sr is president and the world is falling apart. Clinton wins and the world is peachy. My prediction, just an opinion, Obama wins and you'll see the same thing. Come inaugeration day and the economy will be wonderful!


Recession? P-shaw!


No jobs? Why there were 4 gazillion created just today!



Yes, I realize post this is sarcastic and mean and unhopeful.

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Oh, I'm not convinced he will win either.:001_smile:


Ah, yes. The "impartial" media.


I never thought Kerry would win, and I sure don't remember it being reported as a sure thing, even less so than this one. I also remember the same impartial media reporting Bush as the winner of Florida before the Panhandle was done voting (they are central time). That overly zealous reporting may have cost Kerry FL.


FYI (I did not vote for Kerry) :lol:

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I never thought Kerry would win, and I sure don't remember it being reported as a sure thing, even less so than this one. I also remember the same impartial media reporting Bush as the winner of Florida before the Panhandle was done voting (they are central time). That overly zealous reporting may have cost Kerry FL.


FYI (I did not vote for Kerry) :lol:


That happened again in 2004? I thought after the 2000 election (in which they announced FL for Gore before the panhandle was done voting), the media agreed not to announce any state until the polls were closed in that state.

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I think I"ll just go watch some mindless TV.


The debate?;)


Would watching the debate be considered mindless? :)


The debate should be on about now. :lol:


The presidential debate is on. :lol:


Sorry, that was bad. I couldn't resist.




There you go, astrid. We have it all figured out for you! :tongue_smilie:

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Get ready for the lamentations of "disenfranchised voters" when McCain wins. Despite the ACORN debacle. I can hear it now.


I don't understand what this post added to the discussion. astrid was venting about how it is a very bash-Obama type of day today (and you cannot deny that it has been, and I will not deny that there have been some very bash-Palin types of days) and you thought it would be a good idea to bash Obama again and bring up another controversial thread?


(The following is not directed at you specifically Dana, just a general thought. It can be applied on both sides of the political spectrum.)

Sometimes I think we forget that there is another person, an actual human being, on the other side of the computer. It's okay to disagree, but I find it really poor form to insult the person you disagree with over and over again. There have been a lot of really mean and rude posts lately.

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