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I lost my daily routine

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When oldest was a senior and started DE classes, it messed up the daily routine we'd had for the past 12 years.  I tried to keep it going as much as possible, but it was hard.  Then, when that dc went to college last year,  the next dc started an online class and some new activities that required a different school schedule every day.  This year, that dc is taking more online classes, and the other dc started an online class and other new activities.  For over a year now, I've not been able to have a steady, daily routine, and it's driving me batty!  Even when I try to implement a small morning routine, it doesn't seem to work consistently, and I don't have the buy-in from the dc that I did when they were younger.  I want my old routine back, or at least a new routine that works!  How did the rest of you who have experienced this handle it?  Any tips? 




Edited by klmama
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I totally get this!  My dh retired 2+ years ago and that's when our routine went out the window.  Then I started working more and because of that although my dd has officially graduated (as of June) :party: we still have some work to finish up but I just can't get myself enough time to step back and reflect, see what my goals are, and come up with a plan and a schedule.  I feel your pain. I agree wtih klmama, HELP!!!!!

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Our routines have evolved as the kids got older. DD is now at college. DS is taking two DE courses and wants to have control over his own school time. So with exception of two math lessons with dad, he is in charge of his own schedule, gets his school done, job, sports.

My work schedule is a bit different every day.


I thrive on routine and have re-invented a routine that works for the changed circumstances.

DH and I get up at 6:30 and have breakfast before leaving at different times for work. I wake DS MWF and see him briefly before he leaves for his 8am class without breakfast; the other days he gets to sleep longer because he comes home not until 11:30pm the night before.

I come home in my lunch break every day and cook, and we all meet for lunch. That is our joint meal as a family, and we discuss anything we need to discuss with DS. We know we all see each other at the meal, so this is a built in time to connect.


This is very different from when the kids were little. As they grow, our lives change, and we do our best to adapt to the new situation.

Good luck.

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DD started dual enrollment this year after 7 years homeschooling.  I have yet to reinvent my routine.  I work two days a week, so that stayed the same, but the other days I tend to wander around and not get anything productive done.  


I am trying to make myself a schedule dependent on what I want to do rather than what I have to do, which is what the previous routine was based on. Right now I am still not accomplishing anything.

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Thanks, everyone! 


Regentrude, thank you for sharing how you accommodate your ds's desire to manage his own schedule while also meeting for lunch as a family every day.  I've been allowing my older dc to do the same thing, but regular lunch together hasn't been happening.  After reading your post, I laid out all of the time-specific classes and activities for each dc to see what was left, and I found at least half an hour close to the middle of every day for all of us to have lunch together.  Hooray!  My dc were pleased, too, and also were willing to get up earlier so we could all go for a walk together in the morning like we used to do.  I'm feeling much more hopeful now!   


Goldberry, the idea of making a schedule based on what you want to do, rather than have to do, sounds delightful!  I doubt I'll get there soon, but it sounds like a good goal to aim for.  My oldest dc has been telling me for years that I need to do some things I want to do instead of always doing for everyone else; maybe it's time.  Thank you for sharing!


I'm still interested in learning more, if anyone has more tips to share!



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I like this very much !!!!!!! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

Goldberry, the idea of making a schedule based on what you want to do, rather than have to do, sounds delightful!  I doubt I'll get there soon, but it sounds like a good goal to aim for.  My oldest dc has been telling me for years that I need to do some things I want to do instead of always doing for everyone else; maybe it's time.  Thank you for sharing!


I'm still interested in learning more, if anyone has more tips to share!


Food for thought!

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