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Is Writer's Jungle what I'm looking for?

Esse Quam Videri

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I've purchased a few Boomerang and Arrow issues, and I especially like the hand holding for grammar/mechanics through copywork and dictation. I can easily find interesting passages, but my grammar/mechanics explanations aren't as clear and simple as those in Brave Writer. I would love a resource that lays out all of the grammar concepts, types of sentences to look for, how to teach the grammar concepts from those sentences, and a natural sequence in which to teach them. (For example, SEMICOLON SENTENCE-- this week look for a sentence with a semicolon. Explain to the student that each side of the semicolon must be an independent clause, able to stand on its own as a complete sentence. The two clauses are related and the semi colon takes the place of a coordinating conjunction). 


I know WJ covers A LOT that we already know, but I'm willing to spend the $ if it has the above. 


We don't follow the same format as WJ (reading one lit selection a month) as we follow Ambleside schedules. So while an arrow issue may have 4 dictation passages for a 20 chapter book, we would do 1-2 per chapter. That plus the cost makes Arrow/Boomerang a bad fit for us. 

Edited by Esse Quam Videri
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