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Why might a constable be knocking on my neighbor's door? From inside my house it looked like two men in bulletproof vests. My neighbors weren't home so I guess they will be back.


Is it possible they could be delivering legal papers regarding legal action for nonpayment of a bill? There are money problems I think 😟


If you witnessed such a thing would you give your neighbors a "heads up" that the constable was there or just stay out of it?


I have never before felt like the neighborhood busy body but I guess I am. Just not sure what to think or do.


One visited my husband the morning of our wedding to serve papers that he was being sued. It was from a car accident a couple of years earlier and the statue of limitations was approaching.


Our nephew is a constable.  He serves warrants.  That's pretty much the extent of what they do from what I understand (it's a position that we don't have where we live, but he loves it).

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