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I am new to this forum but I'm hoping someone here might help me sort out why I am getting hives after using tea tree oil.


My kids came home from summer camp with lice.  Yes, I know, a very icky topic.  I successfully used tea tree oil on them and myself to help eradicate, but a week or so after, I am am now suffering from very very itchy skin on my legs, back, and to a much lesser extent, my stomach.  My kids are thankfully showing no symptoms.   


I used several external treatments of tea tree oil diluted in Suave conditioner as directed by my doctor.  I'm trying not to itch but when I do, tiny hives erupt.  It's so intense that I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping.  My head does not itch and the lice are gone so this seems to be an internal reaction.  I rinsed the conditioner over the tub most of the time so very little tea tree would have ended up on my body - although some would have - and perhaps that was enough to have an impact.  Still, it would be odd that my kids are fine.  


Also notable is that my period began yesterday and I know now that tea tree has hormonal activity.  Nothing else has really changed in my diet but I have started using borax in my cold wash laundry.  I don't think that could be the problem but I'm rewashing all clothing in case it is. 


If anyone has any insight on this topic or any ideas for what I could apply to my skin to encourage elimination, it would be much appreciated!  So far, diluted, externally applied AC vinegar has been the only thing to help.  


Oops. There was another health question here so too quickly I made the mistake in thinking this was a health site! I can't seem to delete this post so...


I would think if you had an allergic reaction to Tea Tree Oil that it would happen around the site of application (hands, face, scalp). That it's happening on your legs and trunk makes me think it's not as likely to be from the TTO (I'd almost suspect something internal with that kind of coverage--especially with hives on your trunk. That's the kind of reaction I have had when taking certain antibiotics, for example. Did you take any meds internally? Eat some new food?) That it's strongest on the legs could also suggest something you walked through. Have you been seen? With that much coverage over your body, I think I'd want it checked. 


While tea tree oil is great you do have to be careful with it.  I learned that the hard way when I got contact dermititis from it earlier this year.  I had to basically wait it out.


Did you get it in places where you hadn't applied it, or only where you had? That's what confused me about the initial post. 


Jean, hope you are doing better!

  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think there's anything wrong specifically it's just that tea tree oil can cause that reaction. You probably will need to look at different treatment of you ever need it again.

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