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Anyone know if there are any books about psychology for elementary or middle school.  I'm looking for something that would cover key topics and maybe a history of the field.  There is a lot on philosophy that is near psychology, but I can't seem to find much on psychology.  I also made the mistake of buying a high school textbook which ended up being about 500 pages of almost zero content. 


I second the Crash Course psychology recommendation for a fast-paced lecture series...  I've looked for books also-- hard to find (also bought a college text which is great for looking up this or that but not so much for a core text at this age...).  My husband is a psychotherapist so he tends to just talk to DD about the topic, but the best two comprehensive books I've found are:


The Psychology Book




Psych 101


For more specific topics we turn to different books-- DD has been really interested in childhood development so she's been reading Brazelton's 'Touch Points' series, for example.


Hope that helps!  Let me know if you find anything neat-- always looking for more resources in this are (DD currently wants to be a "research psychologist" so it's a topic that's not going to fade here anytime soon, I don't think...



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