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we like Crash Course Biology, Bozeman, and we absolutely love the HHMI/Biointeractive.org resources. It's not just the videos, there are lab activities, interactives, so many great resources. We're using a ton of them for our biology class (skewed toward ecology) this year.  


I haven't looked at Khan's biology in years.  Hmm.


Anybody who used the Great Course Biology have any reviews? Were the lectures engaging? I've discovered that 30 minutes is a long time to sit through a lecture, here in the age of the 10-min-max Coursera format.

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We tried Great Courses, but dd14 couldn't stay awake for them. lol  She loves Crash Course which is free on Youtube.  I have CK12.org in my back pocket for if we need more, but so far so good.

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