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I can't help asking how you feel about tacos


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(I have an awesome gluten free recipe that makes the yummiest, puffiest sopapillas ever).


Ahem.  Do you have a link?  My kids still talk about the sopapillas we ate in Santa Fe, but I massively failed at making them at home and a nearby restaraunt's version isn't quite the same.

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We love tacos here (in Canada). We put lots of veggies on them (lettuce, tomato, guacamole, green beans, peppers).  


We don't have taco trucks here, but we do have a lot of fries trucks with poutine!!  US may prefer a wall to keep out the poutine, as it's tougher on the body than tacos. ;)


Too late with the part I highlighted.  Middle son informed us that this is now a regular on his campus.  The invasion has begun.   :lol:


(I like poutine, but it has been helpful for our health to have to travel to Canada to get it in the past.  Getting decent Fish & Chips here would be super nice though.  We found one spot along the border on our last trip... so it's coming too.)

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Amira, you made us all hungry. Now you need to post your recipe/tortilla-making instructions. (I have a bag of Maseca in the pantry though it isn't exactly fresh...)

This is one where you just have to try it.


Buy fresh masa. Press masa on a tortilla press lined with plastic. Cook them on a hot comal or griddle. If they puff up a little, you're doing a great job. If they don't, they'll still taste yummy. Stack them in a tortilla warmer as they cook.


Or reconstitute the masa according to the package directions. The hardest part is making sure it's not sticky or too dry. I got a lot better at judging the right constituency after using fresh masa lots of times so I can't really advise you there. Just give it a try and if they are awful, turn them into chilequiles which might be even better than tacos.


My tortilla press should arrive in a few weeks so I shall have to wait a little longer to eat tacos myself. I'm going to make corundas tomorrow instead with masa harina.

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Ahem.  Do you have a link?  My kids still talk about the sopapillas we ate in Santa Fe, but I massively failed at making them at home and a nearby restaraunt's version isn't quite the same.




It requires Expandex which they don't sell at any grocery store I've looked at.  I buy it from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B012833N6O/


There's a bit of a learning curve to get them to puff properly.  We've found they don't absolutely have to be rolled into circles.  We roll them into rectangles and cut them into squares/rectangles.  We drop them into the already very hot oil 4 at a time, all at the same time.  For some reason dropping them in at once seems to help them puff the best.

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We love tacos here (in Canada). We put lots of veggies on them (lettuce, tomato, guacamole, green beans, peppers).  


We don't have taco trucks here, but we do have a lot of fries trucks with poutine!!  US may prefer a wall to keep out the poutine, as it's tougher on the body than tacos. ;)



Too late with the part I highlighted.  Middle son informed us that this is now a regular on his campus.  The invasion has begun.   :lol:


(I like poutine, but it has been helpful for our health to have to travel to Canada to get it in the past.  Getting decent Fish & Chips here would be super nice though.  We found one spot along the border on our last trip... so it's coming too.)



I am dead serious that my husband and sons would pay good money, lots of good money, to eat a poutine taco.  I wouldn't want to get between them and a truck selling that because I would get run over. 


It would be sort of like a messy chip butty only made with a tortilla.....


OMG, my dh will sell all our worldly possessions to buy a food truck if I tell him about this. 

Edited by redsquirrel
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I am dead serious that my husband and sons would pay good money, lots of good money, to eat a poutine taco.  I wouldn't want to get between them and a truck selling that because I would get run over. 


It would be sort of like a messy chip buyty only made with a tortilla.....


OMG, my dh will sell all our worldly possessions to buy a food truck if I tell him about this. 


I'd definitely try a poutine taco...  :coolgleamA:

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I am dead serious that my husband and sons would pay good money, lots of good money, to eat a poutine taco. I wouldn't want to get between them and a truck selling that because I would get run over.


It would be sort of like a messy chip buyty only made with a tortilla.....


OMG, my dh will sell all our worldly possessions to buy a food truck if I tell him about this.



They sold those in the town I lived in last and I didn't even know it till today.

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I make a point of following a wide variety of political voices on social media.  I go out of my way to get out of my 'bubble'  and I can honestly say that love of tacos and feeling just fine about a 'taco truck on every corner' is one issue that unites people from both side of the aisle.


The people have spoken and we say We Want Taco Trucks!

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Love tacos any day of the week.  Any kind except for Taco Bell.

My thing right now is tamales and charro beans and even some ceviche. Or leftover charros in tacos. Or even leftover tamales in tacos.  

Good thing I live in Texas--land of people selling tamales door to door and Hispanic neighbors who cook authentic Mexican food.....no food trucks really in my little town though except at the farmers market.  Also, I am too cheap to buy food--I prefer good homemade stuff.

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I love tacos but feel pretty protective of the BBQ truck and the falafel truck taking up some nearby corners. Will they be grandfathered in? Allowed to move to the middle of the block?


Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred trucks of food contend




is it too early in the day for a Mao joke?


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Growing up, I thought I hated tacos.  Thing is, I had only had crappy hard shelled, weird sauced ground beef tacos.


My revelation came when I moved to Florida and was building my first house.  I went to meet the builder, and he said..."let me buy you lunch"...and took me to one of the taco trucks that came by every day to feed the builders.  It was incredibly yummy.  I was hooked.  I then moved to an area of Florida with a large Latino population... we had our own tortilla factory, Mexican bakery, etc. My daughter's GS troop was more than half Latina and those ladies helped steer me in the right direction.  Another revelation was the fruit trucks with the lime/chili powder stuff on the fruit  (Tajin is the brand I know).  Yum.


We do Taco Tuesday....but it's not always tacos.  We have a loose interpretation and allow Tex-Mex inspired stuff like fajitas as well. :)

Edited by umsami
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Put me down in the pro-taco column.  To me it's more about ingredient quality than authenticity.   I'm not wild about hard shells in general.  I am pro food truck in general and more taco trucks are all good to me.  The food truck craze is pretty big where we live right now - hooray!

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I love them. LOVE. my favorite is a swanky grilled shrimp with pickled onions, arugala, come back sauce, on a soft taco.


But I'll just about anything on a taco. Beef, pork (oh my, yum), chicken... Fusion. Traditional. I love it all.


I do prefer soft shell since I'm old and my teeth aren't awesome.

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because there are so few vegetables.

Few veggies in Mexican food? That can be worked around 😊. We top our tacos with tomatoes, lettuce, green onions, cilantro, avocados. Tacos don't need to be only meat, can also do chicken. We also have other Mexican dishes, veggies as a side
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We have a Taco Bus in Huntsville. It is a school bus where they serve authentic Mexican food. It's extremely busy during the week at lunch.


Well then, I think you should vote for Donald, because that sounds awesome, and the taco trucks might take away the taco bus' business.  

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They sold those in the town I lived in last and I didn't even know it till today.


The cheese in those poutine tacos doesn't look right. It's orange, and though there are orange cheese curds available here I've never seen poutine made with them. Perhaps they are for the photos as they think the colour is more attractive?



Not quite poutine or tacos, but French: when I was in Paris a few years ago, you could get crepes with french fries in the crepe truck outside the Eiffel Tower. I much prefer Nutella and banana, though. 

Edited by wintermom
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I'm from Southern California - little corn soft tacos with fish or beef are total crack for me. I haven't had of those type any in recent years because I don't eat tortillas and Alaska is hit and miss on Mexican cuisine, but I enjoy them when I go to visit.

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I just discovered that I was wrong. Breakfast is on the menu tonight instead of tacos and my children are very resistant to me changing tomorrow's dinner for tonight's. I have a list of ideas from this thread though and I totally think I can swing them even on soccer nights.


It also makes me want to buy "The Taco Cleanse" cookbook on Amazon (totally tongue-in-cheek). I hate Kindle versions of cookbooks, but at $1.49 I may make an exception.


Hmmm...maybe if I made biscuit taco shells I could get the breakfast biscuit people on board with tacos tonight and tomorrow night.

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I have never met a taco I didn't love. We eat tacos at LEAST twice/week. I love tacos with soft corn shells, stuffed with beef and fixins, shredded chicken and fixins, pork and fixins, or blackened fish, avocado and cilantro slaw. I also like the taco Tuesday joints around here where they put all kinds of goodies in like ahi tuna, bbq shrimp, duck, fried oysters and stuff like that.


At home our fixins would be cheese, shredded lettuce, salsa, cilantro, avocado or guac, pico de gallo if I have some on hand, and maybe some fresh jalapeño.

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Pro taco here!


When Survivor is on we almost always have tacos or other Mexican style fare. It's a tradition that has gone on for years...Wednesday night dinner is served at 7 when the show starts and it's going to be Mexican of some kind. 


I LOVE fajitas even though they are Tex-Mex and not real Mexican.  The veggies....swoon....


If I had access to a taco truck I might never cook again.  And my family would support that decision. 

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In Jalisco the beans are usually flor de mayo or peruano beans. I could buy black beans but most stores didn't even carry pinto beans, in that most Mexican part of Mexico.


Oh, beans too! Yes, please.


I thought I didn't like beans until we visited Mexico. The beans were SO good. Now I make them regularly. I still haven't figured out how to make them taste the way (ways...we had several different kinds/seasonings) they tasted in Mexico, but I found a way to prepare them that everyone in my family likes.

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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


(I realize this could be political, but it's intended to be a lighthearted post about tacos and US culture, not about US politics.)


Also, if you love tacos, you'll love Tacopedia. The Spanish version is better, but the English version is great too.

I like tacos with all kinds of fillings. No overstuffing, thank you. I prefer corn tortillas, but NOT the crunchy ones -- yuck! I like the regular ones. I make my own corn tortillas frequently. Flour ones to a much lesser extent. We don't do Taco Tuesdays, but we have them a few times a month. Sadly, there are no taco trucks around here, but I would welcome them!

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The major, chain grocery stores here actually fresh make tortillas as well. HEB is a big chain in Texas and they'll actually hand out the fresh ones while they're making them - like the free cookies, but Texas. 


We like all kinds of tacos, American, tex Mex, and Mexmex. We both buy and make tacos with frequency. :) Since this is Houston and there IS a taco truck on practically every corner (which no one has ever complained about) I have also had Caribbean fusion tacos and Korean fusion tacos. Both amazing.


I was going to comment about the awesome taco trucks we have in Houston. I love the cuisine fusion ones! They are very good and a very interesting mix of flavors.


As for personal preference, I like soft tacos with fresh made tortillas and chicken, pork, beef (shredded, not ground), or fish inside with avocado, beans, sour cream, cheese, peppers, onions, etc. added in as well. We have a fabulous little Mexican place here in my small town who make the best tacos I've ever had. It probably helps that they have only been in the States for five years so their cooking is still really authentic.


My favorite place in town is the breakfast taco stands (we have three of these in our town of 10,000!). For only $2 you can get your choice of fillings in a fresh made white corn tortilla. I always get the chorizo, potato, cheese, bean, onion, peppers, egg (not scrambled, but fried with just a hint of runniness to the yolk), and cilantro. They serve it with some homemade salsa to drizzle on each bit. They are soooooo good! In fact, I think I'll make dh swing by and get me one tomorrow before church. lol

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Now I want tacos!


I like tacos a lot. We usually make them with ground beef and both hard corn shells or soft flour ones. Salsa, cheese, guacamole, lettuce, sour cream, etc. We make them about once a month, although often we make nachos instead. Often, it's Taco Tuesday, but that's because we love The LEGO Movie at our house. Not often chicken tacos, but we often make them into enchiladas.


There's a place down in Lewes, DE that has an amazing fish taco. Soooo good! I've made fish tacos at home, and they're okay, but not like that.


I've eaten at Mexican restaurants a few times, although not in a while, but never a taco truck. But I think that would be fun too.

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The cheese in those poutine tacos doesn't look right. It's orange, and though there are orange cheese curds available here I've never seen poutine made with them. Perhaps they are for the photos as they think the colour is more attractive? 


Want a totally shuddering real life story?  


We once saw poutine listed at a bordertown US restaurant and eagerly ordered it...  It came with American cheese draped on top.   :ack2:   Orange American cheese at that.  I have no idea how they thought that cwap was poutine, but we've since learned to ask US places what it's made with before ordering.  We're usually disappointed, but at least we haven't paid for it at that point.


Sooner or later, perhaps the invasion will be real poutine.  Middle son tells me it's real at his college.  His college gets oodles of international students, so brings in many eating options that are tasty.

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I forgot to say that I love taco trucks. DH gets food from them often when he's in the city. They're especially great when he's somewhere like Bel Air where it's ridiculously difficult to find a decent lunch that doesn't cost $40.


Does he go to the woman's truck that parks on Mulholland (south side) just west of Benedict Canyon in Bel Air?


Blanking on her name.



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Love tacos. We eat the fake American kind at home but also have access to very good more authentic ones from local food trucks and restaurants. 


At home I often make lentil tacos. The filling is made in the crockpot and is lentils, quinoa and lots of spices. My vegetarian loves it and so do the carnivores in the family. 

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I love tacos!!  Our family favorite these days is a cilantro-lime fish taco!  We grill the fish instead of frying it Baja-style.  Taco truck on every corner?  I'm all for it.  I just want a few that don't serve shrimp tacos because food truck kitchens are usually too small to be able to avoid cross contamination for us allergic people. 

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I love tacos!!  Our family favorite these days is a cilantro-lime fish taco!  We grill the fish instead of frying it Baja-style.  Taco truck on every corner?  I'm all for it.  I just want a few that don't serve shrimp tacos because food truck kitchens are usually too small to be able to avoid cross contamination for us allergic people. 


A taco truck on every corner means 4 at a normal intersection.  Perhaps we could set some ground rules, that 1 must be vegetarian, 1 must be fusion of some interesting type, no more than 2 can serve shellfish, etc . . . . 

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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


Like them. Eaten both hard and soft shell. Yes, I overstuff. How often we eat them varies. This summer it's been Taco Thursdays about half of the Thursdays. Thursdays were supposed to be red cabbage, potatoes, and meatballs, but that's too wintery, therefore, Taco Thursdays during the summer. Not sure I've ever eaten at a taco truck. I don't really eat at food trucks. I rarely see food trucks. I don't really care what goes on a taco - anything goes.


Taco trucks in every city is a positive, in our household's opinion. Moving from Texas (first south, then north) to Buffalo, there aren't enough Mexican things here.

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Want a totally shuddering real life story?  


We once saw poutine listed at a bordertown US restaurant and eagerly ordered it...  It came with American cheese draped on top.   :ack2:  


We walked across the bridge to Niagara Falls, Canada, last month, and my wife ordered poutine in a restaurant, in Canada, and it didn't have cheese curds.

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A taco truck on every corner means 4 at a normal intersection. Perhaps we could set some ground rules, that 1 must be vegetarian, 1 must be fusion of some interesting type, no more than 2 can serve shellfish, etc . . . . [/quote


One must be gluten free. :-)



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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


(I realize this could be political, but it's intended to be a lighthearted post about tacos and US culture, not about US politics.)


Also, if you love tacos, you'll love Tacopedia. The Spanish version is better, but the English version is great too.

I honestly don't understand why tacos are so beloved. Is it a trend? :lol:


I like tacos fine but I don't love them. I don't fix them often bc there is so much crap that goes with them and I just don't love the taste enough to care.

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We walked across the bridge to Niagara Falls, Canada, last month, and my wife ordered poutine in a restaurant, in Canada, and it didn't have cheese curds.


Even in Canada, there is a lot of imitation poutine being passed off. Don't go to the chain fast-food places for it, for a start.  

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