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The 2017 Acceptance Thread

The Girls' Mom

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Honorary DD got into Kalamazoo College. This was a reach for her.


With her other two solid financial safeties, and being excited about Alma College which is a better fit for her, I think she won't likely bother to find out about her other reach. She should have heard by now and hasn't, but isn't going out of her way to find out why. I have done my gentle motherly, mentoring prodding, and it hasn't taken with her. She may be scared that she was rejected and didn't get the letter or something and emotionally not knowing might be her crutch. That's fine. I am not going to push her. She has three great options, two of which will come through financially...not certain about Kalamazoo. The other two are good fit choices for her, and we never thought that the last reach was a good school for her at all. So, snicker snicker, maybe my not prodding any more is internally motivated by knowing that an acceptance might not be in her best interests. Her grandparents are willing to make her dorm deposit for her, so it did occur to me that if she were to accept one of the other two, make the non-refundable dorm deposit, and begin settling into being a Scot (Alma College is a Scottish Presbyterian school) or a Wolverine, then if she were to pursue finding out about the other and it was an acceptance, she would already be emotionally vested in her school of choice making it less likely that she would choose that last one which would probably be a bit of a disaster for her.


That said, I love her dearly, but she has issues and isn't my child. I am trying to turn some of this over now to the grandparents who are stepping up to the plate. I think they all need each other very much, and though I have a lot vested in this young adult, the reality is like any good mentor, I kind of need to fade out and transition her. She will always be our DD at heart, and she will always have a place when she needs us, but it is time for her to spread her wings, and emotionally, I think her grandparents are just the ticket to help her do that successfully while we just do some back door cheer leading, and provide back up when needed, take her to lunch, be a sounding board.


This is our last couch surfer. A couple of years ago, after a disaster with one of our "adoptees" that really hit us all emotionally, we had said we wouldn't have anymore, and then she came along, and well, we melted. LOL. So much for resolve! I am so happy we caved though because it has been an honor to help her, and we are a better family for having done it.


Still, I feel like my emotional energy for continuing the practice is coming to an end. The well is about dry. With my parents nightmare, ds moving back home and commuting again, taking online courses while we sort out his leg issues (possible arthritis already at age 20) and try to find him physical help, I think we simply need to be okay with closing our "youth hostel" dorm parent lifestyle.


Over the years, we've informally fostered and mentored five late teens/early adults, temporarily couched surfed a few more through temporary issues, and gotten three of our five full time mentored kids into college, launched them into life. One of our five ended in tragedy which nearly took us down, me in particular. Time to retire. I love my additional five kids, two of whom - the dd's - will likely always be a part of our lives in some way so we have much to look forward to with them.


We move her to the dorms, and then I'm down to our last son. 2018...one more first time dorm move. 2017 my last college application year.


Where has the time gone?????  :crying:

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I started the list thread. I did an initial compilation from the announcements made on this thread. 


I know Faithmanor did it last year or the year before; I can't remember which. I have the time so I thought I would volunteer.




is the initial compilation here or in another thread? can't find it  :willy_nilly:

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FaithManor, Congrats to your hdd! I hope she makes a wise choice and the finances work out for her. Funny how one moves from being mainly a daughter to mainly a mother and then back to mainly a daughter again. I'm at the daughter stage myself. Fortunately, my extra ones are fairly well settled now and no new ones are on the horizon. It is ok to want to do a good job with who you have and not be torn. Young adults are so heartbreaking and the only way to help some of them is to really parent them and that takes time and energy and resources and lays you wide open... There is a limit to how many times you can do that, as you said. I think we are about done, too. Here's to maintaining what we've got, hunh?




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FaithManor, Congrats to your hdd! I hope she makes a wise choice and the finances work out for her. Funny how one moves from being mainly a daughter to mainly a mother and then back to mainly a daughter again. I'm at the daughter stage myself. Fortunately, my extra ones are fairly well settled now and no new ones are on the horizon. It is ok to want to do a good job with who you have and not be torn. Young adults are so heartbreaking and the only way to help some of them is to really parent them and that takes time and energy and resources and lays you wide open... There is a limit to how many times you can do that, as you said. I think we are about done, too. Here's to maintaining what we've got, hunh?




Spot on, Nan! Spot on.


And due to my love of all things teen/young adult and education, I do not see myself entirely retiring from it, just taking on a limited role. I have come to the place where I know the couch surfing, quasi partial adoption thing needs to come to an end. But so far I still love the mentoring I get to do through 4H so will continue to make some difference for kids that way. I just got home from a long student launch meeting, and I love what I am doing so I hope to do this part for a long time yet.

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Spot on, Nan! Spot on.


And due to my love of all things teen/young adult and education, I do not see myself entirely retiring from it, just taking on a limited role. I have come to the place where I know the couch surfing, quasi partial adoption thing needs to come to an end. But so far I still love the mentoring I get to do through 4H so will continue to make some difference for kids that way. I just got home from a long student launch meeting, and I love what I am doing so I hope to do this part for a long time yet.

I tutored someone in C yesterday, so I guess I am still teaching things I only sort of know. I hate to think how long it has been since I worked in C!



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I'm not sure what you are referring to? Is this for the scholarship competition at Trinity?

Yes. :) Dd was also named a Murchison and invited to the Tower weekend.


ETA: Has your ds registered yet? When Dd read the letter she went on and registered right away bc there were topics she absolutely did not get stuck in and they said first come, first serve.

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DD found out today that she passed her pre-screening for IU Jacob's School of Music and will be auditioning at the school in February. This is the first music school that has gotten back to her and she is so excited. 


DS found out this week that he has been accepted to the University of Oklahoma for Meteorology and to Loyola Marymount University for Film Production. He now has 2 acceptances for meteorology and is waiting to hear on one more. He is also waiting on some schools he applied to for film. Then he will have to decide which major he wants to go into. He is very undecided at this point. 



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DD got her safety acceptance from Univ of Colorado at Colo Springs.


At all three of DD's schools, you have to have an acceptance before starting the scholarship apps.  That's our next step, and will really decide which of the schools she goes to. She qualifies for some automatic at each of the schools, but anything extra is what will sway the deal.  She can go to UCCS and live at home with no debt.  She would *like* to go to either Univ of Northern Colo, or Colo State University Fort Collins.  But she wants to be a teacher, so little to no debt is the rule. Wish us luck!  (um, her - I mean wish her luck!)

Edited by goldberry
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I just want to comment about DD's reactions to all this.  She was SO PLEASED that she was accepted to all these schools. I asked her why, did she really think she might not get accepted somewhere?  And she said, you know mom, not everybody can go to college.  But I can.  I worked all these years, and colleges actually want me to go there.  I said, well, you can see the connection between all that work and getting the result from it now.  So when you get sick and tired of college, just hang in there and you will see the results when it's over and you have a job you enjoy!


This may sound like a normal convo to some of you other parents... but this kid was the most unacademic and unmotivated kid around until just a few years ago really.  I remember her saying in 9th grade that 2 years for community college was too long.  It made me so happy to see her be proud of herself for making it this far.  And all of our kiddos should be!  It's an accomplishment!  

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 Dc was accepted to #1 choice today!   I think I'm more excited than dc, who is pleased but is suddenly dealing with imposter syndrome right now.  *Sigh*  I know I felt the same way when I was young, though, so I'm going to overlook it and rejoice for both of us.    :party:


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Lots of exciting news! Sebastian, I hope your son's confirmation comes quickly.


Even more excitement today.  We came home from outrigger canoe paddling with neighbors and he had a thin envelope from Georgetown.  Despite being thin, it was a couple pages accepting him!!


We were still standing in the street when he opened it.  His face when he realized it was a yes was priceless.  


My neighbor and I were giggling and jumping around.  It was quite the street party.


It looked a lot like this:


:willy_nilly:  :party:  :willy_nilly:

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Holy cow Sebastian! What awesome news!




Was it ED? Do they have ROTC? D did not apply because the NPC gave a hysterical result lol

It was EA. DS didn't do any early action.


I'm not looking forward to the FAFSA. But it is a NROTC school, so there is a possibility of a scholarship.

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DDs schools confirmed she qualified for the top automatic merit scholarships.

University of Co at Co Springs $2500 / year

Colo State Univ Fort Collins $2000 (not quite top, she can get $2500 if her GPA goes over 4.0, which it should by the end of the year)

University of Northern Colorado $6000 / year


On to the competitive scholarships!


(Univ of Northern Colorado also has a nice "scholar's banquet" she was invited to because of qualifying. It's in January.  Should we go even if she's not sure she is going there yet? Or is that weird?)

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DDs schools confirmed she qualified for the top automatic merit scholarships.

University of Co at Co Springs $2500 / year

Colo State Univ Fort Collins $2000 (not quite top, she can get $2500 if her GPA goes over 4.0, which it should by the end of the year)

University of Northern Colorado $6000 / year


On to the competitive scholarships!


(Univ of Northern Colorado also has a nice "scholar's banquet" she was invited to because of qualifying. It's in January.  Should we go even if she's not sure she is going there yet? Or is that weird?)


If there's a chance of getting more $$ from there and it's a place she would go to if getting more money, I'd go.  If it's at the bottom of her list and there's not a chance she'd go there, I wouldn't.

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