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Posted (edited)

What specifically would you like?


Elemental science follows the grammar//logic stages format.


So does layers of learning, albeit in different ways.


Have you read twtm's science recommendations?

Edited by OKBud

There was a thread like this before.  If I remember correctly, people suggested Quarks Chronicles or Sassafras Twins.  Sassafras Twins does not contain a lot of science.  So for younguns (5, 6, possibly 7 yos) it may be alright for your family.  I liked it because it was something I could do with my older two or even all 3 at times because of the coloring pages.


I've heard good things about Quarks Chronicles. 


Looking forward to see what others are going to say.

Posted (edited)

I think Hakim's The Story of Science series might be what you're looking for.


We only had time to read the first book in the triology, but I wish we'd known about it earlier so we could have read all three.


Here's a link to her page with the texts: http://www.joyhakim.com/events.htm


I bought a teacher's guide and student workbooks for the first book as well.




If memory serves me right, these teacher/student guides are for only the first book. The second and third book also have guides but they're put out by someone else.


These books start with Ancient Greece and lead you through the scientist and discoveries as they were made. We love history so much that for our last year of science together (before my oldest enters high school), we wanted to focus on the history of science.


We also did a workbook once a week called Teaching Science Process Skills that teaches students "how" to do science. How to measure, how to graph results, how to come up with a hypothesis, etc. It made for a lovely year of science--a bit of history and a bit of "how to."


We were slow and it took us the entire year to get through everything. I think a person could do all three books in 2 years, if they read through it fast and if they don't do the student workbooks with it. I was working on strengthening the boys' oral reading skills so they read them outloud taking turns and they were so slooooow. :). If I'd have read them outloud to the boys and if we skipped any output from the boys, we could have done 3 in 2 years. I don't think doing 3 in 1 year would work.

Edited by Garga
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I think Hakim's The Story of Science series might be what you're looking for.


We only had time to read the first book in the triology, but I wish we'd known about it earlier so we could have read all three.


Here's a link to her page with the texts: http://www.joyhakim.com/events.htm


I bought a teacher's guide and student workbooks for the first book as well.




If memory serves me right, these teacher/student guides are for only the first book. The second and third book also have guides but they're put out by someone else.


These books start with Ancient Greece and lead you through the scientist and discoveries as they were made. We love history so much that for our last year of science together (before my oldest enters high school), we wanted to focus on the history of science.


We also did a workbook once a week called Teaching Science Process Skills that teaches students "how" to do science. How to measure, how to graph results, how to come up with a hypothesis, etc. It made for a lovely year of science--a bit of history and a bit of "how to."


We were slow and it took us the entire year to get through everything. I think a person could do all three books in 2 years, if they read through it fast and if they don't do the student workbooks with it. I was working on strengthening the boys' oral reading skills so they read them outloud taking turns and they were so slooooow. :). If I'd have read them outloud to the boys and if we skipped any output from the boys, we could have done 3 in 2 years. I don't think doing 3 in 1 year would work.


Thank you so much.  I like the Story of Science and had no idea it came with workbooks!


Thank you so much. I like the Story of Science and had no idea it came with workbooks!

Yup. They're just not put out by the author of the text, so it's not always apparent that they exist. Someone else took her text and created a teacher's guide and workbooks around it.


First thoughts that came to my mind would be sassafras science or apologia science with the notebooks. They both are more or less read a louds, and the kids have a journal/notebook to write in. One is secular and one is not.


I have loved SOTW, and have yet to find it's equal in science. I really wish there was one.



Posted (edited)

The Story of Science by Joy Hakim.  https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=story+of+science%C2%A0by+Hakim&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Astory+of+science%C2%A0by+Hakim

There are 3 textbooks and there are workbooks and teacher's guides that you can buy to go with them.  The curriculum in the workbooks and teacher's guides were designed by the National Science Teachers' Association and John's Hopkins University.  They go chronologically through history and they integrate subjects if you do the activities listed in the teacher's guides. They're middle school/Jr. High level.

Here's a link to a page where you can scroll down and see all 3 (textbook 1, workbook 1 and teacher's guide 1) listed and priced together.  https://www.amazon.com/Teachers-Quest-Guide-Aristotle-Science/dp/1588342514/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=H74Q2SJ1K54R55CA79JJ

Edited by Homeschool Mom in AZ

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