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Ryan Lochte drama...


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Honestly, even if this had happened here in the US, the fallout would not have been the same. But he broke the law, and not in a "victimless" way like drug use, at the OLYMPIC games. And by running his mouth, made it SO much worse.


And I'm not even making value judgments here on his personality or crimes, whatever. My comment was about all the people in this thread who kept saying, "No one will care. I doubt he'll lose any endorsements. He's a known party boy, they wouldn't hire him if they didn't like it." Which...no. That is not how that works. As we see here.

Edited by Sk8ermaiden
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Honestly, even if this had happened here in the US, the fallout would not have been the same. But he broke the law, and not in a "victimless" way like drug use, at the OLYMPIC games. And by running his mouth, made it SO much worse.


And I'm not even making value judgments here on his personality or crimes, whatever. My comment was about all the people in this thread who kept saying, "No one will care. I doubt he'll lose any endorsements. He's a known party boy, they wouldn't hire him if they didn't like it." Which...no. That is not how that works. As we see here.

Except that sometimes it is how it works. How many "stars" have done reckless, even illegal thigns in other countries and still get the endorsement, the reality show, the starring role? Thankfully in this case, he did lose his endorsements. It's nice to see some consequences for a privileged person, but it doesn't always work that way. There's no need to get disdainful towards those of us who doubted it would happen.

Edited by SproutMamaK
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Except that sometimes it is how it works. How many "stars" have done reckless, even illegal thigns in other countries and still get the endorsement, the reality show, the starring role? Thankfully in this case, he did lose his endorsements. It's nice to see some consequences for a privileged person, but it doesn't always work that way. There's no need to get disdainful towards those of us who doubted it would happen.


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Phelps was suspended from swimming for 6 months after a DUI and lost his Kellogg's endorsement and was suspended for 3 months after the pictures of him smoking pot were published.

Athletes who have lost endorsements

Part of the reason Lochte never had a major loss of endorsements before is because his fame and achievements were always second to Phelps. Outside of swimming, people really didn't know who he was until London, which was the third Olympics he appeared with Phelps. His screw ups didn't warrant a news cycle. That's probably why he got this old and still got away with stuff. He was overlooked a long time.

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To me, his biggest offence wasn't the crime itself.  It was the lies, especially saying there was a gun held to his head during a robbery, and all the completely made up details.  He added parts to the story, that weren't just embellishments, but were purely fabricated.  In the process he made Rio look bad. He has been around the block enough to know that the story would get national, if not world wide attention.  He knew he was talking to reporters he wasn't being tricked into telling the embellished story.  He also drug the other men into the lie with him. It sounds like one man when along with his scheme, and the other two did not.  Even if those two men were culpable in the vandalism, he was the one giving interviews and distorting the facts to the media.  


Had the men been being accused of the vandalism, and had they simply been claiming false innocence, that would have been one thing.  But, he went to the press and released a story that didn't involve the gas station at all.  Just the fabricated crime. That is why he is losing the endorsements.  He wasn't just behaving badly, he was 'bearing false witness'.  He was committing a crime by filing a report that he knew was wrong.  He filed the false report on purpose. Not while drunk, but a few days later, after he had a chance to seek counsel provided to him by the team. 


Had the group just vandalized the sign, and what ever else (there are conflicting facts on what he vandalized) that would have been forgivable with a fine and they would have walked away without much difference in his reputation.  Quite similar to what would have happened in the USA if they trashed a hotel room or a 7/11. Pay a fine for the repairs, and it would essentially go away.  That would have been barely a blip of news story during an Olympic week, when there was lots for the broadcast companies to work with. 

BUT, he didn't do that, he made it out to be a very different situation.  He continued to lie once the investigation started, to cover up a lie he told his girlfriend.  Not just to get himself out of trouble for the vandalism, but to falsely blame someone else of a random crime against him.  He didn't come clean until the video and investigation proved they were lying. 


Quite honestly, had he came out in the beginning and said. "I told my girlfriend about the night, and the facts got distorted as other people found out and it was retold.  Me and the other swimmers damaged a bathroom, we paid for the repairs immediately and were released. Sorry, Rio for bad behavior."  That would have completely blown over and went away. His bad boy reputation and endorsement deals still intact.  But he created this whole other situation to get attention.....he just didn't get the attention he expected. 


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I agree. It's the making it an international incident that is the difference. This isn't just trashing a hotel in the US. 


Also, many celebrities eventually come back later and the past is somewhat forgiven and forgotten by sponsors, Phelps in particular being an obvious one here. But I'm trying to think of one in recent memory who screwed up this royally and did not pay a big price right after it happened...It was a given that he'd lose many/most of his endorsements and face punishment from his governing body. 


So it's not disdain..it's more disbelief that anyone would think it would happen differently. Although I guess I understand how someone can be so jaded by how much celebrities get away with, but in general, they do suffer loss of income as punishment for screw ups, for a time. And he's not a big enough name to escape it. If Phelps couldn't get away with it, Lochte sure wasn't going to. 

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It doesn't help that Lochte is not very likeable. The public has had their fill of drunk arrogant swimmers who think they are above the rules. And his behavior every step of the way proves his character. So now, not only is he embarrassing Rio, the US, the OC, but he has people hoping that justice will be served for once.


Maybe he'll have to do PSAs for fraternities and university swim teams as penance, but I really don't think anyone wants him endorsing them.


I'm sure he's suffered enough though. {reference to Brock Turner who is due to be released Sept 2}

This is what I liked.



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Now there seems to be more information coming out.




(I'm on my iPad and having trouble posting the link)

I thought this was a very well written, well researched (investigated) story, but sadly, there has been so much blame and shame I doubt other news sources will be quick to carry it and thereby admit that they were (at least partially) wrong!

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