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Welcome! Here are the guidelines for posting on the Sale/Swap part of the forum.




Sale/Swap Board 
In an effort to make your Sale & Swap purchases safer, we have instituted a 50 Post Minimum policy. We want people who post items for sale to have a track record in our community. Although you may have been active on our "old" board, we cannot move posts for the old board to the new board. Please don't ask if you can be an exception to the new rules. Everyone starts fresh here. Registered users with fewer than 50 posts will still be able to respond to a FS thread and will be able to post in the WTB forum. 

No dealer posts. Please don't post more than 10 items per month. We understand that you want to sell all your used curricula, but it makes it hard to tell whether you are a parent with lots of books or a dealer. If you post a single item, it's a good idea to just use the resource name in the Subject Line. You might also consider putting the cost, the condition of the materials, or the grade level in the Subject Line as well. If you have multiple items, please group them by type of resource. Buyers will be able to look into a thread that applies to what they are looking for, and those who aren't looking for that type of resource can scan on. 

All transactions on the sale boards are buyer/seller beware. The forum owners provide this space as a service to parents, but are unable to mediate disputes involving buying and selling. Please take reasonable precautions when dealing with unknown buyers and sellers, and use the buyer/seller feedback tools if you have had an unsatisfactory experience. 


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