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Here I am working on Ds high school path...he will begin 9th soon, oh I am so behind in planing....anyway need help...he wants to take German, really have not a clue...so please tell me what has worked for your child....what has failed...

Thank you


My oldest dd used K12's German I course in 9th grade, then took German II and III through OSU German Online. She didn't continue beyond that, but she enjoyed the courses at the time, apart from complaining sometimes about the weird soap opera style stories in the OSU course.


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My son took two years of German with a tutor.  They used Deutsch Aktuell.  It was expensive, but it worked extremely well!

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I plan to use OSU.  Obviously I cannot comment on if it works well.


I'll tell you what NOT to try though.  Rosetta Stone.  We have the whole set.  That didn't work out well at all.  There is no direct grammar instruction.  The homeschool version with the worksheets contains concepts not covered within the course itself at all (there is too much of a leap in understanding required to complete them).  It might be a fine add on to another program, but that's about it.




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I tried Duo Lingo myself for German, and seem to hit grammar stuff I don't understand with German pretty quickly so I gave up... so I don't think that is a goox choice on its own either.


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For those of you who have used OSU, did you feel that you needed to add anything to it? Was it weak in any areas? Also, about how many hours a week did it take for you child to complete the assignments?

We've struck out in various methods (Rosetta Stone, horrible CC professor), but have a child who is always excited about German when he returns from his language camp. I want to make sure we actually have something stick this time 'round since it's 9th grade and it counts.


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