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Russian class?

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My dd is going into 9th grade. I'm trying to get her to choose a foreign language, and she's actually interested in Russian. I lived in Russia for almost a year and kept all of my textbooks even though I never learned a whole lot of the language. She's picked them up on occasion and has taught herself the alphabet and a few words here and there. So she's had a vague interest in it for a while, and has really no interest in French or Spanish, which are of course the easier ones to find classes in.


So does anyone know of a way that she can learn Russian in a way that will not require me trying to teach it to her (which would be disastrous) that will qualify for high school foreign language requirement?



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Luckymama's suggestion looks fantastic! If my daughter was starting Russian as a freshman I'd go for that!

Here's two more: 


http://www.currclick.com/product/100877/Russian-1--Fall-2016?term=mr+g This is what my senior is doing next year. She already did 3 years of French, and just wants to have a good time learning about a new language. Mr. G is awesome, but not as rigorous as many other language classes (in our experience)

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