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Plan Your Year by Pam Barnhill

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I haven't read that book, but what I did do last year (and will do this coming year) is get a milk crate with 36 hanging files. All work was divvied up and each file held the work for the week. Once we were finished with that week the completed work went back in the file and I put the file in the back and flipped around (so i couldnt see the number on the tab). This really worked well. I found this from someones blog, that I found while Pinteresting homeschool stuff one day.

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I bought it last month. I love it and I wish I had heard about it sooner! I read it the first time on my laptop and ended up printing it and having it bound as I plan to read it before every planning session. The templates are so helpful and I used several to help me plan our summer session. She convinced me to go to block scheduling for the summer and so far it is a huge hit for my 9th grader.


I am NOT a naturally organized person. I used to be, before kids and homeschooling but somewhere along the way I became instead a person just keeping one step ahead of the chaos. Pam does the thinking for you and breaks it out in a very logical way. I put more thought into everything this year. Not more time, but more specifically directed thought, if that makes sense, and it made everything come together more easily in the end. Heck, I even have loop scheduled my cleaning now thanks to her blog post on it all.


I would highly recommend her plan for anyone, but especially for people who don't tend towards the natural planning side of things and are usually sitting grumpily on a Sunday evening scrawling things out for the next day.


ETA- I think one of the biggest strengths in her book is realizing that no one's plans stay 100% on track all year, and her advice on dealing with that and not feeling like an abject failure or that you wasted 20 hours and have to completely regroup. It helps me handle the hiccups of a huge range of kid ages and still enjoy the journey, so to speak. When a day slips I don't freak out now.

Edited by texasmom33
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Yes, I bought it last year and I really like it! I love all the calendar pages and printables. (I don't use every single printable, but the ones I do use I really appreciate.) It's just so nice to let someone else do the thinking for you and have it all ready to go. (Because, of course I could just make my own calendar pages, etc. and print them out, but it is SO much better to pay a few dollars and let someone else do it for me!) 


I follow Pam's blog and occasionally listen to her podcasts. I think she's great--very optimistic and encouraging. I also love her planning process (outlined in the ebook), which asks you to stop and think about what your goals actually are, then create a homeschool plan to reflect what you actually care about. Definitely worth the investment for me!

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I got it last month, too. It has been so helpful for me! I wish I hadn't put it off so long. I tried to use some of the free pages last fall, but I didn't really get what they were all for, and it wasn't all that helpful.


This month, for the first time ever, I sat down and figured out goals for homeschooling. I even included dh in the process. I've been homeschooling for almost 8 years, and it floored me to realize I've never really thought about my goals or had a deep discussion with dh about why we are doing this and what we really hope to accomplish.(Except at the very beginning when we decided to try out homeschooling for a semester ;) ) In the past, I tended to but what's new and shiny and looks like it will work for me, then spend all my time making daily schedules. With Pam's help I realized the value of comparing resources with my goals. I've also realized that daily schedules don't work for me, and there is so much more to planing than just blocking out hours in the day. I'm excited to finish my planning and have a plan that actually works with my personal strengths and weaknesses, instead of following somebody else's vision for what I should be doing.

Edited by TKDmom
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  • 11 months later...

I'm topping this thread since I'm interested in Pam Barnhill as well. I found her book on kindle and, combined with the glowing reviews (here and on amazon) I think I'm going to purchase. So in reading the responses here, it sounds like there are templates. How do you go about printing them? I've never tried to print anything on kindle; can you print directly from there? Or does she refer to you her website for the templates? 


And do you find her suggestions easy enough to implement? I'm still a semi-new, accidental homeschooler. Our 4 months of homeschool went okay this year, as mostly I just winged it, but I would like a better plan for our next school year. 



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I havent used it since last summer, but if I remember correctly you have a password and print it off of her website.


Yes, this. You get a log-in and password to the website and you just go to your account and can access the templates. You can save the downloads to your computer. She updates them regularly and you have access whenever (as long as she's in business at least) you want to download the new templates. 


There is a way you can save as and type directly into the templates, but I'm on a Mac and haven't successfully figured out how to do that. It lets me type, but I can't figure out how to get to a new line or anything within a cell, so if anyone has a tip for that, it'd be great. ;)


ETA- tdbates- i just reread your post and you know, I would actually email her and ask about the access if you buy on Kindle. I bought it directly from her website, and that's how the log-in info etc. was given- after the PayPal was processed. Unless it automatically specifies access to the templates on the Kindle description I wouldn't assume (but maybe there's a code of something.) that they're available with the Kindle purchase. Her website is edsnapshots.com and they're pretty responsive to email. 

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I just bought the book for $6.99 on Kindle.  Looks like this is just the book, not the printables.  You can get the printables for $17 instead of $24 by owning the Kindle book.  The link in my kindle book doesn't work but Google Pam Barnhill Kindle and the page comes up.


I'm pretty good with making my own forms in Word, Excel or other programs so I'm going to read the book then decide if I want to buy the printables.  Usually most printable packages have less than 50% that I can use or need.  I'm in a non-reporting state so I don't need to keep track of a lot of things.

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She also has some forms for free if you just sign up with your email. Those might be enough to get you by (if you want them) and then just buy the cheaper Kindle version. I bought mine on a sale online and I don't even know if it was available on Kindle when I bought it. 

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