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Middle schooler reading--the summer edition

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We are in that transitional phase of classes dropping and yet camps not starting yet (owing to the state school calendar). I need to restock the "free reading" shelf as I see the iPad getting a bit too much play.

He finished The War that saved my life and I'm considering Long Walk to water. What else are your 7/8 graders reading this summer? Light and engaging is fine because he has some classics on tap later this summer owing to classes and such

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I bought some titels of the new Boomerang classes.

We won't enroll to this course and some seem to be nice titles.

DD already finished 'The Echo' and the 'Divergent'.


For French she will read:


and another George Simenon I suppose (she will meet him at French Language camp!)


For German I'm undecided.


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I decided to invite my kids to start this summer reading challenge. Here's the 7th Grade booklist. I printed off the Outside a of Dog reading list for the grade each of my kids has just finished, and I've been surprised at how many we own, and how many are my old favorites that dc haven't read. I realized outside reading goes better if they pick their own books, so I'm not assigning any--just giving them booklists for suggestions.


Also, my 12yo is currently in love with YA fantasy books by Brandon Sanderson. He read the Steelheart trilogy earlier this year, followed by the Mistborn Trilogy, and now he just finished The Rithmatist.

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I am currently reading aloud The Hiding Place.  My soon to be 9th grader is reading To Kill a Mockingbird. My soon to be 7th grader (slow reader) is still working through Little Women, but for her fun reading is reading something on Dr. Who right now. It's like a book about the monsters or something.  I think she picks up The Hobbit occasionally too.

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We are reading The Boys in the Boat (young reader edition) to go along with our Olympic fever.


11 year old and I are also reading Okay for Now, and 13 year old is reading newest Rick Riordan about Apollo.  


OP:  We really liked Long Walk to Water.

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My Side of the Mountain

The Ability

The Wednesday Wars

A Long Way from Chicago

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip VanWinkle


Plus, we will continue our read-alouds.  For his summer reading, I just tried to pick things that I didn't think he'd pick on his own to expose him to other things. 

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I am reading The Wednesday Wars with my son.  I am reading Booked for myself.  (The Crossover by the same author is amazing!) I just finished Listen, Slowly.  All are great MG books from award wining authors.  If you want to keep up with some of the best MG books, visit Ramblings of a Wanna Be Scribe.  Every Monday she hosts a link up of bloggers evaluating MG fiction.  My favorite MG book though is Walk Two Moons.   The Newbery's are always good options.





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My DD11 just finished Itch and demanded that I take her to the library to pick up the sequel, Itch Rocks, that very minute. She's also reading the second 39 Clues series (Vespers vs. Cahills). I assigned To Kill a Mockingbird on audio book this week (narrated by Sissy Spacek *swoon*) and my DD was a little miffed, thinking her assigned reading was over for the year. That lasted until about the 3rd chapter when she decided it was the best book EVER. I overheard her listening last night, long after she should have been asleep.


Other audiobooks I plan to 'assign' this summer include Anne of Green Gables (which I doubt she'll like much as there is not enough action/suspense), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and some Norse Mythology, all of which I've wanted to expose her to, but haven't had a chance. She loves to knit, sew, sculpt, and draw while listening, so she'll listen to just about anything, even if it is outside her favorite genres (fantasy, adventure/suspense, mythology).

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We have some family illness to deal with which has slowed us down a bit this summer but:

Read Alouds Completed:  Who Is J.K. Rowling? Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows (in progress), Series of Unfortunate Events 4 & 5.  Started HP & Events last summer.

Read Alouds Planned:  Continue with a few more Events books, Benedict Society # 2?  Finish Among the Hidden series (left off with #3)

Novel Study - read and discuss with the individual boy;  6th grade:  Tuck Everlasting,  8th grade: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and The Messenger (Lowry - Read Giver & Gathering Blue previous summers).

Free Read:  6th Grade: George & the Big Bang (Hawking) and Goosebumps (various).  8th Grade:  undecided....

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Fourisenough - if you want fiction for Norse mythology, check out Sword of Summer. My kids and I really enjoyed that book. 


Thanks for the tip; I just put it on hold at the library. She big-red-puffy-heart-eyes loves Rick Riordan, so I'm sure she'll devour this book!

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Fourisenough...my 12yo son loved Itch and the sequel and generally only likes books with lots of action, but he really, really enjoyed Anne of Green Gables. Have faith. It's a great book!

Wonderful! I hope my DD has a similar reaction. Edited by fourisenough
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12 year old DD and I just started the first book in the "Dark is Rising" sequence by Susan Cooper and I think this is going to be our summer read-together series.  Then in the fall we're going to begin the Mensa middle school book list.


She just recently re-read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking glass.  She read Green Ember and will soon read the prequel (and the sequel when it comes out next month).    She also recently read one of the Enola Holmes books and just picked up the rest from the library.

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