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New and confused about next steps

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It was really helpful to me when I finally connected that the low muscle tone (DCD, hypotonia, etc.) was going to affect the muscles *inside* the body, not just the muscles of motion.  So yes, more prone to constipation.  No (or at least limited) cheese, no red meat, high fiber cereal every day, and of course plenty of water.  Now that she has that diagnosis, you could tell the camp nurse and have her pulled for breaks.  Or just give up on camps.  My dd, who is pretty low tone but who doesn't technically have a DCD label, gets wiped out at camp.  We've finally given up on them, because it seems like their whole gig is to run, run, run the kids.  She has fun but then she's dead for at least a week.  Now she does drama camps, and that works for her.  They still have fun, but they're not out running for hours a day, lol.


Do you know how to massage her gut and open her ileocecal valve?  It's not hard, believe it or not.  You give her a bath to get her relaxed, then massage her.  Also she can drink hot water or a hot tea with lemon.  Blueberries (organic if possible) can also help.  


I agree with you a lot of health problems go back to the gut and digestion.  It's ironic, because we tell people to drop fruit when they have candida, when fruit is what keeps the gut moving properly and gives you enzymes for good digestion!  So there's sometimes advice that seems to work and then backfires or makes things worse over the long run.  


I'm so sorry she's not feeling well.  There *is* the theory that some supplements like carnitine, etc. can help with low tone.  The theory is that there's an underlying mitochondrial disorder.  You could read about mito.  I think there are degrees of it and you might find some tips that would work for you.  We've discussed mito here in the past.  For us it was helpful to understand WHY our energy tanks.  The mitochondria ARE the powerhouses of the cells.  Ironically, salad and good things feed the mitochondria!  And it explains why some things are maybe *more* taxing for some people's bodies than others.  Then we can at least work with it and go ok, I realize I'm putting my body under that kind of stress, so I will choose to limit it or do things to support it.  

Edited by OhElizabeth
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BTW OhE- Love your verse in your signature. That could so easily be my life verse right now.  Love it!  Sounds like the OP could latch onto that too.  OP- oh my yes, get your own health stable before you tackle dd's.  Mom cannot meet the needs of her children when she hasn't met her own needs first.  Sounds like you are knee deep in that process.  And I so get the tested and evaluated to death issue.  My kiddo has had it with evaluations and they have only just begun.  Hugs to you as you wade through it all.   :grouphug:

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Oh I believe (so does her GP) that she has GLOBAL low muscle tone - hence the swallowing, digestion issues. 


I have spent the last 2 nights giving her abdominal massage - but no technique - just good ole fashion mamma instincts! LOL


She has been drinking lots of tea and liquids.  Benefibre etc.  Last night the pharmacist recommended Milk of Magnesia and I think it actually worked!


She is coming to terms with the fact that camp might not be her friend.  She also realizes that she needs to start making the connections and giving her body the rest it needs etc.  We shall see...she loves these damn camps so much.  This is by far the worst it has ever been.  Usually she needs a day in bed watching TV.  I think she went into this camp exhausted and that caused a lot of problems?


Add to that the fact that my son has a bad case of pink eye and I want to dig a hole and not come out! LOL!



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BTW OhE- Love your verse in your signature. That could so easily be my life verse right now.  Love it!  Sounds like the OP could latch onto that too.  OP- oh my yes, get your own health stable before you tackle dd's.  Mom cannot meet the needs of her children when she hasn't met her own needs first.  Sounds like you are knee deep in that process.  And I so get the tested and evaluated to death issue.  My kiddo has had it with evaluations and they have only just begun.  Hugs to you as you wade through it all.   :grouphug:


Thank you!!  Yes I think this has been a TOUGH year in my house and with the school year winding down we are all just DONE.  I think we need a few weeks to decompress and get our bearings before we dust off and begin the next steps.


I think if I called a PROMPT specialist right now I would only be half focused and miss so much.  I need to finish off this month of testing for me - and finally put all of my issues behind us - which seems to be what everyone thinks the outcome will be so fingers crossed.  And then start the neurological assessment.


Once i Have that first appointment and I see what the plan is going to be for her I can make decisions if I need to add my own supplementary actions or if their plan seems comprehensive enough.

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YAY!!  I just received the Gov't assessment of our application for the disability tax credit - they approved it retro-active for the past 9 years so we should be receiving a pretty good chunk of change.  This will free us up to get her the services she needs over the next year or two without having to go further into debt!  Such a relief!

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