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We're using MCT and Brave Writer and love them, so I'm not looking for another curriculum. But they're both "big picture" approaches, and DD is really hung up specifically on how to write topic sentences. It's stressing her out. Anyone know of a resource to work on this skill?

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Is she having trouble writing topic sentences before she writes the paragraphs or does she already have paragraphs that are just in need of a topic sentence?  If it is the former, the information below may help.


I just looked in my Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing (college level, so probably not what you're looking for), and in its discussion of topic sentences it points out that usually in the initial drafts of a piece of writing, topic sentences are omitted or they tend to come at the ends of paragraphs because writers are still searching for the points they are trying to make.  The other problem when drafting is that the writer will have a topic sentence but it won't match what the paragraph actually says.  All of these issues can be fixed in the editing process.




It's after she writes the content sentences, though I appreciate the information above. I always wrote my topic sentences first and found it odd she didn't.


She can come up with what the paragraph is about (how kites fly, for example) but is stuck on developing that. She might try "This is about how kites fly." We're working in general on building good sentences, but she especially seems to have a block regarding topic sentences.


There is a lot more covered than just topic sentences, but we have been using Writing Skills Book A this year and it does a good job of breaking paragraphs down and covering topic sentences.  They are inexpensive workbooks and painless to complete. 

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