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Do we need the practice sheets for Rod and Staff Math? Ordering Friday afternoon . . .

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I have my cart ready to go with Rod and Staff Math Grade 1.

Do I need the practice sheets?


This says it's 954 pages in a cardboard box. That's alot of pages.


We already have done a ton of number formation and count the butterflies and write the number in the box.

I get moans and groans when she sees pages like that and she's ready to move onto addition, subtraction, fractions and the like.

She already knows addition to 10.


Thanks in advance!






If she already knows her addition facts up to 10 don't buy grade 1. Buy grade 2. All the extra practice sheets are in the student workbooks with the lesson pages. If she grasps stuff quickly don't be afraid to skip redundant work. We did every problem of every lesson in 1 and 3, but my more mathy students skipped swaths of 2.

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We never purchased the practice sheets for math either.  I did make use of the speed drills.  I think the practice sheets would be good for a classroom to send home for homework when needed. But I never used them for either of my girls.  There are plenty of pages in the workbooks and plenty of practice done in class period using the TM.

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We kind of like the black line masters, but we pick and choose which to do.  In the teacher's manuals you'll see them graded (one symbol means basic, one means 'try to do these', and one means advanced or fun).  They are great to have on hand when do need extra practice or someone wants to do a dot to dot.  YMMV, esp as yours is a bit older than mine :)



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