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will a bluetooth + kindle fire be loud enough in a minivan?

Lucy the Valiant

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Dh has a Bluetooth that clips into his visor and it is pretty loud. I can't find his online anymore, as it is an older one, but there are quite a few when you look it up.

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My hubby brought home that one to try. He borrowed from his colleague just to see how loud. Not so great for classical music but definitely loud.

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You can still buy a tapedeck converter that plugs into your Fire's headphone jack and is inserted in the van's tape deck. Then it uses your van's speakers, which is nice. They are usually about the same price as a cheap Bluetooth speaker, so maybe even on cost, but the tape converter stays in the van, and the Bluetooth speaker can be used more easily elsewhere. Sometimes the "tape" part of the converter makes a physical clicking noise that drives the front seat passengers batty. On a good day you can fix this by messing around with it, but some days you can't.

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I use the tapedeck converter for my Kindle when I drive DH's truck. I have never had a clicking issue with it.  I've used it to listen to audiobooks or podcasts when I drive the 800 miles to DS's college so there has been plenty of 'testing' time.  The only issue I have had is that certain audiobooks quickly drain the Kindle battery; the battery lasts the entire trip if all I do is play music.  I purchased a car charger that fits the Kindle and now I'm good to go either way.  I would like to find a way to attach the Kindle to the dashboard of the truck while I drive.  I am a neatnick and the cords stretching across the foot well bother me after a while.  


I hope you find a way to improve your sound quality.

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To clarify: We have a 6-CD player system in the van (no tape deck), and we usually just listen to audio books on CD. But I would like to be able to play the Kindle loud enough that we can all listen to that, too, and figured someone here had already tried this "cheap-hacker-trick" so I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel.


The van's a 2005 - lots of miles left in her, but unfortunately just 1-2 years too old to have a line in jack for the speaker system.




Dust, I ordered yours. :)

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Our system is an iPad plus a $25 bluetooth speaker from Target.  Everybody way in the back seems to hear ok, but sometimes my ears are sore at the end of the day from listening loudly.  It's not bad enough that we've changed up things though.


We have this speaker: http://www.target.com/p/808-bluetooth-wireless-speaker-canz-assorted-colors/-/A-16289211#prodSlot=medium_1_21&term=bluetooth+speaker


I purchased a 2-hole usb charger so that I can charge the bluetooth and iPad while I am driving.    The battery will allow the speaker to play for 4-6 hours, but I usually drive 15 hours a day when we are doing cross-country trips.

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