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Book recommendations for Anatomy, Zoology and Botany??? (1st to 6th grade)


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Next year we are covering Anatomy, Zoology and Botany. I am using McHenry for the Botany but the other 2 will be my own compilation.


Looking for your favorite read alouds, picture books, spines, and assigned reading (for the 4th and 6th grader).


Considering Quark chronicles for a read aloud also?? Any reviews??



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Yes, we are covered in encyclopedias and scholastic ebooks :). I have The Body book in both paper and e-format :).


I have most of the Read and Find out books related to the human body for the younger set (even my 9yo enjoys them).


I found a zoology text commonly used in High School, so I may get a used copy to use as my spine with the oldest and a list of topics for the rest. I know one of my DC would love something on taxonomy of animals. (I found this "slide" presentation in pdf format: http://www.teachingandlearningresources.co.uk/classification.pdf


We are doing this in a primarily read/narrate/experiment format as a group.

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I wasn't thinking of olders. My rising 6th/7th is lightyears away from my little two.


Exploring the Way Life Works by Hoagland may be accessible to the 6th grader. It's a "nonmajor" flavor of high school book, for lack of a better term. It's far more enjoyable to read than the average textbook.


The Way WE Work by Macaulay has delicious pencil drawn artwork. Good for the 6th grader, and maybe the 4th grader too. (Do make sure you're okay with the reproduction section at the end before handing it over.)


Some of the readers I have listed for the precocious 6th/7th grader (but I have NOT pre-read yet) are: Wicked Plants: The Weed that Killed Lincoln's Mother, The Drunken Botanist, Wicked Bugs (same author as Wicked Plants), The World in a Drop of Water, Life in a Bucket of Soil, The Book of Blood: From Legends and Leeches to Vampires and Veins, Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science, Bones: Skeletons and How They Work, The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature.

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Some of the readers I have listed for the precocious 6th/7th grader (but I have NOT pre-read yet) are: Wicked Plants: The Weed that Killed Lincoln's Mother, The Drunken Botanist, Wicked Bugs (same author as Wicked Plants), The World in a Drop of Water, Life in a Bucket of Soil, The Book of Blood: From Legends and Leeches to Vampires and Veins, Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science, Bones: Skeletons and How They Work, The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature.


SilverMoon, is this the book you are referring to? http://www.amazon.com/World-Drop-Water-Exploring-Microscope/dp/0486403815/ref=cm_wl_huc_item

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Yes. I think there's a couple/few more from the same author that could work too.

Thanks, I also am getting the Scientists in the Field series (not all ,but for sure the Hidden Worlds one and a few of the animal based ones).

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So, I was browsing blogs and such while searching for a good lead on a plant book for my 3rd grader, and came across this blog describing a Childcraft volume that sounds fabulous. I own that exact set, including that book. Guess I should have shopped on my own shelves first. :o  If you're still looking, there are a couple volumes that would work for zoology as well. 

5. About Animals

6. The Green Kingdom

7. Story of the Sea

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