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Susan M in WA, about your Kindle...

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You say you're reading more than ever now. That's great! I am curious to know how the Kindle has improved your reading. Is it easier to tote around than a book? Is it somehow more fun?


How exciting! I don't know anyone who reads with one, so I'd love to hear about your experience.


Anyone else? Are you reading on the Kindle, or the Sony device?

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I am reading more because I have lots of books with me all the time now. It is the size of a slim paperback and fits into my purse. I have about 30 books in my purse now.


I am the kind of person who often has several books going at once, but I have to be "in the mood" to read certain books. With the Kindle, I have everthing with me. I keep several fiction books, the local paper, some non-fiction and copies of what the kids are reading too.


I have teenagers, but I still drive them to lots of activities. I have completely changed what I do when I am out with some time to wait. In the past, I would go the library and pick out some books, but also browse the internet. Other times I would do grocery shopping more to fill the time than to actually shop because we needed items.


Now - I either go to a coffee shop or stay in the car. I can sit and read and if my mood changes or I get tired of reading a particular title, I just switch to something else.


I can also use it on the treadmill. I listen to audio lectures while I walk on the treadmill and this is a good activity for me, but now I have an option and when I am really into a book and don't want to stop reading, I will go onto the treadmill so that I have an excuse to keep reading. The Kindle will let you change font sizes, so I bump up the font size so I can see it from a distance and start walking.


For classic literature, there is a ton of free material available - Project Gutenburg for one.


I must say that this is my favorite gadget. I am spending less time on the internet and more time with reading.


I don't want to gush too much about it, but it is a life changing gadget for someone who loves to read and is on the go. I'll be happy to answer any more questions about it.

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I haven't run into very many people who have heard of it and so far, I haven't run across anyone else who has one.


While the initial price is steep, I think this is a great tool for homeschoolers. All of the classic literature that we could ever want to read is available for free through several sources.


I wish there were more textbooks available but the publishers still need to get on board and books with lots of pictures are not the strong suit for this device.


Does anyone else here have one?

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My best friend has one, and like you, she swears by it. As someone who finally got a cell phone and an iPod in 2007, I think it will be 2010 before I invest in a Kindle. GRIN. It does sound fabulous for someone like me who reads a dozen books a week, and yet doesn't mind reading them over and over.

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Sorry I missed your follow up, Susan!

I'm having a terrible case of sciatica and sitting at my desk is a killer.

I found a solution, though! I put my laptop on the bar in the kitchen and it's just the right height to stand and type.


I am much like you when it comes to reading on the go. I never know what I'll be in the mood for, so I always tote several books with me. What a convenient thing to have them all in one slim device.


I also like the sound of changing the text size for reading during a workout. I used to try to read and walk on my treadmill, but I'd get a headache from trying to focus on the small print while I was moving. Ugh!


You know? I may have to start saving my pennies. I like the sound of this more and more! :D

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I want one but I'm holding out just a little longer. A Kindle would definitely help me lighten my purse/diaper/mombag load. ;)


I'm dying for one, but they've been back-ordered for over a month now (urgh). Plus, I love to read in bed, and by the time I go to bed, but dh is already asleep by the time I quit working and crash. So I really wish they'd built in an optional "use it if you want it" backlight feature.


But it sounds way cool, and it's on my list of must-have gadgets (I short list, I have to say, as I don't even have an ipod yet!)

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I don't have an iPod, either, and that's been on my wish list for quite some time, but I think the Kindle might bump it.


It was hard for me to wrap my brain around, at first, and I still hesitate, fearing we're entering some sort of Star Trek age, where books will become antiques...but man! International newspapers downloaded, without having to sit at a computer? I think all the possibilities, periodical-wise are what got my attention. Somehow the book thing was too much to swallow, at first. :o)


It's sounding better and better all the time.

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It was hard for me to wrap my brain around, at first, and I still hesitate, fearing we're entering some sort of Star Trek age, where books will become antiques...but man! International newspapers downloaded, without having to sit at a computer? I think all the possibilities, periodical-wise are what got my attention. Somehow the book thing was too much to swallow, at first. :o)


It's sounding better and better all the time.


Exactly! I was making dinner last night, trapped in the kitchen but not actively *cooking* at that moment, and I thought to myself, *THIS* would be a perfect time to use one.


Far away from the stove, of course, because I *am* a black belt in klutz, but still...


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I'm not quite ready to ditch books yet. I enjoy the feel and smell of a new edition and physically dog-earring the pages.


It occurred to me recently that it doesn't have to *replace* our beloved books. What a revelation!


Now I am really interested! :D

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It occurred to me recently that it doesn't have to *replace* our beloved books. What a revelation!


It would be vey difficult to "replace" books - this is definitely a tool to enhance book reading. It is fabulous for books that are just text.


I thought it would be fabulous for students and textbooks, but when I tried reading the book "You: Staying Young...", I found some of the pitfalls. This particular book has lots of inset notes and pictures and they disrupt the flow of reading.


I have also found that for a couple of books - I bought the paperback and Kindle versions. This can't happen very often because it is a high price to pay for convenience - but it really was convenient.


Just this week, we had a visit to an emergency room and I was really glad to have it with me. Endless waiting is so much nicer with a library at your fingertips.

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