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Attention: Visual Latin users

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We are finishing up Prima Latina, and it's taken us years to get through it.  :blush:  Not due to anything with the program, but it always seems to be the first subject I drop.  After reading Latin-Centered Curriculum I'm determined to make it a priority and I thought VL would be a great way to go for my  older DC, since it moves at a faster pace than MP.  I plan on starting the younger ones (1st and 4th) with Prima Latina, and have the older ones (6th and 9th) start VL.


I ordered Lingua Latina: Pars 1 to go with VL.  There is a 1st edition which is a bit cheaper than the 2nd edition.  On the website, he says the only difference is the lack of color pictures, which I'm totally fine with.  ;)  I also plan on adding in the free readers available on the website.  After both levels of VL, we'll probably use some of Memoria Press's Henle materials.  


I plan on going through the lessons myself this summer so I can work on school with my younger ones while the older ones do their Latin.

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We started with Prima Latina, tried a lesson of Visual Latin, then switched to First Form Latin. We really like the Memoria Press's Form series for Latin. We should complete First Form Latin by the end of May, then we will start Second Form Latin. I think Visual Latin is a very good program, but the grammar parts-to-whole approach works best for us (Memoria Press Form series). 

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Thanks for your replies :)


I was planning on adding Lingua Latina to VL when we get to that lesson. I also have Henle so I might use that once we have worked through VL, probably grade 9.


I really needed something fun for her for Latin, so VL seems to be making a little fun for her :)


I plan on using VL with my younger two when they also get to grade 6ish. I am thinking I might purchase Prima Latina for her now and work through that and Latina Christiana at her pace. She will most likely be finished with those by the time she begins grade 6. 

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