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We are considering a math games class for our co-op for next year for grades 4-6. We will meet for 18 weeks over the school year for one hour each week. Does anyone have any suggestions for resources to set this up?






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I'm going to be helping plan a 5th grade math games class at our co-op. I won't meet with the teacher until summer, but I can tell you what I will be suggesting.


When I've taught math games classes in the past (it's actually been a few years), I usually focus on a specific skill, such as addition games, each class period. I begin with basic operations before moving into working with fractions and such. Geometry tends to be more challenging to find a game, but hands on projects to teach skills can be fun in the classroom, such as building shapes with sugar cubes to figure volume. 


I usually plan a lot of dice and card games. Games like the Shut the Box are good. Pig is a lot of fun. 


Resources like these are helpful.


Ronit Bird's free resources


Mega-Fun Card Game Math

What's Your Angle?

Mega Fun Fractions





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