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RightStart to AOPS


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We have stayed with rs a-g. We added lof fractions, then decimals and percents following e. I have aops on the shelf to begin soon (around lesson 100 in g).


As we haven't made the jump, I can't tell you if it will work 😉, but those are the plans. Fwiw, we really enjoyed rs. I'm glad we stuck with it. But I didn't know about ba earlier, that might have changed my opinion

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My oldest is on the RS>BA>AoPS track and DS#2 is working toward RS>RS+BA>AoPS.


I haven't seen level G, but yes, RS is light on fractions (at least through E).  The conceptual teaching of fractions is strong, but the actual manipulation of and computational work with fractions is... lacking.  They made a separate Fractions book, which I think is meant to fill this gap, but I haven't used it.  


I'm curious about G and what all it covers.  My DS#3 is very, very hands-on and I think he would enjoy sticking with RS to the end, but it's a little early to know for sure.  

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We are almost done using RS Fractions...on day 34 out of 42 days. I'm glad that we've gone through it as it shows me that my daughter needs just a little more practice with finding the LCM and using that to come up with equivalent fractions. The first half of the fractions book was super easy for my daughter after level E, but then we encountered the GCF and LCM and I don't remember seeing much of that in E.


I actually really enjoy RS methods of teaching math, even more than Beast Academy's approach. However, I must mention that we are using several different materials: RS Fractions, RS level G, Beast (currently in 3C), and Hands on Equations. My hope was to slow my daughter down a little before getting to AOPS pre-A and I think my plan is working. We should have enough material to last us through the year and start AOPS in January, perhaps.

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My last son went RS E> MM 5 plus selections from MM 6 > (1/3) RS G > VT A,B,C (still plugging away).

I would like to try my next son on AOPS eventually, but I do feel like he needs a transition year as well. If I use RS F next, which level do I enter with BA? I ordered the 5A, but from what I have been reading on here, he may need to back up into 4. Where should I start him if he has finished RS A-E? Someone mentioned something about a placement test, but I would love to hear from folks who have made this transition before.


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