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R&S English -- do I need WWE too?


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No, you do not.


R&S's English series is very comprehensive, covering both composition and grammar well. It is even better if you require your dc to do their assignments in writing instead of orally, because much of the grammar also requires writing.

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I'm the dissenter here.  I like IEW writing and use it with Rod and Staff English.  I guess there just wasn't a weekly writing activity to keep skills up.  I skip all the writing activities in R&S.  That being said, in  level 5, there are some nice instructions on how to outline information for a report.

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Oh you absolutely *can* do a different writing program easily enough if you want to. We did around the English 5 book because we wanted progymnasmata methods instead. Even then I wouldn't call it a *need*, and especially not for a kid in book 2 or 3, where the composition practice is embedded in the grammar lessons.


But even skipping the actual composition lessons in R&S isn't skipping all the actual writing, unless you're doing the exercises orally. Copying the sentences to add the correct punctuation or helping verb is also learning composition skills.

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