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Anyone? I want something that is easy-ish for him... He is a perfectionist which is the main reason he is a bit late finally being willing to embrace he idea of phonics... But the ETC descriptions are unclear to me which book I might start with... I had planned on just starting 1, then going quickly thru if he wanted... But then looking again it seems maybe 3/4?


Ps... Only starting them because he sees little sis doing the get ready books and wants them.., and I think the easy ones he could do independently while I am preoccupied with a kid, an animal, or food of some kind...


Just start at the beginning with A. They will be somewhat repetitive, but will enforce what he's learned. We've gone through them quickly this time. My newest reader went through A, B, & C already, we will begin Book 1 after we return from a family trip this week.


Yep, book 4 is hard! I thought it was going to break my son! Book 5 is easier. He's finishing 6 now, and I'm considering having him do 4 1/2 (the review book for level 4) now because I think he could handle the concepts in 4 better now than he could then.


Interesting, why is book 4 harder?


OP DS is almost done with 4 now and it's a lot of multi syllable division rules which is very similar to what he is doing in AAR so it's been fine here. The words are simple like bacon, pony, puppy, etc. He doesn't have a problem with the syllable division exercises but he's not always clear on when to add an extra letter like puppy vs. pupy. Right now he's on Y endings.


Has he seen the pictures yet? They are weird. Sometimes I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking at but luckily DS gets it but I could see that being a problem if your DS doesn't like them.

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