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Language Smarts opinion? 1st grade

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Good morning!!  I am starting to really look at next year and am not sure about one thing I have planned for my DS.  He will be in first grade.  I have done FLL 1 and 2 with my DD and it was fine (although we have burned out toward the end of 2 and will be switching to CLE LA 3 next year).  


However, my DS is a typical boy...not as willing to do things that tend to be dry.  And as much as FLL worked with my daughter, it is dry.  Looking at other things I have ready for him, I do not think FLL will go over well.  However, I do believe that INTRODUCING grammar, in a gentle way, has been great for DD.  


SO....all that to say...I came across Language Smarts from Critical Thinking Co. last night and I like the looks of it.  Short, edible bites of work, VERY colorful and engaging and even some reasoning puzzles and stuff.  Has anybody ever used it and what are your thoughts?  Again, not trying to make him a grammar wiz, but just an introduction to concepts.  



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I like this series.  Most exercises are a page or less, so not too much writing.  The exercises are varied enough that the child doesn't complain about doing the same thing day after day.  The puzzles in book B are fun.  My strongly independent younger son can complete the exercises on his own.  The recent publication of a fourth volume means that I don't have to scamble to find him something else for next year.


The grammar is light.  If grammar in first grade is important to you, you'll probably want to supplement those pages with additional resources. 


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